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Anon is a person's name

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to names.

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I only discovered a few weeks ago that Anon was not a real name but short for "anonymous"... And here I was thinking that this Anon person really must be obsessing about this site considering how many beliefs he/she has added to the site... I AM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!

stephie, norway
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I used to believe that Anon. was just a really brilliant/profound man with
A LOT of famous quotes

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Last week I was looking around this website. I was reading some of the confessions, and having a good laugh. At the bottom of some of them, it said 'Anon'. I thought that it was a name, and 'Anon' had loads of embarrasing moments! Then, I was proven wrong when I realised 'Anon' kept switching from a Male to a Female and back again! I finally found out it meant 'Anononymous'. My mum still teases me about it.

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top belief!

When I was in 4th grade, my class had to do a poetry lesson and at the end of the semester, we had to put together a compilation of poems by a famous poet. Most people did Shel Silverstein, or even the over achievers did Emily Dickenson..So, I go to present my poems(which was a lot more than the rest of the class) and I stated proudly for the class:

"My poet was Anonymous. He was very famous and wrote hundreds and hundresd of poems."

My teacher laughed for about five minutes.

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Up until about last week, I used to beleive that there was this one person named Anon, who sent in all of these things to this website and I thought "Wow, how could one person beleive all of that?" This stopped when I read two different things signed by "Anon" and one was from a boy, and one was from a girl...

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when i first came on this site i keept reading the belives for anon so i asked my mom what it ment and so it means anonumes so anon if u get this belive ask ur parents y they named u that!!! :P

emily :P
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i too thought Anon was a name...then i read some posts. but i was thinking wow anon has a lot of weird beliefs.

ill remain anonymous, or should i say "anon"
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i did this about 2 weeks ago. I was reading all these things that people believed when they were young, and most of it i also believed (im only 15) and i kept seeing in the place where your name would normally be, the name "Anon"... well I thought, heck, this Anon person sure did believe a lot of stuff when they were little, either that or they wanted attention... then i asked my mom why Anon put SOOOO many beliefs.... she started laughing at me, and when she could finally breathe she explained to me that Anon stood for "Anonymous"...

Lisa (not Anon"
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When I first found this site I thought when someone put 'Anon' as their name, that was ACTUALLY their name. I always said the person had some STRANGE beliefs.

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My 11 year old sister was just reading this site and happened to comment that "Anon" was a really funny guy and had a lot of entries!

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I came to this site and read some of the things people wrote...and I realized that a lot of the really funny ones were by this person called "Anon". It was weird cause I thought, wow I havent heard THAT name before but I guess it's pretty popular. I finally realized that Anon stood for Anonymous.

Anon(cause now I know what that means)
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I used to think "Anonymous" was an ancient Greek philosopher (I guess I was confusing it with Aristotle), and that he came up with a lot of different ideas. I was ten years old before I found out differently.

Lost-long sister of Socrates
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I was reading this site and I was thinking, "Wow, this guy named Anon sure had a lot of weird thoughts!" until I read the other people's beliefs who thought the smae thing! How could I be so dumb?? (anon stands for anonymous)

lilmisscandy, 14
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Just realized that there isnt someone named Anon who had a ton of weird beliefs--it stands for anonymous! Age 13...

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I used to believe that anonymous was an actual persons name- i thought he wrote a lot of stuff!

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I believed for the longest time when looking at this site that "anon" was a persons name who kept making up stuff. But actually short for anonymous. i'm soo dumb!!

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Until about 1 minute ago I thought that some person named Anon had a very big family and a very good memory. Just now I realised its short for anonamous.

Candice. Age 12
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top belief!

When I was much younger and first came across the word anonymous, I misread it as annoyamouse and spent days wondering whose mice they'd been annoying.

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All my life, when reading things like this site where people sign "Anon.", I thought Anon was an actual person's first name. I only realized that it wasn't when reading this site and figuring that one person couldn't possibly have had that many strange childhood beliefs. We won't mention how old I am. ;p

Tom Anon.
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Once, WAAAAAAAAAY back when I was little, I was at this site where people submitted their childhood beliefs, and I came to the conclusion that some one named Anon had some serious issues.

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