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When I was in middle school there was a kid in one of my classes named Christopher, but for some reason he pronounced it in a really weird way, i.e like "Chris-Toefer" (second part rhymes with "gopher"), almost like it was two words. As a result, I thought that his first name was "Chris" and his last name was "Toefer". I'm not sure when I finally realized the truth (I think I saw his name written down at one point). I'm still not sure why he pronounced it that way
I used to think that when parents were discussing what to name their child, they had to do over the table at mealtimes, so the first, middle and surnane would be like breakfast, lunch and dinner, or starter, main course and dessert, with the baby name book as an imaginary menu to choose from (you get the idea, when certain subjects make you hingry for no actual reason).
I used to think that names with a hyphen in between, names with
The first and middle name put together were meant to be 'special' in some way, so if you wre called Anne-Marie, Mary-Anne,
Michael-John etc , then it made you the teachers pet at school, or everyone's family favourite at home.
I used to believe that Demi Moore and Demi Lovato were the same person or related to each other because they both have the same first name
top belief!
I heard of the movie The Godfather before knowing about what an actual godfather was, so when I heard a classmate in grade school talking about his godfather, I thought his family members were criminals.
top belief!
I used to think that the female version of a Squire was a Squirelle
I used to believe that if your name was Jazz, you'd automatically like jazz music
I used to think that Ethan Allen was Ethan Alien, and also had some connection to Tim Allen and Toy Story.
I used to think you could only ever change your name if you werefamoys, and had to be stuck with your given birth name the rest od the time.
I used to think that you have to have the same birthday as your parent to have "junior" in your name.
I once had a really funny incident on the phone when an old lady said her name was Aileen, and I thought she said alien.
I used to think that the parents of neglected children, actually chose names that they specifically hated, so if they hated the names George and Karen, for instance, then the pregnant mother would punch her stomach and say 'if you keep kicking my stomach, then I'm naming you George ________ or Karen ________ when you are born!
top belief!
When I heard of the last name Armstrong, I thought it was the name given to people with strong arms and that last names involving body parts were common, for instance a woman with big eyes might be called "Molly Eyebig".
A worker at our school played "Simon Says", so I thought the worker's actual name was 'Simon', even though she was a woman!
When I was little, my dad had a friend named Scott. I thought my dad's friend was the king of Scotland
top belief!
I used to believe Monty Hall was a place instead of a man. Let's Make A Deal was before my time and I only knew Monty's name from the Monty Hall problem. I thought "Monty Hall" was the building where the game show took place.
I was born at a hospital named after its founder, who had the same last name as me (not related), so I used to believe there was a hospital for each family name.
The first time I heard Marco Rubio's name I thought it was Mark O'Rubio
When I was younger I thought Leonardo Di Caprio and Leonardo Da Vinci were the same person
top belief!
I used to think Kanye West was actually Conway-West and that it was some sort of southern truck company, founded of course by Mr. Conway and Mr. West,
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