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when i was at school (Catholic school)
we used say the Hail Mary. Hail Mary, full of grace, ect, ect. I thought it was 'Hairy Mary, full of Grapes'. I always wondered why the statues of Mary were not hairy and where the grapes were.
When praying I thought saying Amen at the end of the prayer was the religous version of saying "over and out" at the end of a radio communication.
I was always concerned that after I had said the Lord's Prayer for the first time I had permanently finished my communication with God by saying: "For ever and ever, Amen".
our father which art in heaven,Harold be thy name
I used to believe that the Lord's prayer included the line 'Harold be your name' - in fact that's how everyone in my infant school used to say it in assembly, so I know this belief is common to at least a few hundred other people.
As I grew up a Catholic, mass was said in Latin. I used to believe that when the priest said "Et cum spirito tu tuo", he was giving out God's phone number-"Etcumspirito 220"
When I was five or six I thought that if I prayed to fly I would fly one day.
When praying the Hail Mary, my son says "Hail Mary, full of GRAPES the Lord is with you..." I guess to him it must be the fruit of her womb, LOL!
I used to believe that when I said my prayers, "God Bless..." meant please keep burglars away
When my brother was about 4 he used to pray "Gentle Jesus, meek & mild look upon this little child. If I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soldiers take"
During church, whenever we would recite the Lord's Prayer, I would say "Our Father, Who Art in Heaven, Howard be Thy Name." Out of habit, I didn't even realize what I was saying until I was fifteen.
I wasn't raised religious, so when I learned about prayer used to believe you could pray to anyone you liked, like a sort of magic telephone.
I spent all summer one year praying to my friend two streets away, then getting angry when I saw her and she hadn't got my prayer messages, and accused her of ignoring me on purpose.
Until I was about 23 I believed the Catholic Prayer before dinner said, "Bless us our lord, for these thy GUESTS, for which we are about to receive..." Turns out its gifts. I was apparently a cannibal (not really).
I used to think that when you pray to god, he really would answer and you would hear it like a magical voice in your head. But every time I prayed, God never said anything back. I got upset. I thought he wasn't listening to me or I was a bad kid and that's why he wouldn't talk to me and everyone in the church would tell stories about how God changed their life and how prayer was so good for them and that just made it worse because I felt like the only one he wouldn't talk to. And since my mom told me that God knows everything, the only reason I thought God wasn't talking to me is because he already knew my future and I was going to be a bad person so he already didn't care for me and I was just destined for hell. Pretty dark huh? When I think back, i think maybe religion is just too extreme for children to really understand but then I'm an atheist so I still don't really get the point
I remember as a little girl about 5 years old asking my mom why God's name was Harold. Well it made sense to me with the Lords Prayer "Our father in Heaven, Harold be thy name" and "Hark the the Harold Angels sing"
"Bless us O Lord in these thy gifts which we are about to recieve from thy bounty through Christ our Lord amen."
My family recited this every day before dinner. However, my brother and sister and I all thought it was "Ruth Christ," not "through Christ," and that Ruth Christ was Jesus' sister, since they had the same last name :)
When I was little I believed Catholics said, Hell Mary's over a Rosary.
"Hail Mary full of grapes" And "The Fruit Of The Loom, Jesus."
When I was little we had neighbours who had three children - Eva, Lila and Jackie. When I was reciting the Lord's prayer at bedtime I always asked God to deliver us from Eva, Lila and Jackie
For years I used to believe that God's name was Harold.
I asked my mum, "why does Harold have charts?"
She didn't have a clue what I was going on about, and asked me what I meant.
so I replied, "You know Harold, in heaven, why does he have charts?"
My Grandad's name was Harold, so my mum said, "Grandad isn't dead, he is still alive."
I got really frustrated, "No mum, Harold in Heaven! you know!"
"Our father, with charts in heaven Harold be your name, your kingdom come....."
Ok so mum finally got it, and she reminds me of it often
When I was in a catholic preschool, we always said a short prayer before snack time. Nothing much, just a simple "God is great, god is good, and we thank him for our food. Amen."
One day after a year and a half of preschool, I came home and announced to my mother that I had given up on God, because every day for over a year we had all prayed for almonds, and all we ever got was graham crackers and apple juice!
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