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my mum told me when i woz about 5 that the day boxing day woz when people used to box in a hall and my family used to provide the food

bazzar i no !!!!!!!!!!!!1

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We were visiting my grandmother ( I must have been 6) and on the way into the house I found a puddle in her driveway that was filled with all these colorful oil swirls. I proceeded to swirl them around even more with my finger. I went in the house and washed my hands at my mother's insistence. As I was drying them off, My sister who was 2 years older came up behind me shaking her head but looking like it was a lost cause. You shouldn't have done that. You can't mix oil and water. Now your hand is going to catch on fire. So I waited in terror for the next couple of hours, watching and waiting for my hand to burst into flames!

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We were watching a house fire on the news and I was about 4 or 5 and my older sister who would have been 7 or 8 told me that everyone's house would burn down at some point in their life. She also told me the same thing about accidentally stapling your finger like she did one day. I was terrified of the day that I'd have to feel that pain.

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i had a firend in elementary school named April. One time she showed me a sparkly diamond (which I now know was fake) and said she had tunnels under her bed and in the tunnels were tons of diamonds. For a long time I wanted to go under her bed and look for diamonds.She never would let me. She also had many other stories that i believed.

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top belief!

when i went through my 'lying stage' at about 3 years old, my mom figured out a way to stop me of it. She would say that if she knew I was lying that my tongue would turn blue. So, when I would lie (which is obvious at 3), my mom would say, 'Let me see your tongue'. She would say, 'Yep, just as I thought, you were lying'. Then, I would look in the mirror and there it was - a big blue tongue.
Everytime she would say let me see your tongue, she would touch it with her finger which had blue food coloring on it. After a couple of times, she would not have to catch me in a lie bc I would give myself away by looking in the mirror before I did lie.
I stopped the incesant lying.

rob etheridge
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When my friend Liz and I were in second or third grade, I thought it would be really slick to trick the neighbor boy into thinking Liz's name was really Zelda. He fell for it, and we felt so cool, almost like spies. Sometimes I would slip up and call her "Liz" in front of my neighbor, but I covered it up by saying I was confusing "Zelda" with her twin sister, Liz.

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there was this kid in school called wendy when we were 7 in the mid 70s, and the bands Abba and Brotherhood of Man who won the Eurovision were very popular, she told everyon her mother was the brown haired one out of abba, and when it was brotherhood of man thateveryone liked better she said her mum was in that too, and thats why she knew all the dances i beleived her too, and i was dead jealous, i went home and said to my mum, its not fair why isnt my mum a pop star who can show me how to do dancing and make up and have lots of money my mum laughed her head off when i told her but i still beleived wendy not my mum!

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When I was at Primary School (in the UK) about 8 years old I wanted a girl's sherbret dip (candy) and I had some glitter in a small tube. So I told the girl my glitter was 'Christmas sherbert', she believed me and gave me her sherbert dip in exchange...boy was she mad when she took a mouthful of the glitter!

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My parents used to make me believe that if you lie to anyone (especially your elder) then you would go to hell and the demons would cut out your tongue.
I didn't care though ;)

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When me and my sister were little, I my uncle would always take us out after school, unless he was terribly sick. Well, we LOVED Hardees, I guess it was becuase of the play pin, so we would spen HOURS ON IN, in that playpin full of balls, after a while, he got burnt out on Hardees. We passed one day, "Uncle Uncle, HARDEES!!!" and his reply "Uh...They are closed for cleaning"

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When I was little, my grandpa and uncle Mike scared the shit out of me saying that if I was a bad girl, they were going to take me to the baby market and sell me for another baby. My grandpa would show me this big building and say, "See sissy, there's the baby market, you'd better be good today!!" He'd even go out of the way to scare me by saying they only fed you corn cobs, beans, and brocolli (I hated all three of them) I learned that it was made up when I was about 11.

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I was told when I was very young that every time you lied a bump would grow on the back of your tongue and if too many lies were said the bumps would grow very big and you wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

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Once I told my sister that I wasn't really her sister & I was an alien called invader Zim. I said that I had killed her real sister & If she didn't help me take over the world, I would kill her too. She believed me & I got away with it until we got a call from her kindergarten teacher asking why my sister was acting so weird!

psyco kid
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My Mother always told me that when we lied a black hole would appear on our hearts and with every lie would grow bigger. It was very very rare for me to lie. And it taught me not to cause I don't now

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my sister had a thing for tricking me when i was younger. one day she told me all of these things that supposedly happened to me in my earlier years. the one that i believed the most was the falling off the empire state building and breaking my leg story. because i had a big scar on my knee already, she used that as evidence.

so one day my mom was talking to her friend and she was talking about something that her son had done and miraculously survived without injury, and feeling the need to impress i blurted about that grand time i fell off he empire state building and only broke my leg.


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I used to believe (the neighbor girl told me this when I was four) that families in Japan took baths together in bath houses, where the bath water used was human pee, (undiluted).

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When I was 4 I went fishing with my grandfather. He opened a can of tuna for lunch and tossed it in the water. When I questioned him about it he said "Don't worry the cans are made with a special metal the desolves." I went on thinking this until I was 13 and was looking at a can of tuna wondered why the water inside didn't desolve it.

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when i was 6, my big brother (12 at the time) told me that on the other side of the world there was a person exactly like himself, and whenever either of them bumped their heads, they switched bodies! i actually believed this, and to make matters worse, my bro would hit his head and then start saying things likw "who are you?" and "why am i here?" i would run screaming from the room

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one winter my brother asked if i wanted to see a "snow fly". when i said yes, he threw a snow ball in my face and laughed. years passed before i "got it".

joel s
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when my sister was 6 I told her there was a toy land on my ceiling and i would go in there when it is night. She believed me until she was 8

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