Anon is a person's name
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I only discovered a few weeks ago that Anon was not a real name but short for "anonymous"... And here I was thinking that this Anon person really must be obsessing about this site considering how many beliefs he/she has added to the site... I AM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!
I used to believe that Anon. was just a really brilliant/profound man with
A LOT of famous quotes
Last week I was looking around this website. I was reading some of the confessions, and having a good laugh. At the bottom of some of them, it said 'Anon'. I thought that it was a name, and 'Anon' had loads of embarrasing moments! Then, I was proven wrong when I realised 'Anon' kept switching from a Male to a Female and back again! I finally found out it meant 'Anononymous'. My mum still teases me about it.
top belief!
When I was in 4th grade, my class had to do a poetry lesson and at the end of the semester, we had to put together a compilation of poems by a famous poet. Most people did Shel Silverstein, or even the over achievers did Emily Dickenson..So, I go to present my poems(which was a lot more than the rest of the class) and I stated proudly for the class:
"My poet was Anonymous. He was very famous and wrote hundreds and hundresd of poems."
My teacher laughed for about five minutes.
Up until about last week, I used to beleive that there was this one person named Anon, who sent in all of these things to this website and I thought "Wow, how could one person beleive all of that?" This stopped when I read two different things signed by "Anon" and one was from a boy, and one was from a girl...
when i first came on this site i keept reading the belives for anon so i asked my mom what it ment and so it means anonumes so anon if u get this belive ask ur parents y they named u that!!! :P
i too thought Anon was a name...then i read some posts. but i was thinking wow anon has a lot of weird beliefs.
i did this about 2 weeks ago. I was reading all these things that people believed when they were young, and most of it i also believed (im only 15) and i kept seeing in the place where your name would normally be, the name "Anon"... well I thought, heck, this Anon person sure did believe a lot of stuff when they were little, either that or they wanted attention... then i asked my mom why Anon put SOOOO many beliefs.... she started laughing at me, and when she could finally breathe she explained to me that Anon stood for "Anonymous"...
When I first found this site I thought when someone put 'Anon' as their name, that was ACTUALLY their name. I always said the person had some STRANGE beliefs.
My 11 year old sister was just reading this site and happened to comment that "Anon" was a really funny guy and had a lot of entries!
I came to this site and read some of the things people wrote...and I realized that a lot of the really funny ones were by this person called "Anon". It was weird cause I thought, wow I havent heard THAT name before but I guess it's pretty popular. I finally realized that Anon stood for Anonymous.
I used to think "Anonymous" was an ancient Greek philosopher (I guess I was confusing it with Aristotle), and that he came up with a lot of different ideas. I was ten years old before I found out differently.
I was reading this site and I was thinking, "Wow, this guy named Anon sure had a lot of weird thoughts!" until I read the other people's beliefs who thought the smae thing! How could I be so dumb?? (anon stands for anonymous)
Just realized that there isnt someone named Anon who had a ton of weird beliefs--it stands for anonymous! Age 13...
I used to believe that anonymous was an actual persons name- i thought he wrote a lot of stuff!
I believed for the longest time when looking at this site that "anon" was a persons name who kept making up stuff. But actually short for anonymous. i'm soo dumb!!
Until about 1 minute ago I thought that some person named Anon had a very big family and a very good memory. Just now I realised its short for anonamous.
top belief!
When I was much younger and first came across the word anonymous, I misread it as annoyamouse and spent days wondering whose mice they'd been annoying.
All my life, when reading things like this site where people sign "Anon.", I thought Anon was an actual person's first name. I only realized that it wasn't when reading this site and figuring that one person couldn't possibly have had that many strange childhood beliefs. We won't mention how old I am. ;p
Once, WAAAAAAAAAY back when I was little, I was at this site where people submitted their childhood beliefs, and I came to the conclusion that some one named Anon had some serious issues.
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