i used to believe

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in catecism class, when we learned how to eat the body of christ. i thought it was actually jesus that had been dehydrated or freeze-dried. i always thought it was weird we were pracitsing cannibalsim

sat on elvis!
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manna-the yummy food that God gave to his ppl thats full of nutrients and everything else everyone needs. well...for some reason i thot that it was whale. i thot that huge whales would fall from the sky and ppl would eat it. i didnt know that this wasnt true until LAST SUMMER when my dad told me that the ppl ate manna and QUAIL...i am 16...

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i used to believe, that at funerals, the priest said,"In the name of the Father, the Son and into the hole he goes".

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In my church there were coat hangers with buttons on them. My mom told me that the buttons controlled the fans on the ceiling so I would sit there pressing the buttons to try to turn on and off the fan but for some odd reason they were always broken!!!

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When I was in kindergarten a priest came around on Ash Wednesday to put ashes on our heads. All I got out of his talk beforehand was that after he put the ashes on my head I was going to die in 40 days. I remember holding back the tears & wanting my mom.

Nancy L
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I used to think that going for a ski holiday to Austria shortly after chrismas was a religious command, because the stable that Jesus was born in was located in that particular village. Also, people in in that Village practcally all had names like "Joseph" and "Maria".

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A neighbor girl and I were convinced that leprosy was a very common thing. Started in Bible class, I'm certain. The lepers were dealt with by throwing them through a hole in the roof of a specal house without doors or windows, piling up inside and eventually dying. We identified several of these places in our neighborhood. Mean enough, but our greatest concern was that we could be easily infected with leprosity by being touched by older people, say 60+. Our understanding was that church was above all an institution that dealt with this threat by healing lepers. Apparently our teacher wasn't a good communicator.

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Growing up in a Catholic home, I was a tad confused on a few things. I thought to have a baby you had to have a wedding in the church (even if you'd already been married there) and the preist prayed over the couple and if you prayed hard enough a baby would be sent down on a bolt of lightening.

I also thought Satan lived in our basement.....ah precious memories!

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When I was little I used to thing that a lesbian was a religion oops!

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I believe in God becouse I think that God made human being, and God is who substent us.
God is who give my life, God make life and God made me.

AB (Abraham Cepeda)
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I thought when my pastor said the tithes and offerings were 'given for God's use', he actually took it to the church parking lot, threw up the money, and God would take as much as he could from the tossed cash. The rest that fell to the ground belonged to the humans. Safe to say, it's no wonder we moved to a bigger building in record time.

jon chew
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I went to church when I was younger and there were two men who helped run the service. I thought the 'priest''s name was Rever, and the other mans name was Tim.
My dad then corrected me by telling me that the other man's name was actually John; and our 'priest' was actually called Reverend Tim.
I thought the -end in Reverend was an 'And' haha!

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When I was very little, like 5 or so, I believed that everyone in the world had to believe in God and they had to celebrate either Christmas or Channukah. When I found out one of my relatives became an athiest and he didn't believe in God, I thought that was illegal and he would be an outcast to the world.

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My Dad repaired an orphanage with his own money. To honor the Catholic children there, he met with the Pope to have thier rosaries blessed (prayer beads). For the longest time, I thought it was strange that the orphanage allowed my Dad to travel with their "roses".

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My mother, a Catholic, used to have bible study/debate with her Jehovah's Witness friend. Somehow I found out my mothers friend did not let her kids watch Beetlejuice the cartoon, and I burst into tears and told my mom she couldn't become a Jehovah's Witness and prevent me from watching the show thinking that was practiced in the religion.

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I dont understand religion like a Preist cant have sex but they want you to get maried so you have sex and have babys but they cant? and the bible makes no sense at all its almost asif walt disney wrote it and marilyn manson added the brutal parts relgion drives me crazy how can people actually beleive that kind of stuff.. well yeah maybe there was a guy named jesus that got put on a cross and killed anyways im going to stop cuz its driving me crazy this religion thing

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I remember asking for more "wafers" when i was in communion because i loved them. Then i found out that they were Gods "body". I was grossed out and wouldnt take them. My parents had to tell me it wasnt really gods body for me to eat it again

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i remember when i went up with my mom one time for communion (i wasn't old enough to take it, though), i asked the priest if i could have a "chip," too.

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top belief!

I was told by my teacher that when a person gives charity, god will reward him with double of what he has given.

When I was in the synagouge my father gave charity and took back change, I tought he had taken back double of what he has given.

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My next door neighbor had to go to something called CCD and I didn't know what it was. I asked her, and she just said it was for church. For a while, I thought it meant they were looking for christian music- Seeing CD's, CCD, right? haha.

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