Anon is a person's name
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name.
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I used to believe (however recently) that this really, stupid gullible person called Anon sent in ALOT of his childhood beliefs to this website. Until my English workmate Aidan set me right(mumble mumble..gotta get back to work)
When I was in 4th grade, my class had to do a poetry lesson and at the end of the semester, we had to put together a compilation of poems by a famous poet. Most people did Shel Silverstein, or even the over achievers did Emily Dickenson..So, I go to present my poems(which was a lot more than the rest of the class) and I stated proudly for the class:
"My poet was Anonymous. He was very famous and wrote hundreds and hundresd of poems."
My teacher laughed for about five minutes.
Because both the Super Mario and Cars franchises have characters named Luigi, I figured every franchise involving racing had to have a Luigi. I even made up a song called “Every race has a Luigi”
First time i visited this site i saw that allot of beliefs are written by Anon ... I thought this guy is the owner of the site or something and making up stuff :)) ... but i realised is anonymous
When I was in grade school, I was very confused about the terms "hooker" and "playing hookie". Trying to sort the terms out, I wondered if everyone who skipped school did so to engage in prostitution. Regardless, I considered myself a "hooker" because I faked sick to stay home and watch TV.
When I was much younger and first came across the word anonymous, I misread it as annoyamouse and spent days wondering whose mice they'd been annoying.
I used to believe anon was a person and couldn't believe he had written so many poems
when I was a little girl I was convinced that "anonymous" was someones name, and that he sat all day in my attic writing books of all sorts. when he was done he would sign his name and send the finished book through some secret tube where my mom would pick it up and deliver it to my room. I always felt so bad for anonymous because he was forced to write so many books and poems, and also because what kind of nutjob names their kid Anonymous? His parents must have been monsters for forcing this weird identity upon him and locking him up in my attic as a slave.
when I first discovered "I used to believe" site and started reading, I thought this "Anon" person sure spent a lot of time posting his/her experiences here.... I just realised "anon" means anonymous and it's not a specific person that goes by that name. I am 27
I used to belive when someone types their name as "Anon" I thought it was really their name LOL I was all like "Hmm...there sure seem to be a lot of people named Anon.."
There are alot of beliefs signed "anon" so i used to believe(until about 2 minutes ago) that this 'anon' person was actually a person, rather than just anonymous. Every time i went to this site i looked at those and thought, wow this anon kid must have been pretty dumb as a kid..
I was reading through this site and I saw that someone named Anon had submitted most of the beliefs. I was thinking maybe they had created the site and were trying to make it have lots of beliefs on it. I saw that you could click on their name, so I thought I would go check their "profile" out and see if they were a moderator or something. I clicked it and up comes a box "This belief has been submitted anonymously."
I was like "Ohhhhhhhh! I get it!"
I'm a natural blonde.
I knew what anonymous meant and that anon was an abbreviation. But I thought that Bacon was another name for anonymous. I didn't think anyone's last name could be Bacon.
All my life, when reading things like this site where people sign "Anon.", I thought Anon was an actual person's first name. I only realized that it wasn't when reading this site and figuring that one person couldn't possibly have had that many strange childhood beliefs. We won't mention how old I am. ;p
I used to think, reading alot of these posts, that anon was someone who made up all these beliefs so he could be famous and popular! I also thought that once you posted so many beliefs you became a valued member and your name was then orange, so everyone knew that you had alot of beliefs. For a while I tried to think of every belief I ever had, without cheating, so I could have my name in orange too. Wow, that's embarrassing!
I've been reading things on this site for about an hour now.
I kept seeing this "Anon" person post
And I was like,"Wow, this person is hysterical. But they have to be making up a lot of this stuff."
And I got confused 'cause I would see things be like,"As a girl..." and then sometimes say,"And being a boy..."
So I was like," ]:U What the hell is this person?!"
And then when I came to the 'people' section and reading some posts,
I realized.
Anon means "Anonymous".
i used to believe that anon was some weird classical/poet/writer/songwriter/philosither kind of guy, a bit like aosoup or somthing
Until just about a second ago, I gathered that the orange "anon" signed beliefs were from the beginning of the site when the creator (named Anon) put a few on there to get people to visit and decide to submit their own.
Of course, then I realized the boring truth. :P
For the first like, 4 times I went to this site, I thought "anon" was a real name of a person! I kept thinking to myself, "Wow! Anon really believed in a lot of things!"
In 6th grade my teacher would put quotes on the board for us to copy down, and many of them were by "Anon." I figured he must have been a really great philosopher or something, but I didn't ask who he was because I didn't want to appear uneducated.
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