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I used to believe that if you were a tattle tale, then you would actually begin to grow a tail from behind. When I got older and figured out it wasn't true, i would tell my younger sisters the same thing. It was great because they would always look behind them.

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I was a very big "story teller" when I was about 4 or 5, so my mother told me that green smoke came out of my ears everytime I lied. Soon I started telling stories while covering my ears with my hands.

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When I was little, around 6 or 7, my older sister was afraid of spiders. Since I wasn't and she didn't like that I wasn't she made me scared of them by telling me that everytime you fell asleep with your mouth open or woke up with your mouth open it meant that you ate a spider. I would try to keep my mouth closed everytime I was ready to sleep and if I woke up with my mouth open I got freaked out that I had eaten a spider until I was around 10.

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My brother was mean to me when i was young. We were sitting in the car while our mother was visiting someone real quick, and those little plastic reflecter things were in the road. My brother pointed to it, since it was pretty close to our car, and told me it was a bomb. I got out of that car SO fast.

A Gullible Girl
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This happened when i was seven. My EVIL ten-years-older-than-me brother told me that he was actually a really big three year old. His other seventeen year old friends agreed with him, so i believed him.

I suddenly got the idea that i was negative-seven years old because my parents said he was ten years older than me.

Yes, i did the math all wrong. I was only seven!

Anyway, i started freaking out because i thought that i was'nt even born yet... maybe i was a freak of nature? That made me belive a whole lot of other things that made absolutley no sense.

All because of my brother. -.-;

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my aunt used to tell her children that she has a house somewhere, as big as a palace and done up like one, and whenever the children asks about it she would say that it was still in building. and they believed her and waited for the day to move into the palace.

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Once, when I was little, some slightly older kids I was playing with drew a circle around me and said that if I left it cacti would grow through my feet. They proceeded to taunt me from outside.
Needless to say, I believed them and weeped and cried loudly until my mom came to my rescue to carry me out and yell at the others.

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When I was about 12 I asked my mom how people got emu oil. Her response was you put your forefinger and thum on either side of the emu's leg and almost milked the emu oil out. She always said that she never lied so I believed her for a few weeks until she finally told me differently.

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One day when my little brother was little my mother, aunt, and I made up a little trick. We said that he was gonna get a boobie on his forehead when he turns ten. He got even more upset when my aunt and I told him that I had an older brother(me being the oldest)that died when he got his boobie removed. He was crying for weeks. I don't think I'll ever let him live it down!

Mean Sister
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When I was in grade school, most of my enemies just happened to be kids who rode the bus to our school, so I developed this huge mistrust in them. One day I was playing out at recess with a friend of mine and pointed at something in the grass using my middle finger because my hands were full. Another kid (an older, BUS KID!) said she was going to tell on me for using the 'bad finger'. I remember being oblivous and asking what I did. She told me the middle finger was bad and I said I didn't believe her, to stop making stuff up. Haha, I was a dumb agressive kid.

Angry Sar
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When I was little, my brother used to tell me these ubsurd things about him. I normally didn't believe him. One day, my dad was watching an old James Bond movie. I asked my brother if he knew anybody that was a spy. He said that he was a spy,and that when we were away from mom and dad, he would eat me. I stayed away from him for the next week.

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At my primary school, they corridors had lino on the floor with a pattern of grey squares with a few black squares dotted around at random intervals. On the way to + from assembly I would play a little game with myself, trying not to stand on the black squares. When a few of my classmates asked why I was doing this, I told them the first thing that came into my hea, ie. that the black squares were magic holes + they might open up if you stand on them, + you'd fall through to the centre of the earth.
Of course they were all terrified of falling through the holes, + some were a bit P'ed off that I hadn't told them sooner.

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My mother told me if you ever told a lie your tongue went grey and thats how she knew id been telling lies. For years I used to vcheck my tongue.

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i used to believe that if you lie you really will get lie bumps.

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this actually happened about a month ago, and my friend and i are both 15. my weird friend was arguing with little kids because they didnt want people to hurt animals, but they still ate meat. my friend, is obesessed with bears. we call her bear. she also is obsessed with eggo waffles, so i told her that eggos had bits of real bears in them. she was like, "no they dont..." but after five minutes of a really serious face she bought it. it was great. she believed it for about 2 hours before someone told her she was a total idiot. she doesnt take sarcasm well either.

Anchorman Misquoter
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top belief!

My parents used to tell me that when I was lying I'd get a black dot on my tongue. I got to the point when I didn't believe it anymore. One day I was eating black liquorish, or something of the sort and told a lie. My dad asked to see my tongue, and then said that he saw a black spot. I didn't believe him, so he told me to take a look in the mirror. I saw the black spot and burst into tears. I tried SO hard not to lie to him afterward.

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When I was in primary school, one of my classmates was a bully (his father was a policeman). He would threaten me that he would my get my dad arrested(without any crime?? ; ) ).I was forced to give him my stationaries for him not to do so. How I beleived him then, I feel like thrashing him now.

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I thought grown-ups NEVER lied. A grown up probably lied to me.

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this strangness has been passed down the family

rape is when little boys tie little girls to trees now ofcourse my momy was terified when my mema told her this but not as much as if you go outside and the owls see you the'l bite your scalp off

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One day my friend Amy came to school and told me about the new skyscraper her parents had gotten her. I was extremely jealous and wondered why I didn't have a small rocket to fly around in.

normal now
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