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I used to think that when you went to junior school you had to wear a turban.

Ellie Stott
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when i was in the 2nd grade my family moved, and thus i had to go to a new school. We had moved from CT to VA and things were quite different, everything seemed strange in fact. My first day at school i remember raising my hand to tell the teacher i had to use the rest room. she said," the lavatory is down the hall to the right." never having heard this word before i thought she was saying "labratory" and had misunderstood me. when i repeated myself and she again told me to go use the "lavatory" i thought...these people are freaks!! , no way am i peeing in the science room!! LOL and i wondered all day if maybe they did experiments on pee there or something. LOL

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i used to believe that if i wasn,t at school the teachers would expell me from that school!!

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I had a friend (Tom) at primary school who was forever getting his words mixed up. He arrived home one afternoon and told his mother he had been exercising in the school's new gin museum (he meant gymnasium).

David Wiggins
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Whwn i was in kindregarden, i used to get out to wait for my mom, coming to take me home, and my teacher was always terrified that i got lost. So she told me that a gipsy man comes and takes children away and puts potatoes slices on their eyes, and they get blind. I used to believe that untill i was 17.

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I used to believe that exercise books actually contained exercises of the keep fit variety. I must have bought four from the local shop before realising there was no mistake and they were supposed to be blank.

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I used to believe that my 'baby' school that I attended from the age of four and a half, was built from pieces of a ship. The thing is all my friends thought the same as me. Where we picked up this strange fact is beyond me, just goes to show when you are a gullible 5 year old....you'll believe anything!

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My youngest daughter used to believe, that if she was late for school and they put you in the book, she would be locked in the bookcase.

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When I was waiting to be enrolled in playgroup, I was really worried - I thought I'd have to be rolled for a whole day! Especially worrying, as there was usually a huge puddle outside the sweetie shop - why was I so stupid?!

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My young sister-in-law used to say she had been to gym-elastics which sounded much more energetic than gymnastics!

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Embrassing as this is I still believed it up to about 15. When we did geography exams (this is in the UK)you sometimes got given a map to work from. At the bottom there was a grid of 4 blocks of colour. If one of them hadn't printed properly it meant you might not get some of the details on the map and you might fail. Beside this it said @If 4 colours are not shown, please return the map to the invigilator@ I used to think the invigilator was the machine that printed the maps, not the teacher sitting at the front.....

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When I was in primary school, we were having a religion class. when my teacher asked me, Where is the Kingdom? Well been from Ireland and living in county Kerry a.k.a The kingdom. I replied "Kerry", thinking that I was great been able to answer a question that had nothing to do with the religon lesson. well he never again asked me another question in that class again.

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It's not my belief but I'm told about my older brother's first day at school. At lunch break he came home, sat down and said "Well, that's that done!". He actually believed that that was it and his education was over. Arr--bless.

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Before I started secondary school, I used to think that getting detention meant being locked up in a small dark room by yourself for an hour.

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I used to see posters on the school noticeboards saying 'Remember Rubella' and thought that it must have been about a girl who died horribly at school because she was messing about.

Ric Brailsford
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when I was at juniord school I thought Home Economics was actually spelt Homey Conomics, and actually told the teacher that the sign on the door was wrong as it said H.E.!

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During my time at Infant school we always had an assembly on Monday mornings. Every time just before we said the Lords prayer one of the boys would get up and leave the hall. I asked a friend why and he told me that the boy was a Jehovah’s Witness. For years I thought it was odd that he had to talk to the police every Monday.

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When I was in the transition period between Primary and High schools, my friends were looking forward to mix chemicals so we could blow up the school. How disappointed we were when we hardly did any experiments. It was due to the worrying parents. Thanks worrying parents, you made my science lessons boring.

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When I in kindergarten, teacher once said, "Raise your hand if you know the answer." Having never heard the phrase "raise your hand", I thought she said "raze your hand" - "raze" as in "razor"! So I started miming an electric razor shaving the palm of my hand! Everyone laughed and I was so embarrased!

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When I was in elementary school our family knew another family by the last name of Reese. When at school they talked of going out to the playground for "recess", I thought the Reese kids would be there. I kept looking for them at recess, but since the Reeses went to a private school, I was always mystified why I never saw them.

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