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top belief!

My middle name is Viola, but for the longest time, I thought it was Vagina. I was sure all little girls had the middle name Vagina, so that doctors would be sure we were girls.

It confused me, however, that my brother's middle name was Joseph and not Penis.

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when i was younger(about 10 or 11) my parents never used to use me and my sisters names. like one time my sister was in the people next doors drive way and my dad yelled DAMNIT! WILL YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE". or like one time when i was in the bathroom for a really long time my mom yelled " JESUS CRIST! WILL YOU GET YOUR ASS OUTTA THERE"?. So one time it was raining out side and i was still outside playing and my dad came to the door and yelled "DAMNIT! GET IN HERE"?. i looked up at him and said "Dad i'm jesus crist".

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As a young child (maybe around 8) in the 90's I had a teenage cousin named Tonya with frizzy blonde hair that lived in Oregon. I didn't know much about her other than that. From watching TV, I became convinced that my cousin was actually Tonya Harding, and that my family just never talked about it because they were too ashamed of her.

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when i was little, and knew nothing about the fashion industry, i believed that Gucci was another word for small

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top belief!

I thought my real name was Marmite and that I was only called Rosie to stop others getting me confused with marmite spread.
My Grandad would always say 'My Mate Marmite' to me when I was really young.
I wasn't aware that it was an advertising slogan.

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top belief!

When i was little and i said 'Thank you' to people naturally they said 'Your welcome' i would scream at them 'No, im not! Im Megan!'

Still Getting Teased By My Brother...

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when i was younger we called our Grandmother "Grandma Hinkley" thinking that was her name but come to find out she lived in Hinckley , Minneasota.

kathy daniels
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When I was like 3 or 4, I thought people were born with their name. For example, if you're name was Jenny, when you were born, you had a little sign around your neck with "Jenny" written on it! Don't ask me where I came up with this. I was a weird child.

Captain Weirdo
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I used to believe that everyone who had the same name, looked alike. E.g. my father's name is Harold, so everyone named Harold looked exactly like my father...

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I once thought of most names in the world, there were three people with that name, one who goes to school, one who doesn't go to school, and one who is an adult. But for rare names there was only one person with that name.

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i used to believe that "bill stickers" was a wanted criminal in london as whenever i went, there were always signs up saying "bill stickers will be prosecuted"!!

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top belief!

I used to think the name Bob was just a name by itself, since I couldn't ever think of a name it could possibly be short for. It always confused me how any loving parent could name a child Bob.

So I came up with the brilliant idea that since the name Rob was short for Robert, that Bob would be short for...yes, Bobert. I held this belief seriously for a solid five years.

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im from mexico therefore my english is not so good
When i was a child i used to believe that my name was just for the time while i was a kid and by the time when i grew up i'd change my name

and i waste a lot of time, thinking about what name i should have when i grow up...

for example,,
my name is samantha and i used to believe it was a name for a little girl.. and my name for adult.. should be Elizabeth.. because for me..it was a name for an adult...
i hope.. you understand some about what i wrote.
( im 19)

samantha ochoa cepeda.. de mty., mexico :P
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When they said "Houston we have a problem" ... I didn't know they were talking about Houston, Texas, I thought Houston was a guy's name.

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I used to think that all people with the same FIRST name were related.

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top belief!

When I was young people would always say,"You don't know Jack Shit!"

I would say, "No, I don't."

Who was Jack and why would I care if he shit.Was he a relative or a brother I didn't know about that they gave up for adoption. I pondered these things.

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I used to think that everybody had to change their name on their 21st birthday. I was going to change mine to Miss Violet

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up untill i was about 5, i thought my mum and dads names were... mum and dad!!!

Leah Goodman
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I used to think that when you became an adult (at about the age of 13) you had to change your name to an 'adult' name. This was because I had never met an adult with the same name as my kiddy friends, or vice-versa. It seemed very plausible.

I think this was made worse by asking my mum how old people were when they changed their names, and what adult name I would like to have. Misunderstanding me (she thought I didn't like my name and wanted to legally change it) she told me it could only happen when I was grown up.

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top belief!

My sister Rosie used to think that 'letters after your name' meant that the Queen sent you letters. And you had to run away from them.

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