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I used to believe that if you crossed your fingers when you were lying, you weren't really lying.
My brother believed that my mother had ESP, and could tell when he was lying, but only when she touched him. So he always tried to avoid being touched when he lied about something.
Of course, I knew that he was just such a *bad* liar, that anyone would have known just by looking at him! No special skills required...
We used to tell our children that if they lied, that a white spot would appear on their nose that only adults could see. It worked of course and we knew they believed it ... because sometimes they would come in to tell us something odd ... and would cover their nose w/one of their hands as they told us
When I was five or six....I LOVED ice cream. Ice cream was something that was given to me as a "reward", etc. SO..I remember one time, waking up in the morning, and I just happen to look in the trash can, seeing two blizzard cups from Dairy Queen....OMG!!! I wondered who had enjoyed ice cream without me! I said nothing about this incident, until the next time it happened...I asked my mother and father, and they told me that while I was sleeping, the Dairy Queen workers would go around doing "door to door" deliveries. They apparently used to come like at 9pm or so....and my bedtime was 8pm, so I was left out because I was asleep. SO....for many years, this was told to me when my parents ate ice cream after I was in bed, and it turned out this was just some sick attempt at putting a little girl that REALLY liked ice cream off. Actually now, I think it is hillarious- the fact that you can tell little children this crap and they believe it......HA HA.
I was fifteen and my little sister was two. I pointed out to her the horizontal baby-fat lines accross her forearms - I told her they were seams. "What you mean?" she cried. I told her that was where she had been assembled, as we - all of us - were a family of robots. She screamed, "NO!". I said, "Yes - here's the proof". Earlier in the evening, I had smashed a broken radio into fragments with a hammer, and put the pieces down my shirt. I pulled out pieces of circuit board, transistors, wires, from my shirt and said, "See, here! These are robot parts! We're robots!" My baby sis ran screaming to our parents, who immediately barged into my room, demanding to know what was going on. Having quickly hidden the evidence, I told them I had no idea.
I used to beleve that if you jumped up on the bed for to long the monster under it would get you and eat you or would hold you hostage and tease you i only found out it wouldnt when i was 9 it was all because of my brother
I used to believe that if I told a lie my tongue would turn purple and so that way if my Mum thought I was lying she'd tell me to stick out my tongue and could always tell if I was lying or not by how quickly I stuck it out. God I was stupid...
top belief!
i used to bealieve that my eyes turned white when i was lying. my parents told me that they did so when asked "did you do this or that?" i would answer and if i was lying i would ask my mom if my eyes were white. and my parents would die laughing every time. i fianlly figured it out at the age of 7
when i was little i said that my mum was the queen and when she turned up to pick me up from school she got ambushed by little kids askin her if she was the queen and where her crown was
when my cousin was little we used to tell her she had a blue dot on her forhead when she lied so when she wanted to lie about something she would actually cover up her forehead with her hands!
i used to lie all the time when i was younger and my sister would say "swear on mum and dads life then" and i thought that they would die for me not telling the truth, that was the only way she could catch me out.......
top belief!
When I was about 4 I asked my older brother who was about 7 why magic markers were called magic markers. He told me that if you ate the tips of them you got magic powers. For some odd reason I thought it only worked once and was convinced that my mom heard me after I ate the green "invisibility" marker and then the "walk through walls" blue marker didn't work because i didn't eat it all. It took the yellow "you can fly" marker for me to learn he was a liar. Lets just say jumping off of the play house didn't go to well.
I once told my friend I was allergic to sand. I have no idea what brought this on, but I milked it for about a year, when she found out I spent my summers in Ocean City, NJ.
My mum used to tell me that there was a a camera on the ceiling fan, and if I lied, she could check the tapes and see. This worked until I was eight. My mother accused me of lying about something I didn't do. She 'checked the tapes' and said that she saw me doing it. When she found out I was innocent, she could never use the tapes again.
I used to believe and tell kids that my chicken pox scar was caused by an accident I was told about but had forgotten - running smack dab head-on into a coffee table. I was embarrassed of my lie when I found out what really caused the scar.
top belief!
I'm 5 years older than my sister. Even so, when I was around 10 she could still get me in trouble with my mum by saying 'he did it' these were invariably lies.. I convinced her that her eyes turned from blue to green when she lied. Boy this worked a treat - from then on she covered her eyes up when 'snitching' to mum... Problem solved :-). She's 30 now and still cant tell a porky without averting her eyes somehow.
I once told all my freinds at primary school that my dad was an explorer and he was going to the moon. I was the most popular person that dinner!!
When my sister and I were little I told her that everything was made of newspaper. She believed it for about two years.
about when i was 8 my brother and his friend said if i dress up like a girl ide get a free wish and i did and they tied me up to a chair and took my picture and still havent got my wish
top belief!
My sister once told me that I was given away by my father, who supposedly owned the Barbie doll factory (Mattel INC); she also made me promise that I'd send her 1 doll every month if I ever went back.
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