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When I was little, my dad had a friend named Theresa. He always talked about her and about what a good-hearted person she was. Thing is, she lived in another state so I never met her. I only heard my dad talking about how kind and caring she was. So I concluded that she was in fact Mother Theresa.

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When I was little, I thought that babies were born with a metal name tag. I'm not sure when I discovered that was not true. It may have been when my mother showed me her list of baby names, and told me how she picked mine.

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I used to believe Monty Hall was a place instead of a man. Let's Make A Deal was before my time and I only knew Monty's name from the Monty Hall problem. I thought "Monty Hall" was the building where the game show took place.

too much game shows
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I was reading a letters page from a magazine one day and I noticed a lot of letters from a person called Name Witheld and I commented to my younger brother that this poor lady must have had a very tough life.

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I used to think people with old-lady sort of names (Helen, Betty, Betsy, etc) would age twice faster than anybody else. I also felt special because my name was a young-ish sort of name!

Forever Young Kelly
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I thought the name Phillip was actually spelled "Fill Up"

Natasha H
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I used to believe that the word prima donna was actually pre-Madonna

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I used to believe that there was a girl's name written and pronounced "Feebee" and an entirely different girl's name spelt "Phoebe" and pronounced 'fobe' like 'earlobe'.

When I see the name in print, I stll find it hard to pronounce it 'feebee'.

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I used to think Kanye West was actually Conway-West and that it was some sort of southern truck company, founded of course by Mr. Conway and Mr. West,

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my mom's middle name is tina anne makela. when she was a kid she used to think her middle name was "and" and wrote that on all of her papers.

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When I was little, I understood that a woman could choose to change her name when she got married. But, I thought she changed her FIRST name. I proudly announcned that when I got married, I was going to change my name to Monique.

married but still not named Monique
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I used to believe that everyone had the same middle name as me... Elizabeth.
(even my uncles)

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I have an older sister named Tammy. When I was younger, Tammy had a Tmoble phone. I thought it stood fot Tammys moble

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I used to think that Anonymous was a really famous person

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When I was about 3, our neighbor had a baby. Her son, who was my age, ran over to us and told us that his mom had a girl. Well, my parents asked him what her name was. He said "Banana Gold". Of course, my parents were completely baffled about why the baby was named Banana Gold. They spent a while figuring out what Kevin really meant. It turned out that the baby's name was Amanda Nicole.

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In gradeschool I had a friend named Renee. For about five months I thought her name was Grenade. My mom said, "are you sure it's not Renee?" I told her, "No, it's Grenade." and she looked at my dad with a knowing smile.

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Both my parents coincidentally have the same last names, so when I was little, I always thought that you can only marry people with the same last names. i.e. your brothers/sisters...

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When I was little I believed that a person had two names, one when they were a "child" and one when they are a "adult"
For example, I asked my mom one day( her name is viki) what her name was when she was a kid and she laughed at me.

I was around 4.

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I used to believe that God's name was Howard. It wasn't until I was in Junior High that I realized that the prayer was "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name" and not "Our Father who art in Heaven, Howard be thy name"

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There was an aquarium called "Atlantis Marine World" near where my brothers and I grew up. This was the first place my brother heard the word "marine", so he thought "Marines" were people who worked at aquariums.

Ironically, he is now going to a military academy (to be in the Army, not the Marines.)

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