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I used to think that God controlled the traffic lights, kinda like watching over you so you wouldn't get into accidents.-.-'

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when i was little i thought if you thought about the devil he would take your soul away from you

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I used to believe that God was a hedgehog!!! Silly I know, but I was about 6!

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When I was 9 I was about to make my communion so . . . I was really obsessed with religious things. I use to think that the thumb was the Virgin Mary (my thumb looked feminine to me), the pointer finger was Jesus, the ring finger was God, the pinky was an Anger, and of course the middle finger was the Devil.

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When i was about 4 to about 7 i thought god looked like the Count form Sesame Street, just not as a pupet, but as a purple person.

Crazy 7
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I used to believe that God looked like George from Seinfeld.

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My biggest mistake as a child: never sit and read through a full color picture Bible at age 6 when you have no idea what Christianity is all about or what happened. I saw Jesus crucified and started screaming my head off, partly because I thought it was horrible human beings could do that to one another, partly because I thought that was what you had to do to be Christian. My mom calmed me down though and told me everything. Maybe that's the reason I'm an agnostic today. ;-)

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en i was little, i saw a picture of a big round purple monster in a book. i used to believe that God looked exactly like that, and he lived in a stable that floated in the sky!

x Cari x
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at a church camp when i was about 16, we were doing a win lose or draw game with well known bible stories. when it was my turn to draw i was given "cain and able" well i thought the pastor had said "cain and mable" needless to say my group lost that round.

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I used to believe that God was a toddler up in heaven and we were all little plastic dolls that he controlled and played with on one of those rugs that have roads and buildings printed on them.

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My mother told me that Jesus lived inside me, so I figured the only place he would fit is in my stomach. I imagined a landscape of chicken legs and vegetables where he walked around in his robes...

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When I was only 3 I was sitting on an elderly womans lap when she past away, I remember standing outside as the paramedics carried her out of her house in what i swear to this day was a wheel barrel and into the ambulance, I thought for ever that an ambualance was your ride to heaven, because the next day a rainbow came and that was what they traveled on to get to heaven. The paramdic that night to me was god. So in catacism several years later the teacher asked us to all draw a picture of what we thought God looked like, and of course I was possitive I knew what he looked like b/c I saw him. I drew a man with a white shirt, blue pants, short black curly hair he was of course pushing a wheel barrel into an ambulance. And a rainbow in the background. My teacher was very confused to say the least.

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I used to believe that when you could see the well-defined rays of sunlight peeking down to the ground through a hole in a cloud that God was speaking directly to the person in the line of that sun ray. And that maybe that person didn't even realize it was happening, because you could only ever see it shining someplace far off, you can't see when it's shining on you that way. I think I still believe this a little bit.

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When my mom got angry, she would say
"Jesus Wept" I always thought she was saying "Jesus Swept" (the floor). I never understood how someone as important as Jesus had to such menial work!

Jim Galloway
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I used to think God and Jesus were the same person. And I grew up Catholic.

Jackie Mullinix/st louis
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When I was very young, my older sister tried explaining to me about God and what he does.

She told me that God was like a magician and that He created me...

I then of course imagined for years that God was a stage magician with a black top hat, a black curly mustache, a wand, and a long cape...

I imagined Heaven to be a big magic show in which God pulled babies out of hats much like magicians do with rabbits

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Sometimes clouds are beautifully edged in gold and/or silvery light. An older girl on my street told me that angels 'glowed' and angels were behind clouds like that.

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I used to believe that God and Santa were the same thing. They both see you when you're sleeping and know when you're awake, they know if you've been bad or good, you ask them for things and sometimes you get them, and they both live somewhere up high but nobody ever sees them. So when I was first introduced to the concept of God in Kindergarten, I thought I had to structure my prayers like a letter including my name, address, and telephone number at the end of each prayer.

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I used to believe that when Jesus was nailed to the cross they just pinned him up by the loose bits of skin between his fingers and toes so it wouldn't hurt too much. I was horrified when I found out how people were actually crucified!

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When I was little, I thought the Indian princess on the Land-O-Lakes butter label was God or Jesus.

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