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When I was about 7, I believed that this big hill beside the hospital in my town was heaven. It was so big to me back then, so I thought that this was the only place heaven could possibly be. I would say hello to God and Jesus every time we drove by.

Kyle Cruzan
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when I was younger, I believed that when you died, you stood next to God and He would look through a ViewMaster that had scenes from your life. On that he would decide if you got into heaven.

cool cat
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I used to think that heaven looked like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory with lollipops growing up from the ground.

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my mom used to tell me that before she was born she was a dog that used to belong to my dad.Now I don't believe

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i used to believe that Purgatory was a huge spiral staircase between heaven and hell, and you had to kneel and say a prayer on each and every step until you finally reached heaven...I remember wondering if they provided knee pads.

Sarah. F
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i used to think heaven was a gas station.

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when I was about 4 i was out walking with my mother and kept staring at the clouds in the sky.

She asked me what I was looking at, to which i replied "god's up there somewhere picking the flesh off the dead bodies..."

I was such a sweet child..

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Having been taught that every earthly deed,good or bad, was recorded in a book by God, I was concerned for the angel who sat writing them in by pencil day after day. When computers became a fact of life my vision of the Book of Life changed dramatically and I knew that Gods computer was far superior to my one.

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When I was little, my family was relatively religious, so when I was caught lying I was told that I would "go to hell" for it. Afterwards I was always sent to my room. I started to believe that "hell" was just a clever "grownup" nickname for your room or another "time out" spot..seeings how thats where I always had to go for lying. I carried this belief up until kidnergarten when my teacher told the class about a time she misbehaved as a little girl and I told her "she need to go to hell for that one"!!

Spawn Of Satan
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When I was about 7 y.o. I used to think that I was not really alive but I had died and my life was just a video in real play to show God what I had done with my life.

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My grandfather died and to explain it to me my mother told me he was living with Jesus. So one day she called a relative, and one of their grandkids answered the phone. My mother asked "Can I speak to Grandpa?" I had this stunned face and asked my mother... "You're calling Jesus?!"

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Up until last year (2004, I'm now 22) I was absolutely convinced I was going to Hell.
You see, I was raised Catholic (now Lutheran, long story not for this site,) and when I had my First Holy Communion, I went to the altar in a group of five kids. The nun with us asked all of us if when we recieved and closed our eyes "Did you see the light of God for a second?"
Everyone siad they did. I hadn't, and connected this with having commited a sin between the confession they had us go the week before Communion, and therefore not having a "clean" soul. I was absoulutely terrified to say I didn't see it, so I lied and said I did, thus compounding the sin.
Of course, I was terrified to tell the priest at my next confession, thinking he'd scream "Oh, My God!" and throw me out of the church, thus the sin kept getting bigger.

A few years later, I was discussing the afterlife with my stepmother, and told her sadly..."I know where I'm going..." Then explained why. It took her five full minutes to stop laughing, and then she explained exactly why that was a load of hooey, and told me there were probably four other really scared kids that thought the same thing! I wonder if any of them posted to this site?

Damned No More!
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When I was a kid, I thought Jerusalem, Bethlehem etc were all suburbs of Heaven. I was absolutely flabbergasted when I found out they were real places on Earth that you could go visit...

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I attended a Christian school, where they told us that, come Judgment Day, every thing we'd ever done would be shown to everyone who ever lived (like a movie), and that we would be terribly ashamed when all of our sins were revealed.

I kind of believed this. But even at the age of 11, I thought "Well, if we all have to watch ALL the sins of ALL the billions of people who have ever lived -- by the time they get to me, everyone will be too bored to pay attention.

Lady Jane
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When I was about 8, I thought everytime I opened my dresser drawers there was the chance there might be a pair of red hands inside. If there were red hands inside, I would automatically be sent to hell. I faced eternal damnation everytime I had to change my clothes.

And all this time my mom thought I just had a favorite shirt.
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My mom used to tell me that in heaven you just have to snap your fingers and you would get whatever you wanted. Well at the time my favorite food was marshmallows, and to this day whenever i think about death or heaven, i picture a Marshmallow Land, with marshmallow floors and seats and to eat.

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When I was little I used to believe that the Sunrays that touched the ground was God bringing someone up to Heaven from the grave.

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When I was little, I thought Heaven was a serene peaceful place that was all white with soft light and a white fog covered the ground. There were people in white robes lying on the ground here and there but they would get up and step over each other to go to the bathroom.

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I used to believe that everyone had an invisible thread attached to the middle of their backs that came from a large ball of string that was kept in heaven. For some reason knowing this meant that whever I walked around anything - a building or a car or a room - I always walked back the opposite direction so that my string wouldnt snag on anything. It was only a small step from this to imagine that, when we died, Jesus would hold both ends of our string and, if it all pulled free without catching on anything, we would have earned ourselves a special place in heaven. Thankfully I now know this not to be strictly true.

Tom Blson
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when i was little, i used to think that the clouds were heaven. one day i told my mom that i hope there are clouds in the sky when i die. she said why do you say that? i said so i don't have to go to hell. she laughed and explained it to me. we didn't go to church much and i thought that if there were clouds you go to heaven and if not you go to hell.

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