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I used to believe (and still do, to an extent) That when looking at the clouds, you could see the faces of angel's watching over you.

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I used to believe that God was this king who lived in the clouds. He was all white and sat on a thrown with a crown, robe, and a staff. He would look down at the world and watch over the people.

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At Sunday School, we were taught about 'the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost'. The first two I could always cope with meeting, but I lived in dreadful terror of bumping into the Holy Ghost!

Small wonder, then, that I turned out to be atheist...

Lee (England)
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When I was at Sunday School at age about five, I thought that when 'such-and-such' "BEGAT" 'so-and-so', they were hitting them with a big stick or similar. The truth 'begat' me much later.....

Lee (England)
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i used to believe when i dug holes in the ground and if i dug to deep i would reach the devil so i never dug to deep

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I used to imagine that god was the tin man from wizard of oz and whenever i heard loud speakers coming from a car outside i thought it was the devil, so i'd go hide

Tony Case
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When I was a very small child, for some reason, I pictured God as an enormous, kind looking zebra. Each night, I would say my prayers to a huge zebra! I still have no idea where that came from.

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When I was 6-7ish I asked my grandmother where God was. She told me 'He lives in your heart', and so I thought everyone had a 'God' in our hearts and would walk around talking (while looking at me chest) to my God.

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Born and raised Catholic with Mexican parents, my Mom never used the x-mas tree but the Nativity Scene. She told me that the 3 Wisemen will start walking towards Baby Jesus after Dec 25th to get there on Jan 6th. So I used to believe that the actually moved overnight and everymorning I would measured how much they moved the night before.

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I used to believe that every religous Christmas card we recieved was sent to us by God.

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When I was about 5 or 6,my mom told me God was everywhere.I pictured him sitting invisibly next to me in the backseat,even watching me in the bathroom.I was highly embarassed that I was always being "watched by God" and that "he knows everything".Maybe that's why I was such a cooperative kid.

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I used to think that Jesus was buried in my back yard, near some bushes behind my play fort. After all, my neighbor Jeffrey told me so and Jeffrey was 5 1/2 years old to my 4 years - so everything he said had to be true. My parents were quite suprised when I told them about this - especially because we never went to church!

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When I was little I used to believe that God looked like the Great Gazoo (the alien from "The Flintstones").

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I used to think the verger at our church (Mr Bickle, aged 60, tall, shock of white hair, long black cassock down to his feets, benevolent smile as we entered church) was God. It was only when I was 9 that I realised that he was just the verger.

Paul Walter, Newbury UK
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When I was in high school, one of the priests at our Anglican church told us in a sermon that St. John the Baptist was the original hippy. I'm sure a good many of us highschoolers believed Father Nealon for saying so. Ever since I heard him say that, I cannot help but conjure an image of a hippy when I think of St. John! ;-)

Hilary the Baker
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When my brother was little, the "Oh God!" movies were very popular. Poor kid thought God looked exactly like George Burns. I wonder if he still does! (He's now 29.) I remember asking Mother if God did look like George Burns. She just smiled and said nobody knew what God looked like. I am three years younger than my brother.

Hilary The Baker
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I used to say the term, "Jesus H. Christ", usually when I was upset. Oneday, my girlfriend at the time asked me why I used the letter "H". With as straight a face as I could, I turned to her and said, "Because that's his middle initial". She looked perplexed then said, "ok, then what is His middle name?" I said, "geeez, everyone knows it's 'Hank'".
I finally told her it was a joke the next day... We broke up soon after... LOL!

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I grew up in a Southern Baptist church and school. Every year, at Easter, the church would perform a play depicting the life and story of Jesus. They always used children of all ages from the school to act in the play. The same man always played Jesus. He grew to be my idea of what Jesus must look like. In the play, during the crucifixion scene, I would always get scared and start crying uncontrollably. It was sooo believable - real looking blood, real screams from "Jesus", and real cries from all of the other actors on stage - sometimes even from the audience.
I thought that the man playing Jesus was really having nails driven into his hands and feet. I was in the play 6 years in a row. Even when I was old enough to know it was all pretend, I still cried during that act of the play, every time.

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that we celebrate New Year's because it is the day that Jesus had his brit (circumcision)

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I went to Cathlic grade school for 8 years.
I used to think that "non-Catholics" and Protestants were two completely different groups (there were no Muslims or Jews or Buddhists or whatever else in Yankton, South Dakota) and wondered where those "non-Catholics" went to church.

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