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The biggest Greed is wanting an afterlife.If we lived forever on earth with no death.There would be less people who believed in god and more people who believed in ourselfs and the universe.Instead of this "Ultimate Reality" - Anyway humans have a good go at makin' that in the Future.
Im 13, and up until I was about 9, I thought that when you died, you could sit on a big cloud and spy on people that you know. I also thought that you eat anything and stay slim..
top belief!
When I was a child I thought your "soul" was your buttocks; because nobody could quite explain to me what a soul was. So when my mom told me when someone dies their soul goes to heaven; I was always picturing all these buttocks soaring up into the sky.
I knew about death alright. from since iw as 3 and frank died. :'( well, anyways, i thought taht instead of just one heaven, it was how you wanted it to be. Like, if you loved wild animals, heaven would be a zoo. i was so sad when i found out i might be wrong.
top belief!
I used to believe that the damned had one las chance to save their souls before entering Hell, which wasn't a test of piety or charity, but instead a physical challenge. You could get into Heaven if only you could walk a tightrope a mile long or hold your breath for three minutes.
When I was little, I belived that little siblings were evil spirits coming to haunt older children. I was absouelutly horrid to my little brother, until my mom told me that if I hurt my brother again, even if he was a spirit, I would be grounded forever.
When my grandfater died when I was six, my mu said that we could go and visit him one day. It wasnt til i was about ten taht I reaslised I'd have to *gasp* DIE to visit him.
When I was little, I had the theory that if you dive down head first into the groud you would get transported to a firey place and you could do anything you wanted. All of my freinds I ever known would be there and the pain I felt in the real world would all be gone and everything would be good. I don't know where I got thats from. I acully thought about trying that a few times to! Luckily I didnt though
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My friend use to be terrified that on judgement day all humans would stand in an alphebetical line to meet with God. Since her last name is Harris, she would have to stand in line next to the evil king Herrod from the bible. She still gets nervous when people talk about the end of the world!
I used to think that people's souls became angels after they died, because so many people said such things like "I guess God needed another angel" at funerals and such. It wasn't until I was a teen and I studied theology myself that I found that angels are a totally seperate type of being, and that human souls remain human. It was a shock when I realized just how many people are ignorant of their own religion.
As I became an adult, I started to doubt the existence of both angels and souls, so I guess spirituality is another childhood belief I grew out of.
When I was about 3-5 I thought that I was unlucky not being a tree or a washing machine because these were inmortal
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U kno the song that goes something like "what if God was one of us" i imaged that if God was one us then he must have a house and if he has a house he must have a phone number. if he had a phone number then angels must be answering it (because Gods busy watching out for us). So for a couple years i thought that heavan was a big house and after you die you go to that house and become a seceritary for God. You Manly answer the phone saying "God hotline please hold" or "for miricals press one for blessing press two etc.etc.
I also spent 2 years looking for God's phone number in the phone book.
I used to believe that our soul looks kind of like a pencil, and is golden, and that it lies in the middle of our chest. And when we die, it would fly up to the sky and go to heaven. Later my mom explained to me that the soul is not actually an organ, and that we cannot see it. That really confused me for a while.
If you have ever seen those big capped off PVC pipes that stick up out of the ground ( I don't know what they are), well I used to think that those were pipes that lead to hell and that if you ever took the cap off that fire would come out, oh yeah, and rollie pollie bugs were from hell because they were always around one of those pipes that was at my daycare.
I used to believe that there was an order to things: that there was the Earth, which was surrounded by galaxy, and surrounding the galaxy was Heaven, I imagined that there was a velvet rope (like the ones to direct ticket lines at movie theaters) cutting off the galaxy from Heaven, and that god stood at the only opening letting people in.
i used to believe that your life was a dream and when you died you would wake up as a baby and start your life again as the same person but different things would happen. for example: if you was poor then when you woke up you would become rich.
when there is a spot where the sun only shines between 2 clowds god was takeing dead people up to heaven.
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I used to believe that in order to gain access to heaven, you had to read a book that included everything you had ever done, heard, seen, thought, experienced, etc. The book was several stories high, and the size of a trampoline, and you had to climb onto it to read.
top belief!
I used to believe that when people died, their body literally floated up to heaven. I wondered for the longest time why I never saw dead people in the sky.
When I was about eight or nine I believed that when you die, you become the animal that you hate the most. So I would become a fish, and after that a spider, then a worm, and so on. This to make you understand every being - so that you after many many lifes wouldn't hate any animal. I also believed that after you had been every animal, you got to choose wich animal you wanted to be in your next life, and in the next, and so on.
I remember that I liked my beliefe and that it made me fell very secure and not afraid of dieing.
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