i used to believe

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I used to believe that no one in the world could have the same name as someone else. When I still believed this, I had a friend named Michael Douglas, so every time the actor Michael Douglas was brought up, I thought they were talking about my friend and that, when not at school, he was a famous actor.

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I used to get the name "Virginia" mixed up with the word Vagina

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When William Kennedy Smith was on trial for rape in Florida I didn't understand how he was related to the Kennedys and could be a first cousin to JFK, Jr. I knew that Kennedy was his middle name, but I didn't realize until later on that many individuals are named for their mother's family. Dr. Smith's mom is Jean Kennedy-hence his middle name Kennedy.

I also still confuse Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley since their names are so similar. At one time I thought that they were the same person.

Diane Windsor
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I once made my little cousin believe that his name used to be "Ajabar" and they changed it to John when he was too. He then ran to his mom yelling "Mommy, I want my name to be "Ajabar" again!"

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i USED to belive that bin lardon (a bomer) was Jim Branning In Eastenders!

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My name is Derek and I used to think I was I was the only one. (Derek that is) Everyone spelled my name either Derrick, or Derik. When I told them it was D-e-r-e-k, they always said, "Well thats a weird way to spell it!"

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I used to have a Mexican friend named Jorge. I swear that his friends would call him "Whore Hey."

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When I was in kindergarten I couldn't spell my last name, it was ten letters long! Tricky to spell too..... I used to think it started with a P like the letters in the mail said but it was a d....

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i have an uncle bob in my family and my mom would always tell me that when i was really little i would call him ub-bob. no idea where that came from but yea

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I use to think if you had the same name as a famouse person you would be famouse.

Kiwi 200
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My middle name is Elizabeth, and while I like that name now, I thought it was horrible as a young child. It was a disgusting name, and I was so embarrassed by it that when people would ask what my middle name was, I would say I didn't have one.

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I used to think that noone could have the same name as eachother or they'd turn out like twins, and when in my 1st grade class, this big fat bully had the same name as me and i thought that i had to be a bully too

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i was born in south africa but my mum and dad are english but my cousins were born also in south africa but there dad is south african and theyve got a weird last name its "grobler" anyway we live in england now and when my cousin was about 8 she got mixed up with her d and b's so she was spelling her last name and she wrote grodler so 4 about a year i was thinking that u spell her last like grodler and that year on xmas my mum was writing a christmas card to her and her mum dad and bro and my mum wrote n the front "THE grobler family" and i sed to her she spellt their last name wrong

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I used to think that bev was short for beverage

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