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top belief!
My mom worked nights when I was little and would then sleep most of the day when my dad was a work. To keep me from running around and playing outside while she was asleep my mom told me the garbage men kidnapped little kids they found outside and would take them away to sort garbage or something. I was afraid of the garbage man until I was too old to still believe such a thing! It didn't stop me from going outside though -I would just hide behind the house when they came.
I used to believe every single person in the world was a Spy conspiring against me and only acted normal so I wouldn't catch on.
top belief!
My brother was born premature and was in an incubator for a little while. When I asked my dad why he was in a fish tank he told me it was because my brother was half fish and the doctors had to make sure his lungs worked well enough for him to live on land. I assume, or hope, that this was so I wouldn't be scared.
I only found out the truth when I told my mom how jealous I was that my brother could go swim with Ariel and the other mermaids and I couldn't.
A friend once told me about a boy who had left his backpack unzipped once while it was on his back. Apparently, someone put a bomb in the backpack and the kid exploded. I was 65% sure this was not true, but I still to this day make sure my backpack is completely zipped up whenever I go anywhere.
my grandpa would me whenever i was pouting that a bird would come and land on my bottom lip but i never saw any birds in grandparents house so i assumed that went on in the jungle
I went to a Catholic grade school, and we had a dress code which included dark socks. I hated to wear wool because I itched so badly. My mentally ill neurotic mother, terrified that I would no doubt get severely sick otherwise, desperately wanted me to have warm feet, so she told me that dark socks had to be wool socks. I was 25, and hadn’t gone near dark socks for years, when I found out the truth.
When I was three or so, my mother worked for a local radio station. She took me into work one day and I was playing with one of those wall-mounted, rotary pencil sharpeners. All I was doing was spinning the lever around. I must have been making an obnoxious noise, because one of the women who worked there came by and told me, "If you keep on doing that, McDonalds will explode."
I believed this up until my first day of kindergarten, when someone used the sharpener, I broke down crying, and made my mom take me to McDonalds after school to make sure that it was still there.
The kicker is that I didn't like McDonalds, even then.
top belief!
Where I live, there's a HUGE statue called the Driller outside of the fairgrounds.
Well, when I was little, my Papaw told me that the Driller was really a sculpture of him, since he was a famous astronaut.
I believed him for YEARS.
When I was 9, I started playing cello and my first teacher told me if I ate it I would go blind. It took me ten years to figure out she was lying to me just so I wouldn't try to eat it.
I used to believe woman got preganant by looking at a cabbage.
JOrge - BRazil
I used to believe that Puff the Magic Dragon was a real magic dragon. I'm sure I'd heard the song as a kid and asked my mother about it. She had this elaborate story about Puff the Magic Dragon, that he'd lived in Hawaii that the farmland on the island made his quilt and everything. I took her word on it because she, like Puff, was from Hawaii. When I was in college and back in Hawaii with my mother and aunts, I retold this story to them and they started laughing at me for still believing that the song was about a dragon and not about smoking pot. I think I may have actually cried.
i used to believe that when my parents played the nose game in the car, they would actually take my nose. so one time my daddy took my nose and pretended to throw it out the window. i cried and cried and cried so much that we had to turn around and go "get" my nose.
My grandfather convinced my younger brother and I that if we were lying about something our tongues would turn black, and he'd be able to tell by looking at them. I used to try lying to myself in the mirror to see if my tongue would change before I did any real lying!
I used to believe(up until 11 years old) that when I cried and was really sad - every person in the world was also sad!
I managed to convince my brother when he was young and annoying that if he sang a certain song a dragon would come and eat him. He believed me for months until our mother was singing the song one day and he got worried.
I believed that if you lied that your nose would really grow like Pinnochios, so everytime I would lie I would hold my nose in to keep it from growing, so my mom pretty much knew everytime I told a lie.
My friends little sister once asked us if we could tell her what it is we do to attract boys. We told her that there's a ritual that she had to do called "The Mating Call".
"You have to put your hands under your arms and flap them while standing on one foot. Then say " CooCoo Ca Chu" as loud as you can," we told her.
She did it every time she saw a boy she liked. It was hella funny.
When I was younger I would always want to go to parties with my mommy and daddy. This was at the same time that I was getting all my immunizations, so I hated all shots. So my mommy proceeded to tell me that they were going to "shot parties" and you have to get shots if you want to go. I didn't figure out that "shot parties" are imaginary until I was 12.
We used to have a bunch old skeleton keys, they were on a big ring, and the keys were huge, and the hung on a old wood burning stove/fireplace in our house. I would play with them a lot. One day I was about 5 I asked my dad what they were for, and he told me that if I was ever bad, he would show me.. He said that the police asked him to take care of the really bad criminals and monsters and that they lived in a jail in our attic, and that those were the keys to the cells. He said their favorite thing to eat was bad little kids, and that they must be starving by now because he hadn't fed them in a while... I was scared to death! When ever my cousins or friends would come over and start getting loud I'd warn them about the attic, and the keys. I believed that for a very long time.
top belief!
When I was younger, my dad told me that if I whistled, I would attract snakes. After that I stopped whisteling until I found out it wasn't true.
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