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When I took home the infant simulator that my child development class had me do for a project, I took it to a grocery store. A little girl saw it and asked me if my baby had plastic surgery!
I have always been terrified of injections and in primary school I never took my sweater off because of the fear that the school nurse could come any time and give me one and I thought the sweater would protect my arms.
I believed, really believed, that when we were taught something in school for the first time, it was something that had just been discovered, and we were the first to be told.
I once worried myself sick after a first-school lesson that we'd have some terrible ice-related incident because no-one but my class knew that when water freezes, it expands.
When I was in kindergaten I saw a commercial (I think I misunderstud it) and it was a girl that said she had a child in second grade. I was terrified to go into second grade. Then when i finished second grade I was so relived that I didnt have a baby.
I used to believe there was no high school and when it was about the end of the eighth grade for my bro i started crying and saying "Georgey's leaving!" There was an awkward silence and then my parents and my bro started laughing and asked "Where is he going?" and i said "He's going to college!" and they said "No, he's not, he's just going to another school called high school." I said "Oh" and i went in my room so embarrassed.
When I was in kindergarden my teacher said raise your hand if you need to speek. So I didn't know that meant like a question or something like that. So I was really bored and I needed to talk. So I raised my hand and when the teacher called on me to speek, I said Baboom Boom lala fafa fefe so me do. My teacher still recalls that I have a BIG problem.
top belief!
When I was in preschool, my teacher would always ask everyone "Did you bring Show and Tell?" In my preschooler head, I pictured Show and Tell as two twin girls, and would always say no because I couldn't fathom how everyone could bring the same two people to school especially if they weren't already in my class!
I thought that however old you were, thats the # of grade you were in. example: if you were 4 years old, you would be in 4th grade
i have always identified a subject in school as a color, like, math was red, reading was blue, science was green, etc. im 12 now and still belive it.
When I was little, I saw old TV shows that showed students sitting in front of the class wearing the Dunce Cap (a huge pointed gnome-looking hat) because they had gotten answers wrong when the teacher called on them. So I was terrified of going to kindergarden because I thought they were going to put the Dunce Cap on me if I didn't know the answer. I felt a lot better when my mom said they don't use Dunce Caps anymore and that most schools never did.
the first time i watched "Matilda" was when i was five. i used to think all principals would put their kids in the chokey when they were bad. i cried so hard during my first "talking-in-class" detention that my teacher told me to just go outside for recess.
During my first day at school as a kid, I had a question in my mind that, "Whether I should RETURN home after school ends that day?"
I used to beleve that my school mascot "the Stags" was a person without a date.
I used to assign colours to all the numbers when I was a kid. Perhaps this stemmed from a Sesame Street/Playschool obsession. 1 was always yellow, 2 was red, 3 was blue, 4 was green, 5 was orange, 6 was purple, 7 was pale green, 8 was black, 9 was indigo and 10 was rainbow. It took me a long time to grow out of this, and I think I still secretly do this!
I used that when i started first grade i was in six grade cuz i was six years old. and i believed it until i was 8 im 12 now
top belief!
I was one of those weird kids who loves going to school, and the teachers would always say I was making progress really fast.
I worried that by the time I was, say, twelve (REALLY OLD), I would have learnt everything there was to know and I wouldn't be allowed to come to school any more.
On my last day in kindergarten, I remember turning to my best friend and telling her that I was sort of sad to be finished with it, because not only did I not "guard" any "kinder", but I didn't even know what "kinder" was in the first place.
top belief!
When I was little and we had a fire drill, I thought a Giant Drill screwed into the side of building. I never understood why when we came back inside, there were never any holes in the walls. Once a peice of paper had fallen off my desk when we returned and of course, I assumed the drill had knocked it off.
top belief!
I used to believe that school was a place kids go to get turned into adults.
When I was old enough to go to kindergarten, I thought it meant only visiting the place for an hour or so - just like a zoo or a birthday party. I was absolutely horrified when my mom left. I stood hours in the playground, not uttering a word and thought my mom had simply gotten rid of me.
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