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At my old church, there was a cross behind where the preist stood that had Jesus on it. One day, my mom, dad, and brother were going to be baptized (I wasn't because I had an ear infection). Well, we were standing there, and my Grandpa was next to me. I asked how they did it, and he said they took Jesus off the cross, and nailed people to it. Then, they lowered it into the water. From the on, I was afraid to watch when people were baptized, so I beleived him until i was about 11.

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i use to believe that all people who wear glasses were catholic....dont even ask me why???

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when i was little i thought god changed my name the first day i went to church

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top belief!

When I was little, a friend of the family took me to her Catholic church with her. Never having seen a crucifix before (Jewish here), I thought it was real. Not real, as it 'the statue actually exists for you to look at' but real as in 'it is what it appears to be and it's happening right now' real. I couldn't figure out why someone was suffering horribly and no one was doing anything but celebrating a mass of something.

Then came communion. 'This is my body,' or something like that was said. I asked the family friend if who was talking and she said that it was from Jesus, the person in the front of the room. I thought that the guy in black was cutting parts off from the feet and feeding it to everyone. I asked the family friend if it was because Jesus had been naughty. 'No, he was very, very good' was the response.

Uhhh...'Am I a bad girl?' I asked. 'No, you are a very good girl.'

A few seconds passed while I mulled it over. I ended up screaming bloody murder and ran out of there so fast I almost fell into the thing with the holy water in it.

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For years I thought that Catholic was pronounced Cath-OLL-ik. I thought that "Cathlic" was something else entirely.
Even today, when I see the word Catholic, my brain goes "Cath-OLL-ik".

I'm not Catholic
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I use to believe that whatever a burried in the dirt that God would take it to Heaven..and I always went back to the spot to see if it was gone. Ofcourse..it never was. But I'd lie and tell my friends it was anyway.. :P

Heather A. Miller
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top belief!

when I was little my parents would still go to church every week and i would go with them so then when we had communion I was more than a little confusee witht the concept of the body and the blood of christ but i let it go as i was quite happy to get something to eat. Then shortly after I couldn't sleep 1 night and went down stairs to find my teenage brother waching a tv programme and he let me stay up and watch it 2. The tv programme happened to be on cults and the part that really stuck out to be was a section on cannabilism after which i quickly went to bed and cried myslelf to sleep. The next day I stayed in at break and told my teacher that my parents had made me join a cult and eat a person :) OOOhhh that was a strange call my parentss got from the school

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One time while I was in church, I saw the priest go over to the deacon. He made the sign of the cross, and then the deacon did the same thing, then the priest...blessed the deacon, I guess (where he takes his hand and just kinda...moves it in the shape of a cross). Well, I thought it was a secret handshake.

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When I was in first grade at St. Mary's Catholic School, we were preparing to make our First Holy Communion. During the many practices, the Nuns would give us a chocolate Necco Wafer (candy) to represent the Host. After the big day finally arrived and the ceremony was over, my family asked me how I felt now that I had received the Lord. I was upset and couldn't understand why he wasn't chocolate!

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I used to think that the offerings in church were teleported directly up to heaven; I pictured the gold offering plates floating up into the sky.

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my grandfather told me that protestants historically wore the color orange - so one day when I was wearing an orange shirt - I told my parents that I was just like the prostitutes.

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I used to be scared to walk
into the sanctuary of our
church, alone b/c I always
thought that the pews were
made out of dust from hell
and tht if you sat on them
he would come out!

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I used to believe that Sunday School was an ordinary, long school day for children of religious parents. This lead to an embarrassing situation where I showed pity for a friend who attended Sunday School, saying it was a shame that he only got one day off of school a week.

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As a young child in church, I noticed that above the altar there was a large, white, round cement or plaster figure of a bird which represented the Holy Spirit. I was convinced that the organ music came out of this spot, even though I also knew that the organ was in the choir loft in the rear of the church.

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As a young child attending Catholic church, I noticed that at the non-Catholic church down the street, two men would roll out a heavily-weighted sign to the middle of the road on Sunday. I thought the sign said "Stop for Protestants". Later, when my reading skills improved, I realized the sign said "Stop for Pedestrians".

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When I was a child attending Catholic Mass, we had certain responses we had to say after the priest spoke. At the end of Mass, we were supposed to say "Thanks be to GOD"....................For the longest time I thought we were saying "Thanks, Speedy GOD" as if he sped the Mass up so that we wouldn't be bored.

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When I was little and we'd go to mass, I would think that the confesssionals (we were Catholic) were the gateways to hell, and that if you were really bad, the priest would open another door on the other side, and you'd be in hell.

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When I was little, I lived in a mostly Hispanic neighborhood where passion plays were held during Holy Week. On Good Friday 1967 or '68, there was a big procession that went right under our apartment window with a guy portraying Jesus carrying the cross, Roman soldiers, etc. I got the idea that Jesus came back to Earth every year to be crucified all over again.

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I believed that the churches in town were often so close to each other because the ground they were built on was holy. Didn't know much about zoning laws...

Paul Snively
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I was in church one Sunday with my 4 year old daughter. The choir members would walk down the aisle singing at the beginning of the service. My daughter would stand on the pew so she could watch them as they came in. The preacher had not come out to the pulpit at the time. My daughter turned to me as said in a concerned tone " Momma, I see the angels singing, but where is God at?"

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