i used to believe

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i thought going to school was getting on the bus and driving round all day until they dropped you off.

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Before I started school my brother told me that all the kids at school ate napkins. I wanted to be cool like all those kids at school and started eating napkins.

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when I was little I thought kindergarden was an actual garden and I worried that I couldn't go because of my aleargies

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When i was in first or second grade we had a certain time that was called snak time and all of the students would bring little things to eat. At parent tacher night my parents opend up my desk to see it littered with wrapers and spoons from my previous snaks. of corse they asked me why i had left them there and i replied "i know! i keep puting them in there but the janitors never clean them out!"

i dont remember this moment but my parents mention it every now and again.

Emilie Dale
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My teacher told me that if you drew two straight lines on a page that were not parallel lines, they would eventually cross one another if you made them long enough. She said that if the page was not big enough, you could extend the lines on the floor and you would see that eventually they would cross. I thought I was smarter than mathematicians because I knew that if you needed a lot of space to extend the lines, you could have to go around the world, in which case they would cross in two places! I thought I might win the Nobel Prize for my theory.

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When I was 8, my dad told me we were moving to California and I'd be going to a "year-round" school. I thought that ment we would have to go to school every weekday all year with no breaks.

I was relieved to know we still had three months off, just not all during the summer.

"Year-Round" Kerri
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When i was six just before i started junior school an older friend told me that in junior school you had to be able to turn lights on and off without touching the switches just by the power of your mind. I believed her and was quite relieved because there was never any mention of it when i got there.

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when I was in preschool i had a dream that grape jelly came out of an electrical socket in my schools lobby. i got my dream and real life mixed up. during indoor rescess i would sit in front of the socket waiting for the jelly.

wacko zacho
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I used to believe that whenever I got an F on a test it stood for fantastic.

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Iused to believe along with other kids at my school(French Camp Elementry California). That there was a dead body under the tracks behind the school and some kind of killer that would not for some reason come into the school fence. I now look back and think this was probably started by the teachers to keep us from playing by the back fence.

Robert E.
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In my elementary school, we had tiled flooring. But there was this one faded spot where the tiles where a different color from all the rest. I remember believing that this was the grave of a child who had been murdered there long ago and had been burried underneath the floor. Especially because this discolored area was the same size as me! :( All my friends believed the myth too. So we'd always walk on the other side of the hallway!

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I used to believe that the letter grades in school stood for-A-Excellent(I wasn't a good speller),
B-Bad, C-Cool, D-Dumb, and F-Failing.

Chester Finnigan SnapDragon McFisticuffs
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when i was little my sister was on the honor roll, i always thought it was called the on a roll and it was given to students that are on a roll.

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When I was in elementary school, I had to do a monthly IQ test. Every time the guys from the Education Department came to my school and asked me to do the test they said "Wow" when they saw that my IQ was nearby 140. I was very worried about that because I thought 140 was too high (like blood pressure) and I always asked them to check my answers again. They always said, "for god's sake, you expect more points !??!?"

Persian Buddy
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I used to believe that everytimes you closed your desk or locker or something in school, that your stuff would start dancing and having a party but when you opened it then they would stop partying, i thought this cause i would put my head to my desk and here noises.But i found out later there was no party! :(

Krazy Kay
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I was starting at a new school and there were animal skulls hanging up on a fence inside the school. Mum told me that they were from the children who were bad. I was always really sure to be nice to all the teachers after that.

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When I was younger, around 8 or 9, I believed that you needed to be a certain height to graduate to the next grade. I, being the shortest in my class, was sure I had to repeat my grade until I was the right height. When I cried to my parents about it they assured me that it depended on how smart you were and not your height.

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Before i started school, i thought that "English Class" was a class where you learned how to speak english. I always thought that i would not have to take english class since i already spoke english. I thought that until I started school.

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i used to believe that when you got into high school that there was a class to practice sex in....i had a dream about it once it was pretty weird....but when i found out there wasnt that class i was depressed

pizza guy
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In 2nd gr. we had a "Fire Safety Day" and fireman came to our school. Now I had no idea of what to do, so I listened carefully. He said we should "Stop, Drop, and Roll" but I heard it as "Stop Droppenrole" and thought "Droppenrole" was a guy who went everywhere started fires. I believed this till I was in 7th grade.

The littlest dipstick
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