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My brothers convinced me at the age of 6 to touch an electric fence. They insisted that if you used a peice of grass to touch the wire it wouldn't shock. I was knocked off my feet while my brothers laughed for days. I'm not bitter. I hardly ever think about it now.

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When I was about 6 years old I thought that if you repeated a lie to yourself for several minutes that it wasn't a lie anymore. I learned that I was really mistaken when I was caught doing something that I had lied about.

silly me
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when i was little my sister told me that whenever i lied my tounge would turn white. so everytime i thought people were lying to me i would ask them to stick out and show me their tounge. i believed this up until my mum told me that it wasnt true.

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My sister used to tell me that whenever i tell a lie my nose would grow long like that of Pinnochio.So every time I was upto any mischief, I would check whether my nose has grown long. Now Iam past that stage and we still laugh over it!

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When I was young, my brother used to tell me that he, my other brother and myself were all in my brother's stomach at the same time but we would have an argument and the one who wins comes out first. He still lies to me till this date, but I dont believe him anymore. FINALLY GREW UP!!

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My older brother used to tell me i was born from a test tube that dropped...then had to be swept up from the floor!

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I was a pesky little sister to two older brothers and apparently annoyed them with my constant chatter. Finally, they told me that we are all born with just so much air in us, and the more we talk, the more air we use. In solemn tones they said that when all the air is gone, we die, and I was very close to using all of my air. Since they didn't want to lose me, I ought to think about not talking.

Of course, I believed my brothers completely, so from then on I didn't say a word to anyone. My parents, suspicious (as always) that my brothers were behind this change in my behavior, eventually made them confess their lie, but it took them a long time to convince me otherwise.

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when i was little my dad told me that when i lied a big red line would appear across my forhead, I spent many an hour after that sitting in front of a mirror saying the biggest fibs i could think of.....dad then said only adults could see the line, I was 13 when i stopped believing in the red line

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My dad told my brother that they bought him at Sears and the box was still in the garage. If he didn't behave, they were going to pack him up and send him back! He believed that for years!

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When my sister was young, she asked my mom and dad why you shouldn't marry your brother and sister and have babies with them and she thought they said (my parents deny that they told her this)that the government wanted you to meet new people. So in 8th grade biology, the teacher asked this question and my sister raised her hand smugly thinking she was a genious, and she gave the answer and was laughed at by the whole class. Poor Katie...

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In first grade, someone told me never to put the top a wire coat hanger in my mouth cause it was radioactive and would kill me. I believed it for years.

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My Mom used to tell me that the white calcium deposits under your fingernails happened everytime you lied. I beleived that until I was at least 14 or 15 years old!

Dana L.
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One Sunday when I was about 6 years old my parents and I were driving somewhere and we passed a Toys R Us. I begged them to take me there. My father simply said, "It's closed. It's against the law to buy or sell toys on Sundays." I think I was about 18 when I realized that they were lying to me.

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My big brother would always tickle me when I was little but when I tried to tickle him back it wouldn't work. I asked him why he wasn't ticklish and he said, "Because a half ant, half man came into his room in the middle of the night and took away all his tickles."

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I used to believe that when you told a lie, you'd develop an ulcer on your tongue to teach you a lesson. It took me ten years to realise that I only developed them if I ate too many tomatoes.

(I'm serious, I'm actually mildly allergic to tomatoes)

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We were told that if you lied, your tongue would turn black. My parents would make us stick out our tongues when they thought we were lying and say, "Yes, your tongue is black." We'd run for the mirror...but they told us that only grown ups were able to see the black.

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My brother and I shared a room growing up. At bedtime every night when the lights went out he told me he had this black dot and that by pressing it he was able to contact any person I wanted him to. I used to have him contact people for me and ask them questions that he would answer. Anytime he was mad at me he would press this black dot and contact lots of scary people. Boy, did I have a lot of sleepless nights. :)

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When I was very little, in elementary school, my brother told me that when I was a baby, he had taught me how to catch frisbees in my mouth, like a dog. He stopped doing it, though, and over time, I forgot how, hence why I wasn't able to do it anymore.

We had to write a small "report" talking about ourselves, telling what we thought about ourselves and our lives, like explaining who we were. I mentioned, "And when I was little, I could catch frisbees in my mouth." I totally believed him. The other day when visiting my mom, I found the very report I wrote. It was true. I wrote that. She kept it for that reason.

Maxi Rose
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My mother once told me those little sore bumps you get on your tongue were from telling lies. I use to rack my brain trying to remember what I lied about!

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My big brother let me into a little secret when we were kids... My plastic red ankle length wellies were the same a the ones sported by Jesus Christ Our Lord in his famous water-walking stunt('just ask Father Callaghan' he says). Furthermore, they work even better on the bonfires. I'm 31 and still have 3rd degree burns up the inside of my shins, Father Callaghan is long gone and Big Brother is no much smaller and a lot less convincing.

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