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My brother told me that Jesus committed one sin: he broke the bread and gave the small piece to the poor people. I believed this until I was about 11.

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I thought, until very recently (I'm 25), that "Hail" in "Hail Mary" was her title, part of her name. Hail in portuguese, my 1st language, sounds like "bird". So I thought that somehow she was represented as a bird, since it was her title.

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When I was young, I was fond of using "I swear to God", as it was commonly used at school. Then my parents told me that this was "using the Lord's name in vain" and that this was very bad. Having been told how powerful God was by my friends at school (I didn't go to church, but they did), I refrained from even THINKING the words "I swear to God", because I was terrified he was going to smite me. This carried on for a couple of years, until I finally realized that the other kids had continued saying it and God didn't fry them.

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As a child, I thought for a long time that the musical director at our church was the one and only Jesus Christ. He looked just like pictures and paintings I had seen in books. Recently, at a funeral, my cousin's 2 year old child pointed at me with wide eyes and said, "Jesus! Jesus!". I guess I sort of look like Him too.

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When I was told that 'God is everywhere, on everything and in every corner' I believed that if the light was right you would see the face of a bearded man repeated everywhere on every wall, bit of furniture, tree, car, the dog, and so on, a bit like looking through a kaleidascope...

However, I also had the very same belief about Father Christmas, and wondered for a long time if they were the same man.

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As a little kid, I believed that the Charlie Dandiels song "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" was about a real event, but too current to have been written about in the Bible. So, one sunday, I asked our preacher about it during the greeting time between sundayschool and church and he explained that it could be possible, but was most likely just a song.
Severial years later, I made a friend who's dad is a preacher and mentioned this to him. We had an interresting conversation that expanded on the possibility, but improbability of the song. Though I no longer believe it to have actually taken place, the fact that 2 preachers from different denomonations were willing to consider it a possibility is something I've always found interresting.

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When I was little, I thought the nerve twitching you would get in bed at night was your guardian angel telling you to move over... so I always did.

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When i was younger, my father told me that i cant see God, but he lived in my heart. So for almost 10 years afterwords, whenever someone said the word "God", i would picture this angry robot with a pitchfork in my "heart" which looked vaguely like a red cave. to this day, i dont know where i got any of that from. i was kinda weird.

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I used to believe that clouds were angels!

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i don't know if you're gonna know what i'm talking about, but you know those filters that used to float around pools not those stationary ones that were built into the side, the ones that would float around the pool...yeah well anyway, i used to think that's what god would look like...GOD: a blue pool filter with a string hanging down off of him floating in the sky... it was marvelous

the man who sat on the man who is elvis
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We used to sing a song "He's got the whole World in his hands" and I figured that when God closed his hands it was night

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when i was like 5 my friend (also 5) and i went to childcare. on the hill of the playground there was a red weed,we thought it was the devil's hand trying to grab us!

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I was raised Catholic and when I was little my mom told me that I had to be good because Jesus was everywhere watching me... so I always pictured multiple Jesus's in every space of every room... little Jesus's sitting on tables and chairs and counters, big Jesus's standing on every inch of the floor, and huge Jesus's everywhere outside... I just figured they were invisible and like ghosts and thats why we couldnt see them.

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Wehan I was little I used to confuse Jesus with God with Santa Claus.

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I used to believe the Golden Calf produced liquid gold instead of milk.

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You know how the sun is shining on one part of the world and that it's night on the other side? I believed that God always watched the side of the world where it was daytime. There was no need to watch the part of the world where it was night, because everyone was sound asleep in their homes. :-)

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When I was quite young, I was looking out of the car window while we were driving past a cemetary. I noticed that there was a tombstone with a picture of Jesus on it, and, although I don't think I mentioned it to anyone else at the time, I was positive that it was Jesus' grave. So the years passed, and I was in first grade. I don't know how it started, but some other kid and myself got into a discussion about Jesus. I, of course, was very proud to announce that I had seen where Jesus was buried, and all of a sudden the kid started yelling at me, "Jesus isn't dead! He's alive!" And I told him that he was stupid because the tombstone I saw had Jesus' face on it, so of course it was his! Needless to say, after a few minutes of angry words, the teacher came between us and said that everyone believes in different things and that neither one of us was right or wrong. Boy, that really pissed me off.

Confused Girl
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When I was younger, whenever my parents got upset they'd exclaim, "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" However, I thought they were saying, "Jesus is marrying Joseph!"

I've since converted to Paganism.

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I always used to think that god looked like Abe Lincon, like the Lincon Memorial... It just looked so important...

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I use to get confussed because we were told jesus was born at christmas and died at easter, i assumed king herald finally found him.
How he managed to do all that stuff in the bible when he was only a baby was rather clever!

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