i used to believe

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I used to believe I could just "dial" god's number on the palm of my hand and it would make my twin sister and brother mind for me (I always had to babysit them).

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When I was young I thought I was the anti-christ. The number of the anti-christ was 666. I added up the number of letters in each of my names and came up with 777. I thought for sure that somewhere in the translations of the bible someone had made a mistake.

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As a small child (four or five?), I read the Bible story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the burning fiery furnace. This scared holy hell out of me because I absolutely believed that if I did something bad my parents would throw me into our furnace at home. I remember waking up at night crying about this and completely befuddling my poor folks.

Laura W.
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I used to believe the saying "thanks be to God" went "thanks, Peter God" - as if Peter was his first name :-)

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When I was very small - four or five, I guess - I recall walking down my street after a rainstorm. As the storm moved away and the heavy black clouds began to scatter, the most beautiful piercing rays of sun reached toward earth and I remember thinking, "That's God." It was the most comforting and beautiful thought, and to this day it makes me smile.

Melissa, Texas
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My wife used to "flip off" the devil by walking around with her middle fingers pointed towards the ground. She thought that would keep him in hell.

The exorcist's hubby
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I remember making "crafts" (coloring paper plates) when I was around six or seven, and telling my grandmother I wanted to sell them. She was helping me figure out how much I should charge for them, and asked me if I wanted to make a profit. This greatly alarmed me, and I shreiked in reply, "No! I don't want to be a prophet like Elijah!" Apparantly we must have been talking about prophets in Sunday school...

Laura G.
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I thought that Samson and Solomon from the Bible were the same person for the longest time...

Laura G.
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I am Catholic. I used to believe that the Father presenting the Mass was in fact God himself.

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'God is always watching' my mother would tell me endlessly as a child. I always wondered how many televisions god would watch simultaneously and did he ever get bored simply watching me washing my teeth, so I would dance around to entertain him so he wouldn't get bored.

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i used to believe that god gave everyone the same amount of money in the beginning and all the people in poor places like africa wasted theres and all the rich people spended there wisely

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when i was little (although this continued to a surprisingly late age) i believed that jesus was born on dec. 25 and died on easter OF THE SAME YEAR. it made sense because no one ever talks about when jesus was a little boy. but i could never work out how he grew up so fast, but i figured it must be because he was magic and stuff.

karen, ny
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i used to believe that when you sneezed you could not take your hand away from your mouth before someone said blessyou otherwise you could be eaten by a devil

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I used to believe that I could kill the devil by pounding nails into the ground in my back yard. Needless to say, it did not work . If it did, my hubby would be out of a job (he is a pastor!!!)

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In my childhood, I was made to believe by my certain friends, that if I rub the middle of my forehead with a pebble, I will be able to see God; I did so and the mark of the wound thus made is still there, making me remember God always.

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When I was a kid, I had a mother who painted a lot. Mostly aquarells.. So every time I watched the sunset, I thought that it was God, taking a brake from his stressful life, just to sit down and paint. A different picture every night... =O)

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I used to believe that God, Jesus and Santa were the same person. I was really happy when my parents told me that Santa didn't exist, because I thought I wouldn't have to go to church anymore.

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As a little girl, my mother took me to visit her godmother, an extremely old woman with lots of religious pictures/statures, etc. Since she was so old, and had pictures of Jesus everywhere, and I apparently mis-heard "God's mother", I truly thought she was the Blessed Mother. I was terrified of misbehaving. Even though her name was Cecilia, I figured it was a decoy so other people wouldn't mob her.

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I knew that Jesus died on a cross, and I concluded that this must have made
him rather cross. I also imagined the cross as a bed of nails leaning against
a wall, holding up a scowling Jesus.

Paul S.
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I used to believe that God resembled George Washington - specifically, the actor playing George Washington in a car dealership's President's Day sale.

Josh in L.A.
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