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I used to believe that if you didn't go to church enough the nuns would trap you by doing cartwheels all around you.

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My families church has a large organ with lots of pipes growing up i thought that the pipes were cages holding in prisoners that were so bad they had to live in a church

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i used 2 think that we r dolls in gods play house and he used 2 play with us and watever he did 2 us we would have 2 do it.

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i used to belive that when you go to church you ate
penutbutter&jelly for the host

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I asked someone what the silver fish logo on the backs of cars meant when I was about 10, I was told it meant the owners were in the British Angling association. I beleived this till I was about 25...

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When I was young our family went to church every sunday.And every sunday the whole church said there prayers.there was a part wich was "pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death"I thought that everyone was praying for my family.I finaly ask and till this day i still get teased about it.

Aliena Sinner
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I used to believe that God's name was Harold, because of the song "Hallowed be thy name". Sounds a lot like "Harold be thy name" if you really think about it.

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top belief!

Since we receive bread at Mass, I thought he was called "Jesus Crust" Seemed pretty obvious!

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When I was very small but of talking age..my Dad and Mom took me into a Catholic Church. As I saw the Father coming down the hall I believed him to be Count Dracula. Maybe thats why I grew up Baptist. :-/

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When I was a little kid I took the whole make everyone go to church thing quite seriously, and I kept trying to get a millionaire friend of my dad to go. He would always say that the roof would fall in if he walked into a church. I was convinced that he believed this to be true and that he thought his being fat would somehow compromise the integrity of the building. So I told him that there were many fat people who go to our church and It hasn't fallen in yet. My dad was totally embarrassed by my saying this but his friend practically gave himself a heart attack from laughing so hard. I learned much later that he was probably talking about not fitting in because he was a totally pervy party animal.

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I used to believe that the Mormon Temple in Washington DC was Disney World. It sure does from the belt way.

William Scheren
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when i was little i used to think that you couldn't swear in the name of god until you had made your first communion, you could only swear in the name of the bible. And after i had mine, i sore in god's name all the time :P

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When I was little, I used to believe that anyone who didn't attend my Church worshiped the devil. Duh - what other choice would they have had? However, it was interesting how normal they could appear...

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top belief!

Okay so the other day in Sunday School at my church we were talking about Palm Sunday. Mrs. Reitz (the teacher) said that Jesus's followers fanned him with palms and put palms on the ground so that he would have to step in the mud. Then just yesterday I asked my mom, "Wouldn't it hurt to have your palms stepped on?"
And Mom said, "At my church on Palm Sunday they would give us a palm to wave around"
"WOW they gave you a real hand?"
I thought they meant the palm of your hand, not a palm leaf! I'm 11!!!

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I used to think that the only reason we went to church on Sunday mornings was for food -- I assumed Church was a restaurant! Whoopsies!

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We weren't really religious, so i became curious at the age of 3 or 4 why people went to Church or Temple and what the difference was between the two. My parents told me that at temple they worship God and at church they worship God and Jesus.

I was torn because I thought "temple" was a really cool word, but at church you clearly were getting a two-for-one deal!

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When I was little there was a dirt road across the street from my house. Down the dirt road there was a fenced and gated pasture. In the pasture there were a lot of fruit and flowering trees. I knew that I had found where the garden of eden was located! I would smile to myself when my sunday school teacher would say that no one knows where the garden was located - I knew- in GA obviously!

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i used to think the bell rung in the catholic church during the consecration of the host was rung by angels. i was horrified when, at age 11, i became an altar girl and the priest asked me if i wanted to ring the bell.

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When we would sing songs at church, they displayed the lyrics on a projection screen by using a classroom styled projector with transparencies. Naturally, when the the person in charge would move or change the transparencies, the shadow of their hand would appear on the screen. Not being aware of the projector, I assumed that the large hand I saw clearly was the hand of God.

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top belief!

Up to the age of about 6, when my mum took me to church, after the readings the reader would say 'thanks be to God' and then everyone would day 'thanks be to God'. I thought they were saying 'Thanks Peter God', and that I was a God

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