i used to believe

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I used to believe God would sit in a room with all these TV monitors, how else could he know everything that was going on in the world!

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That when it rained and the sun was out the devil was beating his wife. I used to believe that when it thundered God was bowling, and lightning struck then it was a strike.

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I used to believe (when I was young) that a "sun worshipper" was a kind of religion, like what the Aztecs believed. Then I learned it refers to someone who lies out in the sun to get tan.

me again
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I used to believe both literal creationism and evolution, at the same time. I believed God made the world in 7 days and created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Even and all that, but I also believed humans evolved from apes through natural selection over millions of years. It wasn't like I had worked out a way to reconcile the two viewpoints, I just accepted both of them as literal truth without them ever being associated together in my mind - one was religion, one was science, so they didn't seem at all connected to me. It wasn't until I was 11 or so I realized they contradicted each other.

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I thought that garden where Jesus went to pray before the Romans came and got him to be crucified was called the Garden of Yosemite. I was surprised that Jesus could transport himself to North America just to pray. Then I found out it was the Garden of Gethsemane. Good thing I never brought the subject up out loud!

Jackee H.
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I used to believe that if Jesus lived in my heart then the devil must live in my rear end because thats where all the nasty stuff in my body was.

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We used to sing a song "He's got the whole World in his hands" and I figured that when God closed his hands it was night

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I used to believe (and still kinda do) that I was in direct contact with God. Nowadays I occasionally ask favours of God, but when I was smaller it was so much weirder. I used to wage 'bets' against God, and they weren't little bets either. Here's an example:
Me: *To God* If my sister doesn't pass me the milk carton I'll die.
God: *silence*
I would then implore my sister to give me the carton, but I didn't tell her why because I knew it seemed stupid.
As well as 'betting' I used to 'bargain'. For example, I would ask God to make me into a kind of alien I'd read about in a book (Animorphs series) in exchange for say, several years of my lifespan. After weeks of patience and no transformation, despite convincing myself it was happening for the first few days, I gave up on asking God to change my physical form and moved onto bartering for an increased lifespan for my family. I was a thoughtful kid if nothing else.

Paranoid British Kid.
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When i was about 6or7 I thought at noon when the sunset was out, the clouds would turn a red or pinkish colour, and id get all of my stuff (barbie,tea cup set,ect.)and run as fast as i can inside because i convinced myself the devil would steal me!!!lol even my 10 yr. friend belived me?? i figured red meant blood and i thought the devil sucked your blood??? yeah weird huh? so id run to the door,slam it and lock both doors...lol hehe...... i was a weird one..lmao[3

jasmin del a cruz
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We didn't go to church growing up, so I used to believe that the bible was an evil being in a black cloak that would come and visit you in the middle of the night and tell you things. I thought that because everyone at school always said things like "The bible says ____"

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I believed God controlled us like we were on a big fooseball table, but the bars that connected us were invisible and bent in many directions

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I used to believe that since God was everywhere that must mean the world is in his stomach

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I used to believe that the "children of Israel" were all children, boys and girls, no adults. I couldn't understand how millions of children got out in the wilderness unattended by adults, or who took care of them. This puzzled me for a long time, through many Sunday school lessons and sermons.

Vicki J.
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i used to believe that we were all just dolls in a doll house and that god was a little girl who played with us and when we were sleeping was when she was at school. sometimes i still think it makes sense

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When I was young I was told God would be everywhere with everyone. I was so confeused how God was with everyone at the same time. I thought he had like a million tenticles like an Octopus, one tenticle would be with one person all the time.

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I grew up with Christian parents but they weren't very religious so we never attended church or discussed religion much. The few times I went to church with friends I always heard about, the Lord, Jesus, and God. Being young and not having a religious education I always thought of these three as separate people walking around Heaven. I thought of God as the typical long gray beard, Jesus as he is usually shown in pictures, and the Lord as a kind of judge looking figure.

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Growing up in a very Christian household, I was always told that "God is everywhere". I took this very literally (apparently I was a little pantheist), and I remember staring in wide-eyed shock. "God is everywhere? Even in my shoe?" For the longest time, I thought that every time I put my shoes on, I was stepping on God.

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Growing up in a Christain family, we always celebrated Christmas and Easter. I knew that Jesus was born on Christmas and died on Easter. I was always impressed that he got so much accomplished in life in only 4 months. I was also confused on how he grew up so fast. I missed the 30 or so years in between.

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I used to believe God was a little black boy with corn rows. I'm white.

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When my family goes to New Hampshire to visit my grandma, we often go to a town called Bethlehem to shop. I used think Jesus was born in New Hampshire!

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