i used to believe

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I used to be so confused about whether Adam and Eve came before or after dinosaurs!

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I used to believe that the man who presented the weather forecast on TV was God, because he was deciding what the weather would be.

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In grade school we learned about the tax collectors in Jesus' day. I used to think that the people working at the toll booths on the highway were our tax collectors.

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When I was little and was told in church that god could see all and heard our thoughts and prayers, I thought god had a big wall and everyone on earth had their own personal screen he could watch.

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I used to believe that there's an invisible man in the sky that would grant me any wish if I just knelt down and talked to him.

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I was raised by my uncle who I used to believe was God. I thought when he went to work he sorted through lists of good and bad people, and then faxed these lists to Santa.

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I used to think that Dementors were what nuns became after they died.

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I used to believe that when it rained, it ,meant that god was sad and he was crying and when it was sunny it meant that god was happy!

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I was convinced I knew why there were no dinosaurs.
- On Noah's Ark - when they were desperate for food and thought to eat the largest animals first, they ate them all. Then they were too ashamed to include that part of the story.

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When I was little I attended sunday school regularly, so I knew God sat in heaven and Jesus sat at his right hand. Wile trying to figure out how Santa, just as great as the above mentioned fit into the mix, I decided he must have sat at Gods left hand.

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I used to believe that weathermen would get in a rocket with a scroll in hand, and fly up to Heaven to ask God what the weather would be like for the week. Then they would write it down and come back to Earth to report it.

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When I lost my balloon and it flew into a sky. I thought it was because God was bored and wanted to play with my balloon.

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When we said the pledge of Allegiance, I used to think we were "One nation, under God, Invisible". I thought that God was like and invisibility cloak and God just layed over the country so no one else could see us.

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I used to believe guardian angels came down to the babies they were supposed to protect through sunbeams. I think I got this idea from a coloring book of all things. I still smile anytime I see a sunbeam poking through the clouds.

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When I was 5, my cousins told me when it rains and the sun is shining at the same time, that meant the devil was beating up his wife

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I used to believe everyone on earth was a doll, and god was our child that played with us like we were in his doll house!

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When I was little, I used to believe that Jesus Christ had to be a dead ringer for Humphrey Bogart. We had a small black and white t.v. that only got two channels, and I would often watch old movies on it. Humphrey Bogart seemed like the opitomy of grace and class and I thought that this Christ guy I kept hearing about had to look and act like him if he was anyone worth my time. Then I saw a picture of Christ's face on a pamphlet at the dentist's office and was very confused to find out that with his long hair, he looked a lot like many of my parent's friends.

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At some point in my childhood, the subject of Henry VIII came up, along with the fact that he had some of his wives beheaded. I asked my mother why, and she said -- without providing any other context -- "Because he was Catholic". It's important to note here that my mother was not some kind of raving anti-Catholic bigot, she just somehow neglected to take into account that my brain at that stage of development was incapable of grasping the historical context of the Catholic church, its policies on divorce at the time, and all the other political factors involved. In any case, I subsequently spent a portion of my childhood believing that Catholics were horrible, scary people who cut their wives' heads off.

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I used to think God looked like the genie from Aladdin.

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My mother always told me that you had to be married to have children. So I just assumed that God and Mary were divorced; she had just left him for Joseph.

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