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I used to believe that the only reason children went to school was to give their parents free time. I thought school was a babysitting service in disguise.

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when I was little, I remember hearing our teacher teaching us about fire safety. You know how everyone always say: STOP, DROP, and ROLL? we'll I thought you got to pick one. Good thing I always told myself if I was on fire, I would pick ROLL!

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When I was at nursery school, our teacher told us we would be going into assembly for the first time, ready for when we moved up into real school. I had no idea what assembly was at all, and thought it was a museum with lots of white statues in it that you walked around. I was a bit disappointed when I got into the assembly hall and realised we just sat in a line and sang hymns!

Shell, Manchester, UK
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when I was little I thought that Day care was a place with big drawers all around the walls and that they would store each kid in a drawer until their mom would pick them up.. ^_^ duhh!!

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I thought the room number to my classroom was supposed to be the same number as my age. I was 5 and the room number was 5. So when I turned 6, my room number was also supposed to change. :( It never did.

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I used to beleive that sex ed was a class where all the boys and all the girls had to get naked and have sex. I was looking forward to it a lot and picking my partner. I was so dissappointed when all we had to do was watch videos and stuff like that.

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When I was little I would go to day care and I would cry and cry and have a huge fit. I always thought that my mom just took me to day care and left and went back home. My mom never knew why I had such big fits each day, until one time I came home with a drawing of me at day care told my mom that's where I go when you go home. Then my mom had to straighten it all out and told me that she goes to work, so she can make money to buy me toys. After that, I never had fits when I went to daycare.

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When I was 5 years old i thaught that if you put a slice of bread in your English book, by morning,by eating that slice, you`ll know the entire lesson!

georgiana onciu
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My mom told me one day when I was having a fit because I didn't want to go to school that the police would come and arrest her and my dad because I didn't go to school... I believed it for so long...

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1 time b4 i could read at my daycare we had a restroom break the boys and girls bathroom were right next to each other and i didnt notice boys going in 1 and girls in the other so i went in the boys then a boy said GET OUT OF THE BOYS BATHROOM!!!! i was soooooooo embarrassed

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Before I even went to grade school, my brother told me that in Primary there were pirates. If you were bad, the pirates would get you. If you got something wrong, the pirates would get you.

I could just imagine:
"Whats 17+13?"

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I used to believe that the room number for a class was to indicate what grade was in the room. E.g. Rm. 5 - Gr. 5. I stopped believing this when I got to middle school and was in room 212.

Robyn D.
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When I first started school, during the last 5 minutes before school ended for the day, a person would come on the loud speaker and say, "This is your 5 minute morning before dismissal" and that was our cue to get our schoolbags and coats on but I always thought they were saying "5 minute warning before this missle" so I was always like, "AHH! HURRY!" because I thought that if you werent out of the school in 5 minutes, they would fire a missle and it would kill us all.

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In elementary school we had those white fold-up lunch tables. In 2nd grade they folded them up and moved them off to the side of the gym. In Gym class our teacher told us to stay away from them as we ran around the gym because if one fell on one of us she would have to send us home in an envelope. I thought that was true and would be neat to try so I ran close to them. Luckily I didn't try to pull on down on myself.

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When I was in 1st Grade I belived that there was an indian barrial ground under the school and they were gonna come up some day and kill everyone in the school.I had told all of my friends and they belived me and some how the word got to one of the teachers and they had to tell me all about how it wasnt true.

Butterd Toast
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At my elementary school, grades 1 and 2 would eat lunch and go up to the playground after they were done, and then at a certain time grades 3 and 4 would all walk down the hall at once to get to the cafeteria for their lunch. When they came down the hall it looked like a stampede to me. I believed if you didn't get up to the playground in time you'd get swept up in the "flood" of kids and get carried away.
Once two of my friends and I were standing in the path of the "big kids." Anna and Ryan were fighting and didn't notice the big kids. So I yelled, "ANNA, RYAN, THE 3RD GRADERS!!" and ran as fast as I could up to the playground. I still remember the way I said it... hahaha!

neurotic from day 1
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I used to go to a small Catholic school where one of the clases was Religion. Most of my friends, though, went to a public school. I didn't understand the difference between the two. When we would play "school", with one kid as teacher and the rest answering his or her questions, I would always become outraged that the "teacher" wouldn't ask Religion questions. I thought it was because the other kids were jealous that I got high marks in that class.

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i used to think that a ruler would draw a perfectly horizontal on a piece of paper, no matter where u put it.i was always so impressed with people who could use a ruler because i wasnt so good at it.

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when i was younger my brother told me this story about how there had been a huge plague in our school years ago and that all the kids had died and their ghosts were still in the school and they lived behind the huge grate in the wall in the playground and in the attic, i believed this so much that i recited the tale to all my friends and insisted it was true cos 'my brother says so'!!!!!

i was a pretty gulible kid tho, my brother also had me believe that two people had been murdered in our back lane (he had the proof of their identity cards which were scattered amongst other papers in the lane, obviously some1 had just lost their stuff somehow) and one day on the way to school he said he'd seen their bodies hidden under a blanket in a passing car, he made me believe the story so much i even believed i'd seen the bodies in the car myself!!!!

He got into a load of shit tho when i woke my parents up screaming cos i was so scared the ghosts were coming to get me!!!!

me :P
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I used to believe that Kindergarten was a place where kids went and played in the garden and ate garden food and played with the bugs and bunnies that were in the garden. LOL!!

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