Anon is a person's name
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to 5 of 9
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I used to believe Anonymous was a very normal name
I used to belive on the i used to belive website that Anon was a person named Anon, not Anonomus
When I was about 7 I would be reading books. A lot of them had the author's name as "Anon" and I thought, wow, this person really likes to write and gets published!
I read from this site often and until today I thought Anon was a person (I didn't know it really ment anonomous) and I was getting really annoied that they had so many and they all sounded fake! So I thought some kid named Anon was making up a bunch of beliefs and so i was so angry I would always skip over them!
I used to believe as of a couple moments ago that 'Anon' was an actual person. I didn't realize it stood for 'Anonymous'. Wow...
My best friend in highschool was a guy named Anon. As i read this sight, i kept thinking about how much crap he used to believe and never told me. Not until i looked on the anon category did i find out that it wasnt my friend. later, i also found out he doesnt have a computer;)
I thought Anon was the admin of this site, and that's why he had so many posts and why his name was a hyperlink. But then I clicked on the hyperlink and it proved me twrong.
I used to think that (untill like a min ago) that Anon was some nerd that was always on this site and posted something in like every category. Lol.
I thought Anon on this sight was a guy...
I was like wow this Anon guy was kinda dumb.
Took me a little while to figure out eh whole anonymous thing.
I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree.
ummm yea while looking at this site i kept seing anon writing things and until a minute ago i thought it was a person and i couldn't figure out why he kept writting so many entries! lol im slow i no. my mom had to tell me it ment anonamous
I knew what anonymous meant and that anon was an abbreviation. But I thought that Bacon was another name for anonymous. I didn't think anyone's last name could be Bacon.
Omg how stupid of me! I was reading the beliefs and under alot of them i read Anon. I thought that was the name of the same person sending diferent beliefs from him. I realized just a minute ago that is actually short from Anonymous, so i'm writing this now....i feel soo embaresed.
i used to believe that anon was some weird classical/poet/writer/songwriter/philosither kind of guy, a bit like aosoup or somthing
i always thought anon was a person, and i thought he felt a sense of accomplishment by submitting more entries than anyone on the site, and i hated him because he seemed conceited. i saw entries where he was a girl, where he was a boy, and where he was 20, and where he was 9, but unlike other people, instead of thinking anon must not be a guy, i just thought he was making up every single entry for attention.
Ever since I started reading this site whenever i saw the name "Anon" under a confession i thought it was all the same person named Anon, and i was amazed that the same person could have so many different beliefs, and i'd find certain entries by him that contradicted each other, therefore i thought he was making up every entry, so i'd mark every one down because i was mad at him. Just a second ago something inside my brain clicked! I'm such a freak.
When i was younger i used to think that anon in magazines, etc, Was one person. It wasn't until one day i said to my mum "Man this anon guy writes in alot!" that she told me it was just anonnamous.
I thought "Anon" was a gun or explosion powder that was used as somebody's name. I thought to myself, " How on earth does this guy have so many childhood beliefs?". Well, I just found out who he is when I visited the "Anon" section in the Language beliefs.
untill a few mins ago i thought Anon was some1's name and that person kept on entering stuff on this website...
Until just now I thought Anon was some guy who was crazily addicted to this site. When I went to the language section, I was wondering why there was a section about this "Anon" guy... until I found out it means anonymous.
Up until a few moments ago when I read the belief by Maddy, I thought that Anon was a real person, too. I thought that that was all this "Anon" character would do all day... just sit in his room in his mother's basement with no life and just add things to this website... all... day...
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