i used to believe

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when I was in grade 3, about 7 years old, we had Religious Instruction class.I was told I was a Catholic but I had never heard this word. I thought I was a Catholic because my surname started with "C". I knew that Catholic was bad as all my friends were Anglican,whether or not their surname started with "A"

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up until I was 4 years old I thought my mum's name was 'Mummy', just because that was what all the grown ups around me used to call her. That poor woman...

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I used to think "Qui" was a name!! XD

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I thought Euler was pronounced yooler, instead of oiler.

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Up until i was 7 i belived i was the only girl in the world named fern then my aunt said she new a little girl called fern.I was so devistated.I then wanted to change my real name to my middle name sachiko meaning joy in english (of couse i wanted the english name) and my middle name to be fern then i found out that i couldnt change my name for along time.I said to my mum the next day "when i grow up im gona change my name to Ala kikurass. You should of seen the FACE she made it was so funny.I got grounded for the next 2 weeks.My mum looking back to it now thinks its funny to hear a 7 yr old say what i said.

Fern AKA:Ala Kikurass (i wish)
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I used to believe that Barry Goldwater was a magical man because his name Goldwater conjured up images of him sparkling and wonderful. I later learned he was a terrible politician.

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I believed that when you get older, you change names. That's prolly because in our language some names are now rarely used (I thought they're old man names, since I didn't know any kid with such name) and the currently common ones are "kid ones". For example, when Billy grows to John's age, he will be renamed to John and John will be renamed to something else. Since Billy sounds "childish".

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when i was younger we called our Grandmother "Grandma Hinkley" thinking that was her name but come to find out she lived in Hinckley , Minneasota.

kathy daniels
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i used to think my parents spelled my name differently because i was special after i overheard my mum say that she didnt spell my name with the second a so i wouldnt get confused spelling it!
then i met someone else who spelt it my way and it dashed my dreams of having a special name!

Rachel xXx
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This was a few years ago, but.. anyway. My niece had just come home from pre-school and was telling myself and my mom about her friend "rizzerbeff". My mom and I were completely stumped. WE thought her friend's name was "Lizard Breath". "Rrrriiiizzzzzzzzerbefffffff" my niece said, slowly, so maybe we'd catch on. All the while, my dad was chuckling as he was listening. He leans down "sam, was her name Elizabeth?" and my niece immidiatly starts nodding "yeah papa, rizzerbeff". We still laugh whe we talk about that, only my niece gets kinda mad....oh well..:P

Rizzerbeff, the Lizard Breath
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I used to think that martha washington was my grandma, since they had the same first name. Even their hair was similar!

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When i was at walmart, i saw an employee at the checkout counter and i looked at the name there that says "La-a" on it and I pronounced it la uh but she told me it was pronounced ladasha. The dash isn't silent.

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along with most children, I, too, thought stuffed animals, dolls, and toys came to life at night

Nutcracker Suite
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My middle name is Neiah which is pronounced "near" and when i was about 10 (i'm now 13) my Mum told me that she actually wasn't sure how to pronounce my middle name (my Dad got it out of a book) and it might actually be pronounced "Nay" which totally mortified me as my first name is Jay (not shortened). I was very naive at the time and told a group of mates that my middle name might be pronounced "Nay" which destroyed my self confidence. I asked my Dad if Mum was right and he said she was lying but the damage has allready been done. I have no idea who to belive and I am now fully embarrased by my middle name and if i'm asked i say i havn't got one.

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I used to think i was real

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I used to think you could only ever change your name if you werefamoys, and had to be stuck with your given birth name the rest od the time.

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I used to believe that your name made you look the way you did. I dont know where I got that...

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My parents names are Mary and Gary. So when I was little I thought everyone in the worlds parents were named Mary and Gary. Maybe because they rhymed? I dont know!

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Before I was 4 and started school, i believed that i was the only person in the world named jessica. On the first day of school my teacher called out Jessica, and another girl stood up, my mind was blown

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When my little sister Heather was 4 (she's now 22), she LOVED the name Ashley. She used to go around telling people "My name was really Ashley before it was Heather." I don't know how long she believed this.

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