Anon is a person's name
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to 2 of 9
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o gosh
just learned that Anon
is NOT a person that posts wayy too much ha ha
felt like i knew their entire life story lol
i used to think anon was a person lol
when I was a little girl I was convinced that "anonymous" was someones name, and that he sat all day in my attic writing books of all sorts. when he was done he would sign his name and send the finished book through some secret tube where my mom would pick it up and deliver it to my room. I always felt so bad for anonymous because he was forced to write so many books and poems, and also because what kind of nutjob names their kid Anonymous? His parents must have been monsters for forcing this weird identity upon him and locking him up in my attic as a slave.
up until 2 seconds ago i thought gosh anons added alot of beliefs turns ut anon means anonomous
ehh...when i saw that so many of the top rated beliefs was this person( thought it was a guy...i know eww) i thought...geez...this huy has had A LOT of bad experiences...but when i saw this belief posted up that ANON meant anonomous...i couldnt stop]XP
I used to believe that "anonymous" was an actual first name
When I first found this site I honestly wondered who the hell is this Anon person??? Since Anon could be a boy or girl, be aged 12-60, and lived EVERYWHERE, I concluded that Anon was a bot, as in a auto-mated program, then I clicked Anon, incase it took me to a beliefs generator. Then, I saw this belief has been submitted anonymously. So I slapped myself! :P
When I first visited this site I noticed that this person named 'Anon' was always contradicting himself in his many different 'i used to believe' stories. I figured that this paerson must spend the whole day sitting at his computer making up stories for this website!
Until a couple of minutes ago I used to believe Anon was some unemployed guy that just sat at home all day making up a bunch of stories to put up on this site... until I clicked the link and discovered Anon stands for "anonymous".
Just until recently I believed that Anon was a person. I had saw this person post so many times I was like, "Wow, this person must have had a pretty intresting life." Then I saw they were changing gender so I was like..."Oh...anonymous...duh."
I'm only finding out aboutdat "Anon" thing now, and i was wondering why "Anon" was in orange!
I was really confused about "Anon" until recently. I was like "How could this person post so many times?" And I was really confused because some made it seem like Anon was a girl and sometimes a boy, so yeah, I think you know what I mean. LOL
I just now found out that Anon isn't a person when i read the other comments.haha
I would read something and laugh, then I would see "Anon's" name and think he was a site hog and not think it was funny
Val was fourteen and thought Anon was a person posting alot. I'm 32 and Val just told me that Anon was not a person!!!
when I first started visiting this site, I was about fourteen, and it took me a while to realize that "Anon" meant anonymous and wasn't an actual person. For a while I was quite confused as to why this person was posting so many childhood beliefs.
Oh My God. I'm so stupid. I've been reading all these beliefs and I've been wondering who this 'Anon" is. I assumed it was some Loser who spent all there time posting there many beliefs online.Wow,how dumb.
Until last week, I thought that Anon was an actual person with WAY too much free time on his hands! I thought when the name was highlighted, I thought it meant that he had created a profile, so he could chat with people. Boy, was I ever wrong!
on this site i used to beleive anon was one person who had a lot of thingshappen to him !!!
Ive just recently realised that Anon is not a person
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