i used to believe

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I was raised Catholic and when I was little my mom told me that I had to be good because Jesus was everywhere watching me... so I always pictured multiple Jesus's in every space of every room... little Jesus's sitting on tables and chairs and counters, big Jesus's standing on every inch of the floor, and huge Jesus's everywhere outside... I just figured they were invisible and like ghosts and thats why we couldnt see them.

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I used to believe gay was a religion. One time at the beach when I was 5, my older cousin called me gay. I was confused, never having heard the word before, and responded, "I'm not gay. I'm Christian."

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i always believed other religions(besides christianity) were based on helping others, just had different names, and were all accountable to the same "god".
-also believed all christians worshiped christ, the homeless public speaker, not currency

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I used to think that when my parents and everyone else at church told me that Jesus loved me, that it was romantic love. I was afraid to go to church because I didn't feel the same way and didn't want to hurt Jesus's feelings.

The churchgoer who knows better now
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as a 5 year old in kindergarden, all off a sudden we all went to the window and we saw a cloud fly by - it was pretty windy too, so it passed quite quickly. all the kids kept saying "look, god is sitting on the cloud!!"... i joined in, but always wondered where they saw him...

also, when it was raining, i thought god was peeing. i only believed that for a little while, cuz he must have a very big bladder for it to rai throughout the night!

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When I was young I used to believe that there was an all knowing all seeing being. who created me and everyone else. This being also watched everything that went on and felt that he should tell everyone what to do.

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When I was really little my mother told me that Jesus was in everything. Of course, I interpreted that as meaning that he made up the mass of all things, such as the inside of the walls, and that's how he knew everything a person was doing and whether they were sinning. When I was about 7 or 8, I cut my arm on a rock, and a layer of my skin was coming off. I was really scared because I was unaware that people had "layers" of skin, and I convinced myself that I had found Jesus. I tried to peel of the rest of my skin so I could meet Him, and apologize for all my sins and that he had to live inside of me, but it was too painful and I gave up. Then I started to cry because I was worried Jesus would be mad at me because I couldn't free him from my skin.

Amy L. M.
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I always thought that heaven was in the sky, so whenever I go on an airplane, I always try looking for God. I kept yelling, "God! Are you there?!" But then I went to religion school, and I found out that you need to be dead to see God. Well, I didn't let myself die!

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i used to beleve jesus was my moms ex-husbend.

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when i was a kid i though god would disapear if i didnt belive in him and leave me alone then i would change my mind and say sorry so he could help me on a test or somethin.

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You know how sunlignt streams through the clouds? I used to think that's how angels got down to earth...they just slid down.

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When I was young I used to believe that there was a huge, white bearded god in the sky who saw everything I did and judged me on my behavior. If I was bad he would torture me forever and if I was good I would be sitting in church singing forever. I wanted to be his best friend.

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Because I was told that God was everywhere and watches you all the time, I felt uncomfortable going to the washroom. Sometimes I’d even say out loud, “Don’t look at me now!”

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my sister told me that angels were always watching me, which is supposed to be comforting, but i was terrified. i had to sleep in my parents' room because i thought they were all staring at me through my bedroom windows.

little kids are stupid.
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when i was a kid, a thought that when you knock on the floor 3 times, that the devil will come out, so I was scared when bouncing things would fall down

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i thought that Mary was bald, because I saw her in the painting with a long veil on her head thinking it would cover her bald head :s

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I used to believe that there was an invisible, intangible creature in the sky that could read my mind and would burn me forever if I displeased him.

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When I fiirst heard about Pontious Pilate. I thought his last name was spelled "pilot". This was also compounded by the fact that this was at a time when I had not yet learned about the Wright Brothers in school and how the airplane was not invented until around the 1920's.
This made me think that Pontious was some guy that flew an airplane.

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After watching the movie " The Exorcist", I thought that the devil could come through the Television and try to get me. I slept with the bible for a week!!

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when used to jump and stomp and then i wold scream "HAHA DEVIL! I'M STEPPING ON YOU!"

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