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When i have just arrive to America (knowing little to no English)
I used to think that firedrills were drills design to help fat children excercise. I actually told my dad this and he believed me for a while, haha.

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When I was little I once asked my parents how to talk to the kids that were in the special education program at my school and my parents told me to just talk to them like I would talk to anybody else. When I was 8 I was suddenly given this battery of tests that none of my friends had to take and placed in a special class part of every day. Everybody treated me the same as they ever did and I became certain I must be retarded. It was the "gifted program" but I didn't believe anyone when they told me that, not for years.

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Every year at school they had a special week devoted to fire safety. After a while, I assumed that fires were really common and that eventually everyones house would burn down at some point. Some nights I went to bed in near tears because I thought it could be the last night in my house since it could burn down. I even planned out what toys I would take out of the fire with me.

I think they went over board on Fire Safety Week.

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During 1st year of elementary a boy hit me, so I complained to the teachers. They said his name was Peter - for half a year I used to believe that every bully's name was Peter.

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At the end of first grade, I was told I was going to skip second grade. The first day of school, when my mom came to wake me up I was very confused. I thought I got a year off for being smart and could stay home and play all year!

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When I was extremely young, I used to think that if you got on the "A" or "B" honor roll, it meant you'd written an essay where every single word began with an "A" and that was how you got on the honor roll. Same thing with "B" honor rolls.

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one time in the 4th grade i hade accidently poked a boy in the back with a sharp pencil.i immeditly said sorry and started 2 cry fearing the cops would come get me 4 giving the boy lead poisining.

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I'm Gifted and Talented, so me and a few friends skipped recess a day a week to go see a counselor to help us with our 'troubles'. While we were gone, a girl in our class named Julianna spread around a rumor that we were actually aliens and that was the time we had to go back and take pills so we could keep looking like humans. She also said that 'Gifted' meant we had special powers like setting fire to things with our eyes ^^ I wish.

Mary R.
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My daughter was slightly ADHD when she was younger and took some of her classes as remedial. We were thinking about this time of moving to a smaller town, and when we were on our way to look at the house - she, being 8 said "oh good they have slow children too!" You know the sign that means slow down children present!

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I used to think the Senior Center was where all the high school seniors got to hang out and cut class

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When i was six my school was teaching us about different religions. Because virtually everyone in my class was Christian, my teacher opened her talk about Hinduism by saying 'Hindus are people who are not Christians....'. Because I knew my mum was an athiest, i loudly announced 'my mum is a Hindu'. My teacher looked a bit suprised and said 'really? How interesting!' Does she celebrate Diwali?' i didnt know what she was talking about but i said yes as not to appear stupid. Later, at a parents evening, my teacher asked my mum if she had had a pleasant Diwali. When my mum found out she teased me for ages, and told most of my family. She tells people about it to this day........i was only 6!

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in my Primary (elementry) school, there was an after school care. I went there every day till my mum came home from work and pickeed me up. My friend Susan, didnt realise till she was in p4 that we went home at the end of the day because she didnt go there, she thought all the kids who went to after school care slept in the scholl attic every night. Im going in to my first year at secondary now and i still cant tell if the penny has dropped.

Jennifer Walker (uk)
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When i was little i thought that i could see microbes and in school when we would do experiments using microscopes i would not use a microscope because i thought that i didnt need them.

Spanky the Friggin Nifty Bic Pen
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The neighborhood where I grew up was entirely Catholic, and I went to the Catholic grade school down the street. I used to think that the kids who attended the public school at the opposite end of the block were just Catholics who couldn't afford the tuition.

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I used to think that at preschool our restroom was for resting and thought that our class must just not use the restroom for nap time because some other class probably was.

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i used to think that the lunch ladies at my school chewed up the carotts and then spit them in th econtainer for us to eat!!

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When I was 5 my class was cutting out pictures from magazines to make greeting cards. One girl told me that when you cut someone's picture up, the person gets cut up in real life too. So I started cutting all the pictures of people I saw up, because I wanted to show she was lying & that I didn't believe her. But deep-down I felt guilty & sad for the peoples families.

On a side note, another classmate started crying when I cut up Father Christmas 'cos they thought they wouldn't get presents anymore.

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One day when school was out my mom came to pick my sister and myself up. Except my sister wasnt there. I asked my mom why and she said she had to stay after to take a make up test.I thought to myself "She'll do great she wears alot of make-up

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I always heard the phrase "honor roll" as "on a roll". It made sense to me that if a person had mostly B's they would get a certificate saying "B On a Roll" like, "hey you're getting a lot of b's you're on a roll".

When my neighbor got a D on his report card, I asked him if there was a D "On a roll" and he punched me. Lessons learned the hard way.

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when i was little the first time we had a fire drill, i ran to my cubby and took everything out because i thought the school was actually going to burn down. the teacher told me to leave the stuff but i was clinging to it so hard she had to call another teacher in to pry it out of my hands

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