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My brother was born when I was 2 and wouldn't slepp through the night, so we had to be extremely quiet if he ever did manage to nod off. So, when I heard "away in a manger" I honestly believed, for a good few years, the the lyrics were "the kettle is boiling, the baby awakes..." as opposed to the cattle are lowing etc! We had an old fashioned whistling kettle at the time, which may have helped me on the way to that belief!

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When I was young and went to church I used to believe entirely that God's first name was Peter., at the end of every prayer the whole congregation seemed to me to be saying,
"thanks Peter God" of course it was really "thanks be to God".

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Until I was 8 or 9 I thought that the lyrics to We Wish You A Merry Christmas were: 'Glad tidings we bring, to you and your sins' instead of 'Glad tidings we bring, to you and your kin'!!!

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As a kid, I misheard the song "He's got the whole world in His hands" as "He's got the whole world in His pants." I cackled like an idiot and realised how stupid i was when I heard the real lyrics at about age eight.

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when I was little we went to church religiously (pun intended) when I was three I had a favorite hymn seemingly written just for me... "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm three..." I also enjoyed "I've got that pizza passing understanding down in my heart..."

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I was a little confused in Sunday School. I used to sing "Jesus loves me Eskimo" instead of "Jesus loves me this I know" and "Goat ate it on the mountain" instead of "Go tell it on the mountain"

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As a child I would hear the the hymn, "The Old Rugged Cross". When it stated, "my trophies at last I lay down", I had mental images of people laying sports trophies on their sides and I couldnt figure out why they wanted to do that.

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When I was young and we would sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" at church, I wondered about the part, "with a cross-eyed Jesus, going on before".

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When my dad was young, he used to sing "Gladly, the Cross I'd Bear" in church. He thought the lyrics he was singing were about a cross-eyed bear named "Gladly."

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When I was little, I used to believe that the song " May the Dear Lord Bless You" was about a deer that was a lord in a kingdom and he was saying bless you as if you had just sneezed.

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How many other people stood on their Bibles after learning, "The B-I-B-L-E, now that's the book for me. I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E!"

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We had a man in our church named Art Jones and he and his family always sat in the pew in front of ours. I always thought it was pretty presumtuous of the church to sing "How Great Thou Art" when they never sang "How Great Thou Doug" to my dad!

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Up until I started teaching my own kids Christmas Carols, I realised there wasn't a place called Oreentar, (Where I thought the 3 wise men came from!) Never really questioned it?
'We three Kings from Oreentar, bearing gifts, . . . ' sounded fine to me.

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when i was small, i had the belief that in the song "Ding Dong merrily on high" when they came to the chorus and the part that was "Ding Dong merrily on high" it was actually "Ding Dong chookie chookie pie"
i had no idea why a christmas choir was singing about chicken pie.

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Growing up in church, every Sunday we sang the doxology, so I would dutifully stand and sing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures Hear Me Lord". Of course, it's supposed to end with "here below".

Why couldn't someone have please clued me in during 18 years of unknown embarassment??

one confused girl
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My cousins are 3 and 4, at they came to visit me and we went to church, there favorite song is called "We lift our hands in the santuaray" well our Praise team sang that song the sunday they came to visit, and I heard my cousins sing it > "We lift our hands in the araie garie,......

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There's an old church song that goes " Hold to his hand, Gods unchanging Hand.."

My cousin Calvin would sing it....

"Hold to his pants, Gods unchanging Pants..."

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I used to think that the old folk hymn "Do, Lord" (do, Lord, oh do, Lord, oh do remember me...) was about a fairy called the "Dew Lord", and I couldn't figure out why he and Jesus were in the same song...

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Well this isn't my misheard lyrics, but my sister's. When she was around 4, she was singing "Away In A Manger" at a Christmas party.
"Away in m-m-mary, no crib for a bear"
It's become a family favourite!

Jess + Danni
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This one belongs to my wife. When she was growing up her church sang a song that went,"Everyday I'm camping, in the land of Canaan. I'm camping, I'm camping, in Canaan's happy land." She thought it went,"Everyday I'm cramping in the land of Canaan. I'm cramping, I'm cramping, in Canaan's happy land." Which begs the questions: Why were they cramping and how could they be happy?

Big Willie
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