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I once convinced my brother that I was an alien that had come to take him back to my home planet as a lab creature. I had him convinced for quite a long time that I had a zipper in the back of my head, so convinced that he tried to find it more than once!
top belief!
My brother, whom I never quite forgave for this, told me one day that another name for a theme park was a brothel. So about a month later, we went to Florida. We got on a large bus, and passed Disneyworld. As I saw the large Epcot center peeking over the trees, I shouted, "Look mom! A brothel! Can we please go?"
Needless to say, my brother was punished rather badly.
My aunt told me once that a six-legged woman had escaped from a circus in a nearby town in Mississippi. She carried this on for months. Telling me the woman had been clocked by a Highway Patrol running down the highway at 125 mph. Also she hated men but didn;t hurt women, I won't say what awful things she did to men. I believed this, not really thinking about it after awhile, until I was in my early twenties and told my husband about it. He thought it was hilarious and asked me just how many tampons this woman used.
When I was 5, my 10 year old sister told me that our family was once so poor, we had to live in a matchbox. I believed her!
top belief!
When I was just about in kindergarten, I was at the park with my daycare when a group of older girls told me that if you went to California, doctors would sew your private parts shut so you couldn't go to the bathroom, and all the waste would store up inside you until you popped. I believed this wholeheartedly because they were older, and older kids (in my mind) never lied. Imagine my poor mom's surprise when she asked me if I would like to go on vacation to California and I bawled my eyes out! I was immensely relieved when she told me it wasn't true, and I announced it to the older girls at daycare the next day. I still have a good laugh about that one.
When I was about seven years old, my cousin convinced me that my "real" cousin and her best friend had been abducted by aliens when they were younger...and she said that she was my cousin's "alien" replacement... It took me a few years to figure out that she was lying to me!!
When I was little my brother told me there was a house for sale for 3 dollars. I spent years dreaming about what I could have done and when I was 9 I finally realized he was lying.
My friend, a rabid liar, told me in the first grade that he had tied up my dad in his living room. He tols me he put his baby brother on his head to make him look taller and put on a disguise. He also explained that our computer was having trouble because his baby brother had drooled on the keyboard. I half believed him for a while.
I have known my best friend for about 20 years but when we first met I couldn't stand her. I thought I was quite a clever child and I knew that 'twins' meant 'identical' so I was always angry with my friend because she used to say she and he brother were twins and I knew that was a lie because she was a girl and he was a boy. I couldn't understand why she lied so much or how she thought anyone would believe her!
When I was little my older brother used to tell me that I was mintally retarted and I believed him for the longest time...and then one day I asked my mom if I was and she told me that I wasn't and my brother got in trouble for making me believe it!!!
I used to believe that lies can get bigger and bigger if you hold them in. So when my sister went up to me and asked if i forgot to flush the toilet. I said "YES! I AM SORRY! I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN! I WON'T HOLD IN THE LIE ANYMORE! IT WILL GET BIG AND I WILL BLOW UP!!!"
when i was like 6 years old some guy in my class told me that they had changed the girls toilets to the guys toilets and the guys toiletd to the girls toilets. so i (being a girl) had to go into the guys toilets. And when i needed to pee i went to the guys toilets and some guy started yelling at me
top belief!
I have brothers who are quite a bit older than me. When I was 3 or 4, there were a few books on my brother's bookshelf that I was told would hurt me if I opened them. I remember being 7 or 8 and my mother and I were cleaning off the shelf. She reached for the Fred Flintstone book and I began screaming, "Don't open it! Don't open it!" I thought a razor blade (the most deadly thing I knew of then) was going to fall out of the pages.
What a cruel way to keep your baby sister from coloring in your books.
a couple of years ago (2002-2003) my mum got a boyfriend who had a son around 9 yrs old. there is a village near me called thurgoland and i told him there was big frog-like creatures called thurgos what attacked you. one day we were walking in a wood when his dad went into this abandoned barn and i told him there was a thurgo nest in there....he got so scared he almost peed his pants! he is now 10 and still believes it!
We used to tell my sister we found her at the zoo. she believed us until she was about 5.
top belief!
When I was little by brother told me the UPS guy had such a big truck because when the UPS guys found little girls playing outside without their parents they would steal them. One day the UPS guy stopped outside my house and I was playing outside. He walked up to me and I screamed, "Leave Me Alone" and I ran away from him. I still believed it even after my mother told me it wasn't true!
i used 2 beleive, like everyone, that if you lied enough, you would grow a tail. my older brother kept reminding me, and eventually i thought i actually grew one!!! then my mom told me the truth.
I used to belive that when you lied then your nose would grow just like pinnochio, i belived this for several years when i was young!
When my friend was a little girl, her sisters told her that the UPS guy came to the houses to retrieve little girls so they could keep them as pets in the back of their trucks. Whenever she saw a UPS guy drive up she would start bawling!
i used 2 think that if i lies 2 my mum my tounge wud turn green so i was 2 scared 2 lie 2 her! shes always make me show her my tongue if in doubt!
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