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when i was little after every holloween i would be missing candy. so i asked my mom and she said that if i behave a little person would put candy behind the doors for me to find. the scary thing is that i actually did find candy..
***When i was little i used to wonder why some people had plump soft lips while others had small hard lips......then my little 4 year old mind came up with the idea that....if they told lies their lips would get smaller and if they said bad words their lips would get all hard and chapped.Then one day i took an oreo and my mom asked if i did and i said no...and right away i looked in the mirror and my lips looked smaller!! but it was just my imagination lol......but i still do not say bad words because i am still kind of worried if they will make my lips get all crusty lol....even though...if it did happen...there is always chap stick lol...but yeah...that's what i used to believe **hehe**
When I was little we drove by a nuclear reacter in a near by town. I asked what it was but my parents did not want to tell me the truth... That day it was clear blue skys and white puffy clouds so they told me it was a "cloud maker". I believed this until I was much older and in school.
When we drove by it on a fieldtrip the teacher asked us what we thought it was and I argued with her when she told us it was a nuclear plant. I got written up for that. Thanks, parents!
To get us to behave, my mom used to resort to warning us of "the old lady that lived in the attic." Mom told us that the lady was really old and sat in a rocking chair all day long and could see when we were being bad. Funny now, but when we were four or five, she was scary. LoL
When my sister was around five or six, she was very gullable. My brother and I, got her to a lot of cruel lies during that time. We still laugh at how we successfully convinced her she was pregnant (she asked my mom when she was having her baby), that my parents adopted her from a family of vampires, and that a ghost named "Blue" lived in a hole in her wall (she would go and talk into the hole).
when i was growing up, my older brothers used to tell me that if i ever broke something of my dad's that he would trade me in for a new kid and that was how i got there(because of the last kid breakin something). i was so scared, but i eventually learned the truth.
This is not my belief, but a belief myself and my younger sibling gave to our youngest sibling. We told him that when you turn 18 you have to go live in the state that you were born in. He was very upset because he was born in North Carolina and the rest of the family was born in Texas. Our mother was actually told this by his 1st grade teacher, man were we in trouble! Kids...
when I was little my dad had a bad habit of telling me and my brother lies.. I remember he would tell us that if we drinked Pespi before we went to sleep at night we would have nightmares" and he use to tell me that if I ate beans it would make hair grow on my chest"!! I was like "DAD I DONT WANT HAIR ON MY CHEST"!!!!! Ohh what great memories.. :)
top belief!
My neighbor, Mr. Starkey, told my sister and I that baby-sitting was just that; sitting on the child until the parents returned. I was terrified for years of having anyone babysit me for fear of getting squashed.
When i asked my friend what she did as a job, she sarcastically replied "a lollipop lady".
Stupidly, i believed her for a years. Until I asked why i never saw her, i had no idea. Embarrasingly, i was 15 and should have known better
When I was about five, I was told by another boy that if you ate a banana whole, without having to bite it into pieces, that you wuld turn into Bananaman from The Dandy! Quite a dangerous little fib come to think of it...
Well, when I was 10 and my friend was 8, I told him I was 32 and worked for the CIA. He believed me for about two years. I still bug him about that to this day.
If I remember correctly, it was in junior high school when some kid told me that "coletus" in the Eagles' song "Hotel California" meant 'little boy penis'. ("Warm smell of coletus rising up through the air.") I was horrified that grown men would sing about young boys in that way, and wondered why those boys had genitals that smelled that strongly. I still don't know what the true song lyrics are, or what "coletus" is.
when I was about 5 or 6, i was in detention for talking with a boy in my class and he confided in me that he was really the Red Ranger from power rangers and I admitted to him I was the pink ranger. I find this sooo funny now.
When my sister was about eight, she asked my parents how to crack a walnut. My parents decided to have some fun with her, so they said "First, put the walnut in the nutcracker. Then, hold it in your hand, and hold your breath. Now, hop around on one foot in a circle." My sister actually did it and it is now and forever known as The Walnut Dance.
When I was little, I used to believe my brother. Big mistake. One time, he was chasing me around the house, trying to catch me so I could receive my daily beating. I was able to out run him and got to my bedroom just in time to close and lock the door. He was pounding on the door and yelling. Then, finally he got quiet and calmly said, "If you open the door now, I won't beat you up as bad as if you open it later." I opened it and received the beating of a lifetime.
top belief!
We went to the beach for a week once, and my cousins and me were going out to the boardwalk to go on rides and stuff. My youngest cousin was too young to go, and so we told him we were being forced to go to the broccoli museum. He laughed at us when we got back because he got to stay home and play cards with my grandmother while we were forced to eat broccoli. ^_~
When I was little, I had a best friend who often told me information that was quite false. Unfortunately, I was not much better. She told me in art class that the teacher told her that Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear to sell it for art supplies. I told her that she wasn't right. It was because he wanted to give it to his girlfriend.
When I Was About 4, I Used To Get This Painful Little Bump (Canker Sore) On The Side Of My Tongue That Kept Coming Back. So, I Cried To My Mother About It And She Told Me That It Was A Lie Bump. Miraculously, It Always Appeared Whenever I Lied.(Which Was Probably Triggered From The Nervousness Of Lying)
I Believed This Until I Was 10 Years Of Age.
When I was about 6 or 7, my older sister told me that a day on Earth was really 2 seconds long, but it felt like 24 hours to the people on it. I belived this for years, and one day I finally questioned her about it. She burst out laughing and told me that she was a stupid child back then. I knew it couldn't have been true!!!
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