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I used to belive the earth was just a giant Doll House that God had he would move us all around I belived this till I was 7 and started to pay attention in church.

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In angels. Once, in the middle of the night, when I was about 6, I couldn't sleep. I went to the steps and sat down. In my bleariness, I was sure that I saw 2 ethereal angels floating just below the ceiling. It was reassuring.

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When I was 4, I believed that if God washes his hands without soap it rains and if he does it with soap it snows.

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I used to believe that the knocking sound that radiators make when they come on was the devil comming up through the pipes from hell to get me

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When I was very small - four or five, I guess - I recall walking down my street after a rainstorm. As the storm moved away and the heavy black clouds began to scatter, the most beautiful piercing rays of sun reached toward earth and I remember thinking, "That's God." It was the most comforting and beautiful thought, and to this day it makes me smile.

Melissa, Texas
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I used to believe I could just "dial" god's number on the palm of my hand and it would make my twin sister and brother mind for me (I always had to babysit them).

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My little sister and I used to share a bedroom when we were small. We
believed that our "guardian angels" were always standing beside our beds
at night. It then occured to us that they might get tired so for the next while
we only slept on half of the bed in case they wanted to go to sleep too!

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When I was younger, I attended a Christian school. Not understanding what the teachers and pastor meant when they said that we had to let Jesus into our hearts, I thought that we literally had a little door, leading to a little room in our anatomical hearts. I just figured that since Santa Claus can shrink himself to fit down the chimney, Jesus could shrink down to fit into my beating heart. I just remember feeling like I was carrying around that bearded figure dressed in robes and sandals in my heart like he was in my pocket.

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I grew up in a Southern Baptist church and school. Every year, at Easter, the church would perform a play depicting the life and story of Jesus. They always used children of all ages from the school to act in the play. The same man always played Jesus. He grew to be my idea of what Jesus must look like. In the play, during the crucifixion scene, I would always get scared and start crying uncontrollably. It was sooo believable - real looking blood, real screams from "Jesus", and real cries from all of the other actors on stage - sometimes even from the audience.
I thought that the man playing Jesus was really having nails driven into his hands and feet. I was in the play 6 years in a row. Even when I was old enough to know it was all pretend, I still cried during that act of the play, every time.

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I used to believe that God was this king who lived in the clouds. He was all white and sat on a thrown with a crown, robe, and a staff. He would look down at the world and watch over the people.

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I thought that God's name was "Hallowed".."Hallowed be thy name"?

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I used to believe that Mother Nature was The wife of God. She was the mommy and he was the daddy.

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I used to believe that since god was the "big man upstairs" that he actually was a man that lived upstairs. I never could find him though.

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We were driving past a nativity scene while looking at christmas lights. My daughter, age 4, said, "Mom, is god the girl one?".

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Sometimes clouds are beautifully edged in gold and/or silvery light. An older girl on my street told me that angels 'glowed' and angels were behind clouds like that.

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until recently, the leader of the archdioces of the Boston Catholic church was Cardinal Bernard Law.
When the whole church molestation scandal started (only a few years ago), I started hearing the phrase "Cardinal Law" in the news a lot. I assumed it was the laws that cardinals, priests, etc. had to follow, and that molesting little boys was against that law. It didn't occur to me that is was somebody's name until I saw him being interviewed on TV!

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This is not for me but for my 7 year old sister. When she was 5 she came home from school and started asking to me about what religion we were. I said "we are muslim2 and she said "my friend is a crystal". I said "what" and said she wanted to be a "crystal". After a while pondering what this meant, i realised she meant she wanted the be a Christain. I guess she what to be a crystal because they are really sparkly and shiny things and they sound pretty.

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I used to believe Jesus was born every year at Christmas and died every year at Easter. Between Christmas and Easter he lived in Israel, but between Easter and Christmas he lived in heaven and was on vacation. I was upset to find out he only lived and died once thousands of years ago because I thought that meant only people who lived back then got their sins redeemed.

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Being non-religious, I used to believe that Joseph (Jesus's "father") and Joseph from the technicolor dreamcoat were the same person. What a life he lead eh?

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When I was little I believed that Jesus lived on the clouds. I was so excited for my first plane ride that I was finally going to see Him. What a disappointment when He wasn't there!

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