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Anon is a person's name

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to names.

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I've just realized that Anon is not the name of the site administrator, whom I thought that posted too much on his own website!

I feel embarrased...

Not Anon
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reading the bits on this site... i continually saw "Anon" on some of the articles..... i thought it was a guy that had a very wild imagination.... but i just now realized that it means anonymous.....

silly me

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When I came to this website first, I saw the name "Anon." I thought the name was highlighted because they gave their e-mail or something. I figured it was some really dumb person with an extremely contradictory life.

Anon... lol
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I have been checking this site daily for about a year and a half. I thought Anon was a person that liked posting their beliefs too much and often gave them the negative check when their beliefs didn't make sense or were too different. I just found out it is really anonymous. Opps, sorry.

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I Know what anonomus ,means the auther is not known, but when i saw "anon" iu thought: "ok, he's the owner of the site" THEN i saw the "anon section. I thiught: "HEY! why does he get a sections! what is there to belive about him!" then i saw that anon ment anonomus.

ps. where is that section? maybe it was too spucipic.

I'm not Mr. Anon!
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When i first came onto this website, i believed that "anon" was a person, who was like the stupidest kid in the world, cus under like every section it says, an anonymous person had written something! ahaha!

anons anonymous!
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As a young child I had a big poetry book at home. I read through it and noticed that there were lots of poems where the by the author it says 'anon'. It was until a couple of years later that I realised anon was not a great poet, just an unknown poet. :P

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My friend who has bad vision thought that 'Anon' said 'Aron.' She thought it was someone named Aron who was kinda crazy!

Not Aron or Anon
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I thought, Until i read a section on here, That anon was a person!!!!! I was thinking"MAn,That person has had a messed up childhood"

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About seven seconds ago, I was going through all of the sections of this site, and I kept seeing things with the name "anon" at the bottom. All the time, I was thinking, "This anon guy must've been one messed up kid, to think this many weird things!"

I noticed sometimes anon would be capitalized and sometimes the anon would be living different places, and IT CAME TO ME! ANON MUST MEAN ANONYMUS!!!!!!

I am about the most blonde person on this planet...

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I go to this site a lot.

And I got SO SICK of this guy named ANON posting his beliefs! Give someone else a chance will ya?! Gosh Anon you're going crazy with your "I used to belief"s!

Today my sister told me Anon stands for anonymous. T_T

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When i first went on this sight i didnt realise "Anon" ment Anonamous, and i wondered why the heck this "Anon" guy sent so many entries.

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Yesterday I thought that Anon on this site was one person, so I was thinking, "wow... this person has a whole lot of beliefs." Then I realized that there were entries that could have been from a female, and then a male. It took me quite some time to realize that anon was short for anonymous...

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When I saw 'Anon' on this site, I thought that he was maybe the moderator/inventor of this site, because it had a link. But certian belifes led me to think that Anon, (which I pictured as an African immigrant) was both a boy and a girl, and I was shocked. I found out otherwise when I clicked on the link.

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For a while, I thought this 'Anon' was some Middle-Eastern person. I thought this because when I was in 3rd grade there was a kid from Iran and he had an Iranian name. Anon sounded Iranian to me...

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I thought Anon was the only 'account' on this site. Anon was the idiot who made this site for everyone to post their beliefs on, so if he/she only posted theirs, it wouldn't be as embarrassing for them

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I used to believe on this site (ironic) that Anon was a person who believed a lot of odd things when s/he was young...

New comer
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I thought Anon was a very idiotic person. He (ya i know i thought it was a he) had such a freaky life idiotic life. I know better now.

Full Metal Alchemist
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I used to believe that Anonymous was a person's name and I'd go around telling people that my favorite poet was "Anon" and how great his peoms were.

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when i first got on this website i saw a lot of anons so thought wow...that person sure is stupid......until i finallt figured out what it ment..8-^

da girl nxt door
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