i used to believe

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When I was a child I used to believe that The God was one of the clouds in the sky so every time I looked up at the sky I tried to identify which one He was

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I used to think Santa Clause was the Holy Spirit. I always heard more about the Holy Spirit around Christmas and you couldn't see spirits or Santa. I found out later in life that a friend of mine also had that same belief!

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As a kid I was told that 'Jesus is greater than all of us'.. So I went home and asked my mom if Jesus really was bigger than George (this really tall man in our neighborhood)

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I used to believe that when you are good, god loves you and gives as an exchange to you a better life, I use to believe that u shouldn't judge people, that u should treat everyone as equal, because the only one who can judge them and say what is wrong and what is right is god. I still believe these things, i still believe in the innocents i have and i wish everyone could think with this way..

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I used to believe that Satan was a snake that lived in the crack between my wall and my bed! If I didn't face the crack, he would come get me. To this day I'm still more comfortable sleeping on my left side!

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when I was little I was told that God sees evreything you do and hears everthing you say so you better be a good girl.And I can remember one night when my mother was giving me a bath and I asked if God can see me naked and she said no I am sure he turns his head. well she had a hard time getting me to believe that so I would get her to put the shower curtain around us while she bathed me and I would make her give me a towel before I would get out form behind the curtain.I was never worried about being seen misbehaving.

Brittney P
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I used to believe that the Pope lived in an aeroplane. Because whenever you saw him on TV he was getting out of an aeroplane. I even drew a picture of the aeroplane in my First Communion book under the heading "where the Pope lives" and none of the nuns at school bothered to correct me.

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One time I asked my mom who Jesus was, and she said "He was a good man". To me a "good man" was someone who wore a business suit and carried a briefcase, so that's how I pictured Jesus for a long time.

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My sister used to (might still) believe that she knew what Jesus's surname was. She thought it was Christ, which also lead to her thinking that it was his parents surname too!

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I used to believe that God was the light rays shining through the clouds.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that God was a giant man with black hair, wore a red jumper and sat at his giant desk with he's giant computer which had all different buttons! For rain, sunshine, thunder and lightening ect!

Yasmin senaini
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i used to believe that I could contact god by tying a letter to a helium balloon and letting it go in my backyard.

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It's pretty common I guess. :)
I used to think my mom was working with god, because she always knew when I lied and would say : God will be sad. So I assumed she and god hung out together or something. It was pretty scary, the two most powerful bosses ever.

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I was told that God lived in my heart. I used to picture a little man walking around my heart like a house. Just hanging out there.

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As I was growing up my grandfather loved to eat ice.So one day I asked him why did he love to eat ice all the time. He told me that because if he then he wont go to the devil because he will be to cold.I actually believed this until I was well in my teens.

SS Grinage
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when i was a kid, i saw a TV special about the US Marines stunt pilot team, the "Blue Angels", who flew F-18 fighter jets.

Because they were called "Blue Angels", i assumed that the fighter jets were, literally, "Angels", like the ones in the Bible. I had seen pictures of traditional angels in Sunday school, but i assumed that they had changed their form over the years and now looked like jets.

When i learned about the Biblical "rapture", i pictured jet fighters growing gangly cartoonish arms and swooping down from the sky to grab Christians and wisk them away to heaven.

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I used to believe that groundhogs day was the day that the devil came up to earth through a hole in the ground. I would have nightmares about him visiting me as a shadow on my wall. Fortunately the dreams ended after a nice man walked out of the shadow and we became friends.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that when someone went into space or an airplane went above the clouds, they were able to see Jesus' land because he lived in heaven.

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I used to think God was actually called Peter, because at church, we all used to say 'Thanks Peter God'.....when really, its thanks BE to God!

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In Denmark, a very common cuss word is Satan. My mum wasn't religious, but didn't care for her son to cuss, so she told me that if you call his name, he will come for you. I'm 21 years old and still get chills when someone cusses.

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