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I used to pray, "Hell Mary full of grace." and "Our father who are in Heaven, how will be thy name?" and "Give us, to say, our daily bread."..
When I was younger, I was convinced that God was a cloud in the sky.
And how could a cloud in the sky hear my prayers from down here?
I'd tie a note to a balloon and send it up into the sky, believing he would read it and help me if he wanted to.
top belief!
My uncle was teaching my cousin Grace how to say the prayer Hail Mary one night, he started off saying Hail Mary full of she repeated... Hail Mary full of daddy.
top belief!
I used to believe that if you opened your eyes when you prayed, you would see God and then die.
i belived if i dont pray before going to sleep god will kill me
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I read in one of my books that the T Rex used its small arms for preying. I read this as "praying", and wondered how it could get those tiny arms together around its huge body.
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I used to believe that the reason you folded your hands together when you prayed is that your folded hands were the micophone you prayed into so God could hear you
i used to think that when god answered a prayer, he would send you a letter. i went through an incredibly long time without believing in god because every prayer i said, i never got a letter back.
My Grandmother used to tell me if I sat anything on top of the Bible, I would go to hell. The Bible had to be above everything.
top belief!
My cousin's maid, Mildred, used to say, "Jesus wept." instead of "Amen" at the end of her blessing before meals. I guess that, because she was a housekeeper, they thought she was saying, "Jesus SWEPT."
After learning in Sunday school that God can hear your prayers even if you don't say them out loud, I became extremely worried that the devil might also be able to read my thoughts. I asked my mom about it and she assured me that no, the devil cannot read your mind, only God can. After that I refused to pray out loud because I was convinced the devil would hear what I wanted and then make sure it didn't happen. I also made it a point to thank God for things out loud, just to rub it in the devil's face.
when I was little, when bad things used to happen to me, I used to pray to God that he would rewind my life briefly so I could fix whatever was about to happen. I used to say, 'God, I don't care if I don't remember the experience of it un-happening, I would just really like this to not happen.' so I thought that some horrible things had happened to me in my life, but God would rewind a little bit after my prayers, and of course, I wouldn't know because I said I didn't need to remember it. this is still sort of plausible in my mind today
In Church we say this prayer called "Profession of Faith" or something similar to that. One lines in the prayer goes like, "For us men and for our salvation". When I was little, I thought it was, "For us men and for us salvation" and that 'salvation' was another word for 'women'. =P
because of this line "give us each day our daily bread" I believed that all bread was sent directly from heaven and you had to eat bread everyday or else god would be offended.
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when I was a kid, (being catholic) I used to believe you prayed to the virgin mary becuse jesus was busy doing other things like cleaning his room or doing the dishes, so he was never available, so I had to ask his mom if he could talk to me.
I didn't know the phrase "a daily walk with God" until I read it in my devotion book. The devotional didn't bother to explain what "a daily walk with God" means, just that you should have one.
I took that to mean that I had to go outdoors and take a walk, in order to pray. Even when it was raining.
It doesn't mean that.
when my sister was littel she thought god was a cloud with eyes a nose and a sweet!!!!
also when i was little i thought you got a baby/pregnant by praying for one because that was what was in all the story's
Until I was 9, I thought that those silhouettes of hands praying was the outline of Michigan. I mean, it certainly looks like that.
When I was little, my grandma was very sick with bone marrow cancer. I had a little whiteboard with whiteboard markers so one night I wrote a letter to God on it. I asked him not let my grandma die.
When I woke up the next morning, someone had left a letter on the whiteboard saying my grandma would be fine. For the longest time I really believed God replied to my letter!
I was heartbroken when I found out my dad wrote it!
top belief!
Well, actually, it is not really MY belief.
One time, a small girl was overheard praying, she said...
Our father, who does art in heaven, Harold is his name.
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