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This isn't me Its my friend. I was outside with him ( he was 8
I was 11) And as a joke since I'm a girl, i told him that when boys get 4 their brains start to dissolve. A couple days later I saw him running through the house saying "Its true! Its true!" Once i figured out what he was talking about, I almost died laughing.
My Grandma used to tell me and my male cousin when we about three or four that the creeping plant she kept on the veranda ate little boys on Tuesdays and little girls on Thursdays. She thought it was a cute little joke but we were terrified and would refuse to visit her on those days!
My grandmother used to tell my brother and I that if we were bad that the moon would come down to earth and take us back "up there" with it or that the "Ogre" would take us away forever.
When I was little my grandfather was telling me one of those naughty nursery rhymes. "Mary had a little lamb...she tied him to the heater..and every time he turned around he burned his little..." Then my grandmother said, "Kenny, you can't tell that child that." So my grandfather said "eyeball". They all laughed. I laughed too. I actually told this joke to people all the way past highschool until one day it just dawned on me that it wasn't "eyeball" it was "peter". I remember a feeling eureka when I realized why people never laughed like my family did when they heard the rhyme.
when i was a little girl, i noticed that my mother had a tattoo. when i asked her how she got it, she told me that it appeared on her ankle (thats where the tattoo is) after she had eaten several breath mints. (you know the ones with the little red and white swirls) so obviously, i thought that this was true so i persuaded her to buy me an entire bag of them. i finished that bag 45 minutes later. imagine my disappointment when my tattoo didn't appear! i cried for about 3 days. ;) but lucky me, i got the press on tattoos. (the ones that rub off with soap and water) hehehehehe ^_^
top belief!
I believed my Daddy when he told me if I sat on a coconut long enough, it would hatch a baby monkey! I tried for months but obviously no Almost forty years later and I still think of baby monkeys whenever I see a coconut. :)
My dad always told us that he fought in WW2 (which was odd because we're Canadian), but it was extra hard to believe because my dad wasn't even born until 1946!
That kids weren't allowed in Hawaii - my dad told me this when I was younger and wanted to go
When I was little my mom told me the reason the dentist gloves tasted bad was because I wouldn't quit moving and whenever they got my mouth open I wuold try to close it again.
I always thought that "elbow grease" was a type of lubricant until about 2 years ago. I'm 19.
My family all got together to watch Finding Nemo on dvd one night. My uncle and dad were talking about the voice of Dori being Ellen DeGeneris. They were talking about how she came out of the closet. But my little sister thought that Ellen lived in a closet. My uncle didn't help matter by telling her that yes Ellen lived in a closet and used a coffee can as a bathroom. SHe relayed all of her new found information to me and I set her staight on what coming out of the closet means. But everyn night I would go into her room to tell her goodnight. I would say " Goodnight Kerry" then open the closet door and say " Goodnight Ellen"
When I was just past being Little I used to believe That other people could hear your thoughts if they were listening when you were thinking nasty thoughts about them..I had major paranoid guilt issues all through my adolescence because of that
When I was about 5 my Mom told me that that when children did something naughty it was written on their forehead and only mothers could see it. So when I got in trouble I would place my hand over my forehead and say "It wasn't me!"
top belief!
I believed for some time that a store in our town, "Toys Topless", was a convertible car accessories store, as my mom said when I asked (even though it had blacked out windows and creepy guys walking into it).
When I was about 4 my mother told me the white spots under my fingernails meant I had told I lie. I didn't recall ever telling a lie so I figured that my perception of a what a lie was must be off, and could not figure out what a lie was for several years.
top belief!
When my sister and I were around 6 or 7 , I told my sister that the sun bleached dog crap on the front lawn were fossils from dinosaurs and very rare, so she would always go fossil hunting loading up her pockets with dog crap. She did that for a couple years until our mom told her that she was tired of emptying her pockets prior to doing the wash. Fifty years have passed and she still doesn't trust me very much.
i used to tell my little sister that she really didnt belong in my family and that her real family will come get her soon and it would make her cry alot but then she told and i got in trouble :/
I made my childhood friend believe that if she steps on a drink carton God will get angry at her. and she believed me n she didn't step on it!
When my younger brother and I were kids, my older brother would tell us he had to check our candy and soda for poison so he would drink half of our sodas and eat most of our candies, then tell us they were all okay to eat.
We had cats when I was a kid, but until we found the 'right one', we had a few that didn't quite work out. These animals were all strays that we'd taken in that for one reason or another, failed to earn the right to stay with us.
My dad would tell us that he was taking these hapless pets to 'the farm', which was a happy place where all kinds of animals ran free and played with each other in the country.
I believed in this place for years. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I figured out that 'the farm' was actually a random 'nice neighbourhood', that seemed to have a lot of kids living in it in the city where my father worked.
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