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top belief!
my little sister used to chatter non-stop at night when we went to bed. To get her to be quiet, i would tell her every night "be quiet, or else the (random name of animal or made up creature) will come to get you!"
so one night, she is starting to chatter before the lights are even out, so i tell her "be quiet! or the wild wild wombats will come to eat you up!"
by now she had been catching on to my plot, so when my mom came in to tuck us in, she asked "mom, is there such a thing as a wild wild wombat?" to which my mother replied "yes, of course."
my sister broke out into hysterical tears, and i broke into hysterical laughter. it took my mom a good twenty minutes to calm either of us down enough to tell her what had happened.
My best friend in fourth grade was really mean to me. One night, I was sleeping over at her house and she was telling me about how much she hates her parents and her siblings. I made her believe that her whole family was robots and that my fourth grade teacher(we both had different teachers in school) was the person behind it all. He would come into their house while everyone is sleeping and take her parents and her siblings and then replace them with robots. The "real" people were then taken hostage in my teacher's basement. She believed me for a long time. Then she would start to cry and tell me that she miss her parents and her siblings and she want them back. I would tell her that I will talk my teacher into letting them come back.
when i was young my two cousins held me down and put nail polish on my nails and then one of them said "oh no we've put the red polish on him what are we going to to" now really worried i said "why wat does the red nail polish do" she told me that red nail polish is poision i ran crying to mum who assured me they were lying
top belief!
when i was a kid i had a bit of a big forehead my two sister told me that i was adopted and that my real mum and dad were mr and mrs conehead and that my real name was tandori conehead i cryed for hours until my mum made them tell me that it wasnt ture.
I have a couple and mostly they are just what my sister told me. She told me that there was a grey cloud that hung over cemetaries and if you tried to go in, it would eat you. Also, one day we were playing outside (I was probably 4-6) and she started dancing around saying she was doing a rain dance and it started raining. I was amazed. I didn't find out until I was in 10th grade that she had felt a rain drop. When I was about 8, I would sleep in her room on the weekends and she told me that everything in her room would get cold at night, so she would put it on the bed with us. One time there was a blanket on the floor and she made me pick it up because it was cold.
top belief!
I used to believe that when ever you lied, a small part of your heart turned black. When your heart was completly black, you had a heart attack and died.
I also used to believe my mom when she told me that there is a special bone in the pinky that could be felt only if you lied.
When i was about 8 my sister once told me that she had met the queen. She said the queen would only let blondes into her palace and her T.V was as big as a cinema screen. . .of course i believed her DUH :-D
When I was a preschooler, my mother would always know when I was telling a lie because I would have one hand held up to my forehead. You see, she had told me that whenever I fibbed a big red dot would appear there. So, being a rather precocious child I would try and hide the proof!
I used to believe everything that my older sister told me. One day she told me that if i beat the commputer game money would come out of the slot of the printer and you would be rich. Imagine my state after my file was deleted and i had nearly won the game.
wen i was about 4 yrs old my older brother said that wen we are asleep we turn into small flys and that flys turn in to humans and i didnt believe him until my dad had a big fly costume 4 halloween 1 night.
I used to say to my little sister in a really mocking mean voice "you have a brain, you have a brain" of course she thought it was a bad thing to have and started crying but I kept telling her "you have a brain" and i used to tease her about it all then time, then once we were in the car and I was saying it. And she asked "Mom do I have a brain?" really smart-aleck-like. And My mom said "no. you don't" because my mom is funny. My little sister stuck her tongue out and me and said "told ya". My mom and I laughed so hard.
but then when she went to kindergarten, she told people They had brains and her teacher explained it all to her. She was so upset when she found out she actually did have a brain.
when i was younger my sister used to tell me that she could meet people in the clouds and as i believed her i used to tell her to pass my messeges to them.
When I was about 7 (in the '70's), one of our neighboprs had one of those metallic gazing balls on a pedastal in their yard. My brother told me if i touched it, it would explode. I spent many days waiting for the neighbors to leave and then creeping up to the ball in order to test the theory. I never did get up enough nerve to find out if it were true. In fact, to this day, I've never touched one.
I'm the youngest of 6 kids, and one of my brothers told me that I was such an ugly, bad baby that mom had her tubes tied the day I was born. I called him a liar, so he shouted, "MOM! Didn't you have your tubes tied when she was born so you couldn't have any more kids?" and she said "Well, yes." He teased me about it for a year. (Later, when we were in our 20s, we told our mom the rest of the story, and she was horrified!)
when i was about 6 i asked my older sis wat the square root sign on the calculator was for and she told me it checks how stupid you are and i tried it out and guess what i got a million number with a decimal i figured it was very big therfore i was very stupid and started crying to this day she still reminds me of how "stupid" i really was
top belief!
My older sister told me that eating potato chips would make me pregnant.......and I was afraid to eat them. I actually believed her until I was 10yrs old and realized she didn't know everything.
When I was little, my older brother told me that if I looked inside the gem of a class ring, I would be blinded forever. I believed him, why would a big brother lie?
My sister Marti (4 years older than I) used to take small toys from me during car rides and put them under her lap. She said that they went to "Cabbage Patch Land" and that she couldn't get them back nor would I ever see them again. I suspect that she threw them away everytime because I never saw them thereafter. We are now 21 and 17.
When I was little, my mom would always use the phrase "Your Dad Is Going To Have Your Head!" when ever my brothers and I got in trouble. I use to believe her and would imagine our heads hanging on the wall like trophies from a hunt.
when my sister was yonger, about 6-7, i told her if she was ever mean to me, or being bad, we would have to ship her back into the box she came from. needlesss to say she is never good.
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