i used to believe

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I used to believe that no matter how old i got, or how smart i was - i would NEVER ever be able to do two things: learn all the prayers they said at mass, and drive a car. Those two things were just the hardest things in the world. I used to try to plan how I would live not being able to drive - or talk along at church, and how i'd have to pretend i could.

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When I was small I believed that the priest takes a big host during consecration and performs a miracle by making it small and many for all the people in church.

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When my mum was little she grew up in a convent school. If a child had fallen over they would go into the convent to get patched up. Cus the nuns were very old there were lots of lifts and one of them was glass. My nanna had told my mum that nuns are very special people that are married to God. So when she saw nuns 'coming out of the ground' she so knew why God had married them!

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At my childhood church, after a passage from the new testament had been read, the congregation would simulateously respond to "This is the word of the Lord" with "Thanks be to God". I though for years that they had said "Thanks Peter God"!

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i used to think that being a prostitute was a religion. (sort of like protestant i guess?)

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When i was younger i would go to church with my grandpa, well they always too offerings and said it was for God. So i thought that after Church each Sunday the Pastor would stand there holding the bowl up and the money would fly up to Heaven

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i used to believe that being christan was a religon by its self like being methodiest. untill i said that one day in sunday school and everyone laughed at me.

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I used to believe that Darth Maul lived in my church.

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In CCD class, the teacher read the story of Jesus and the lepers. I, however, thought she was saying leopards. I could not understand WHY Jesus would have to CURE LEOPARDS and I definately understand WHAT He did to them to CURE them!

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When I was small, at the end of Catholic Mass, the priest says "Go in Peace to love and serve the Lord". The response is "Thanks be to God", but boredom had overtaken me by then , so I always said "Thank God for that". Fortunately I don't now, I know better.

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In the LDS (mormon) faith, when you are baptized a prayer is said and then you are submerged, when i was little i used to think that they put you under the water and said the prayer while you held your breath..it scared me stiff until i witnessed the baptism of my older brother

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Being brought up as a Christian, I used to think that Christianity taught people 'good' things eg. don't steal, don't kill, don't lie, while all other religions (Hinduism, Buddism) encouraged these things.

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i used 2 think that we r dolls in gods play house and he used 2 play with us and watever he did 2 us we would have 2 do it.

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When I was a kid, my mom told me that us Christians relive Easter every year, and I took it very literally. I thought that Jesus was recrucified every year, and I silently wondered why nobody tried to save him.

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I could never figure out why priests worked on Sunday which God had made a day of rest

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When I was about 3 years old, I went to church with my mom and dad. They told me all about church and told me that it was God's house (that was so I would behave, I had to behave at other people's houses). Well, when I got there and church started, I was looking all around the pews and picking up the kneelers and hymnals. My parents asked me what I was doing and I said "I'm looking for God... this is his house and he isn't even here... that is very rude, mommy." Later on I learned the truth.

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I used to think the nuns were called numbs, and I still don't know why!

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I believed that the churches in town were often so close to each other because the ground they were built on was holy. Didn't know much about zoning laws...

Paul Snively
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I never thought this, but when I was a kid a guy my age told me that the New Testament was just the New Testament until the next Testament would be published. Then what we know as the New Testament would become the Old Testament. I asked him he was wrong and asked what they'd do with the current Old Testament. I never got a good answer to that one.

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I used to believe that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lived under the altar in our school chapel.

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