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When I was little, Mom, my sister, Nancy, and I would go to a bakery in the next town. One day, I was thirsty, so I drank from the hose that they used on the delivery trucks. Nancy convinced me that, because I drank from the hose, she could turn me into a truck. she would point her finger at my face then move it around in a circle, telling me, "ooooh your eyes are turning into head-lights! oooh now your mouth is the grill!' so forth, so on. I would scream and run for Mom. (To this day, Nancy still does it and it makes the hair stand up on my neck!)

Princess Yacine
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My big brother would always tickle me when I was little but when I tried to tickle him back it wouldn't work. I asked him why he wasn't ticklish and he said, "Because a half ant, half man came into his room in the middle of the night and took away all his tickles."

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One Sunday when I was about 6 years old my parents and I were driving somewhere and we passed a Toys R Us. I begged them to take me there. My father simply said, "It's closed. It's against the law to buy or sell toys on Sundays." I think I was about 18 when I realized that they were lying to me.

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When my sister was young, she asked my mom and dad why you shouldn't marry your brother and sister and have babies with them and she thought they said (my parents deny that they told her this)that the government wanted you to meet new people. So in 8th grade biology, the teacher asked this question and my sister raised her hand smugly thinking she was a genious, and she gave the answer and was laughed at by the whole class. Poor Katie...

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when i was little my dad told me that when i lied a big red line would appear across my forhead, I spent many an hour after that sitting in front of a mirror saying the biggest fibs i could think of.....dad then said only adults could see the line, I was 13 when i stopped believing in the red line

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Once a group of us convinced a kid that you had to be 18 to go to a sushi bar, but if you were of asian descent, then you could get a permit to go at 16.

Tuna Roll
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I used to eat FUN FEAST TV dinners alot when I was little. They were little frozen dinners that came with stupid prizes like crossword puzzles and light switch plate stickers. I once had one for dinner and I got a loony toons light switch plate sticker that had Wil E. Coyote lighting a bomb on it. Being a clever 9 year old, I brought my 4 year old sister into the room where I covered the lightswitch and told her if I flicked the switch the whole world would blow up. She proceeded to hit me and say she'd tell on me if I blew up the world. I told her she'd be dead and she yelled at me more. Then I threw the switch and started making explosion noises with my mouth and she began to scream and cry and kick the floor. While she was in hysterics I told her I was kidding. The funniest part was I did it several times after this and always achieved the same effect. Thank God for lightswitch plate stickers!

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When I was about 14 at school me & my mate convinced this other kid that 'masturbation' meant 'mowing the lawn'. He wasn't quite convinced, so we told him to ask the deputy headmaster, not believing he'd actually do it. Next time we saw him he'd been given detention.

Dave the Rave
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when my brother and I were younger, like 7 and 5, I had told him that our parents had allowed him to be part of a top secret government experiment. They had taken a cow's brain and his brain and switched them! He had the cow's brain and somewhere there was a cow with his brain. I told him that he couldn't ever tell mom that he knew or the experiment would be a flop and the government would come and take him away. One day when we were older, 12 and 10, we were hanging with mom and he broke down and tears and told mom that 'he knew about the cow's brain'. I had to excuse myself from the room I was laughing so hard. We're 30 & 28 now and I still moo at him when he's done something stupid!

cow's sister
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I have brothers who are quite a bit older than me. When I was 3 or 4, there were a few books on my brother's bookshelf that I was told would hurt me if I opened them. I remember being 7 or 8 and my mother and I were cleaning off the shelf. She reached for the Fred Flintstone book and I began screaming, "Don't open it! Don't open it!" I thought a razor blade (the most deadly thing I knew of then) was going to fall out of the pages.

What a cruel way to keep your baby sister from coloring in your books.

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When I was just about in kindergarten, I was at the park with my daycare when a group of older girls told me that if you went to California, doctors would sew your private parts shut so you couldn't go to the bathroom, and all the waste would store up inside you until you popped. I believed this wholeheartedly because they were older, and older kids (in my mind) never lied. Imagine my poor mom's surprise when she asked me if I would like to go on vacation to California and I bawled my eyes out! I was immensely relieved when she told me it wasn't true, and I announced it to the older girls at daycare the next day. I still have a good laugh about that one.

Some Kids are So Cruel...
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My brother, whom I never quite forgave for this, told me one day that another name for a theme park was a brothel. So about a month later, we went to Florida. We got on a large bus, and passed Disneyworld. As I saw the large Epcot center peeking over the trees, I shouted, "Look mom! A brothel! Can we please go?"
Needless to say, my brother was punished rather badly.

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When I was about 4 I asked my older brother who was about 7 why magic markers were called magic markers. He told me that if you ate the tips of them you got magic powers. For some odd reason I thought it only worked once and was convinced that my mom heard me after I ate the green "invisibility" marker and then the "walk through walls" blue marker didn't work because i didn't eat it all. It took the yellow "you can fly" marker for me to learn he was a liar. Lets just say jumping off of the play house didn't go to well.

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when i was 6, my big brother (12 at the time) told me that on the other side of the world there was a person exactly like himself, and whenever either of them bumped their heads, they switched bodies! i actually believed this, and to make matters worse, my bro would hit his head and then start saying things likw "who are you?" and "why am i here?" i would run screaming from the room

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my sister had a thing for tricking me when i was younger. one day she told me all of these things that supposedly happened to me in my earlier years. the one that i believed the most was the falling off the empire state building and breaking my leg story. because i had a big scar on my knee already, she used that as evidence.

so one day my mom was talking to her friend and she was talking about something that her son had done and miraculously survived without injury, and feeling the need to impress i blurted about that grand time i fell off he empire state building and only broke my leg.


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My grandfather had lost half of his right index finger in a work-related accident many years before I was born. When I was younger, he would tell me all sorts of stories about how he had lost his finger... but the common theme in his stories were that it was somehow my grandmother's fault.

She had chopped it off cutting veggies, she had sewn it off on the sewing machine, she had vacuumed it off while cleaning. But his favorite story, the one that kept me well away from my grandmother for a number of years, was that she had gotten mad at him for pointing at her, and bitten it off.

I was 9 before I learned the truth. In the interim, I would never point at ANYTHING in my grandmother's presence, nor would I give her hugs. I was determined that she wouldn't take a bite out of me.

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When I was younger and my father used to cook eggs on the frying pan, he would press down on them with the spatula while cooking and they would make that squealing sound when air is let out. I asked my dad "why do the eggs squeal when you press down on them?"
He told me that it was the chicken babies screaming because they were burning to death.

Dr. Scott
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I told my son that when he lied, something changed in his eyes and that's how I could tell when he wasnt telling the truth. My son later went to the bathroom mirror and looked deeply into his own eyes while telling himself lies to see what it was that changed in his eyes.

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When I was in kindergarten, my dad told me that he had a pet dinosaur when he was growing up. The very next day at school it was show and tell so, of course, I stood up in front of everyone and told them about how MY dad used to have a dinosaur. I don't know if any of the other kids believed me, but my teacher sure got a good laugh out of it.

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My Grandad told me he invented carrots.

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