i used to believe

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One day I met a really old lady who had white hair, was wearing white clothes and was praying. I believed, and in fact announced to my mother, that I had met God that day.

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I used to believe that the Holy Trinity was Dad, God and Santa Claus!

Cathy P.
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I used to believe that if i threw something as high as i could into the air god would steal it.

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when I was in the fourth grade a nun told us in the class a story about a man who wrote the name Mary on his pillow every night with his finger.when he died he went to heaven and confronted St Peter at the front gates of heaven where he was told that he was'nt good enough on earth to be let into heaven.As he sadly walked away the Virgin Mary called to him and snuck him in the back door.I am 62 years of age and have not went to sleep without writing Mary on my pillow since I was told that story in the fourth grade.(ps hope it works)

Jim Fogarty
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Until high school, I thought that Calvinism was named for Calvin Coolidge. Not an entirely ridiculous confusion, since both were associated with a work ethic.

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I used to blieve that the orange center of marshammow easter eggs was Jesus...

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I used to believe that in China, instead of Adam and Eve eating an apple? They believed it was a banana.

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I used to believe god lived on one side of the sky and the devil lived on the other. I also believed that they would have wars with each other. God spearing lighting bolts and the devil spearing red tridents.
I also believed that when you die, you get put on a cloud to find your own way to heaven or hell.

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I was in church in first of second grade when the priest talked about "Blessed Mary, ever virgin". I immediately turned to my mother and asked "Mom, whats a virgin?"

My mom answered without embarassment or hesitation "Its a person who hans't had children".

'splains a lot, Lucy...

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When I was little, I had a long rope that was buried in my backyard, my brother and I could never pull it out no matter how hard we pulled. I remember thinking that Satin lived there and it was hell, I wanted so bad to pull satin out and just...I don't know what I wanted to do but I wanted to pull him out.

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I remember that I had a vivid image in my head that God looked like the cartoon version of Inspector Clousaeu from the animated Pink Panther T.V. program, except that he wore a bowler hat and suit and not a brown mac.

Monkey Steve
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When I was five, I believed God was big as a tree, a tree being the biggest thing I could convieve of.

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When he was about 6, my brother was asked at school to draw what he thought God looked like. What he drew was pretty similar to Mr. Potato Head. I myself thought that God looked a bit like Ted from Postman Pat. God himself only knows why!

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I used to believe that it was unfair that i had to go to church (Jesus's House) and that he was mean because he never came to vist me at my house!

Melainie -Darwin,NT
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My family was vaguely Christian, but we never really went to church or were strict about following the Bible. When I was little, I imagined that God was a giant that lived in the clouds, only he was blue and had lightning in him. And he answered telephones all day.

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When I was very small I believed that there were only 2 angels in Heaven. A girl angel named Gloria, who's name was on her banner above our nativity, and a boy angel named Harold, who sang.

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when i was younger i used to think that if you dialed 666-6666 the devil would pick up and that would mean you wanted to die. my friend and i dialed it once on a dare.. We got so frightened when we heard the operator that we screamed and hung up. I cryed for an hour straight. " i kept yelling he is coming to get me mom" my mom thought i was crazy. later on in life i found out it was the taxi number lol oops

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When I was younger around 5 or 6 I used to think that God could see everywhere and everything except the only place he couldn't see was in bathrooms. I thought that God wouldn't want to be a peeping Tom and it was our decision if we wanted him to see us in our birthday suits, lets just say that for a few years the only place that I would get dressed or change in would be the bathroom. Crazy, huh?

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My youngest nephew (aged 4), when telling the story of Easter, told us that on the crosses were Jesus and two Ninjas.

Diana Kane (StarFirefly26)
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I used to believe the devil could hear my thoughts. I also thought the devil was in the TV and in the radio.

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