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When I was in first grade, I used to believe that the clear, flat marbles we used to decorate our vases with were contact lenses. I had seen my aunt wear contacts before, and I was convinced they were the same thing. In my classroom show-and-tell session, I showed the kids how many contact lenses I had. I was very offended when my teacher told me that I was mistaken.
top belief!
I started swimming competitively when I was 8. I had an autograph from an Olympic swimmer who swam at my club, which he had signed "Ian Crocker, USA". I figured that anybody who competed in swimming was supposed to write their name with the country after it, and about half of my third grade papers say "Maggie Eismeier, USA"
top belief!
A long time ago, my brother heard from a friend that if you pull the fire alarm at school, black ink squirts out and marks you, so that they know who pulled it. I made a fool out of myself in school, because apparently it's not true. XD I can't believe I believed it until 17!
i used to think jauar was pronounced jag-you-war thanks to a winnie the pooh episode. It made for an embarassing moment when reading in class
In first grade, My teacher told me that I shouldn't lean against the chalkboard because a former student who did the same was smashed by the chalkboard as thin as paper and in order to visit people he would have to fold up and mail himself. I was amazed and when I told my dad, he said she was kidding, but I believed her for years.
I used to believe that if I hid under my desk with one hand covering my face and the other covering the back of my neck I would be safe from nuclear attack at school.
top belief!
When I was in 3rd grade my english assignment was to read an incomplete story and at the end I was supposed to "draw a conclusion" of how the story ended. My mom was out of town so my dad helped me. We drew a picture of how we think the story ended. I think my teacher laughed the rest of the year after I turned that assignment in!
top belief!
When I was in first grade, we had our first fire drill. I knew it had to do with practicing what to do in case there was a real fire, but I couldn't figure out what the "drill was for." I thought for certain that giant drills were going to come out of the ceiling and put a huge hole in the center of our desks. (I'm really not sure how that would put out the fire.) When we had our first fire drill, I couldn't wait to see the giant holes in the desks! After finding the room intact, I just assumed that the drills were magical and didn't leave holes in the desks. I think I believed this until I was 9. D'oh!
In our elementary school cafeteria there was a mysterious door (that was probably a closet) that was never opened. Everybody believed a vampire lived there and it would eat you if it opened the door.
top belief!
When I was in kindergarten and my sister was in second grade, we found a worm in the yard and put it in a cup of dirt to look at it. She claimed she could communicate with the worm through an elaborate series of head movements. She promised me that I too would be taught this language in second grade.
Second grade came. Every day I waited for my teacher to get in front of the class and say "Attention everyone! We're not having math today, kids, because we'll be learning worm language."
Every day I thought, "This has to be the worm language day."
The day never came.
I'm still bitter.
When I was a kid, kids at school used to say that if you sharpened your pencils on both ends, later in life you'll get kids that're siamese twins conjoined at the lower torso. huh?
top belief!
I used to believe that the day you turned 6 you would immediately know how to read. So on my 6th birthday, I woke up and just started staring at anything with words, but I still couldn't read. All day I looked at billboards, books, passages, anything with words, but I still couldn't read them, I just repeatedly told myself, "I guess it hasn't kicked in yet." I finally realized it wasn't going to was a sad birthday... I have no idea why I thought this.
Up until rather recently (I'm 20) I thought that only kids in elementary school in Oregon got to play the Oregon Trail computer game because it was about Oregon, and I'd always feel special playing it.
Then I heard stories from people who had also played the game in elementary schools, but in different states, even ones not along the Oregon Trail! It completely ruined it for me.
I also always wondered why it had places like Missouri in it, since Missouri isn't Oregon.
I was in 1st standard, and I reached home and told my mom and my sister that the teacher has got a big slate upon which she writes. They had a hearty laugh before they told me that was called a "black board". Well, i didn't hear the last of it for years!
When I was little, I thought that you went to school according to your age (ie; 1 yr olds went to first grade, 2 yr olds to second and so on) and I just thought that I was home schooled until my parents got bored with me and I had to start from kindergarten to learn how to go to regular school--Naturally, I thought I'd be starting out in 5th grade...turns out, not so much.
I used to believe that when the teacher told our class "be kind to your neighbor", he\she meant that you only had to be kind to the people that lived in the houses right next to your house! (i was in kindergarten)
When I was about 10, I decided that if I waited to sign my name on a test until I had finished, I could escape getting a bad grade if I didn't like my performance. The teacher just wouldn't know it was my paper. Then I started writing in only alternate letters in my name, which I would correct when I was done. Once I forgot to do this and the boy who corrected my paper made fun of me.
Once my mother came to pick me up from school, one of my friends told her I was in the weight room and that she would go get me. It wasn't until I graduated high school that I found out my mother thought there was a room at school where kids go to "wait" for their parents to pick them up.
when i was in kindergarden, 1st grade 2nd and 3rd, i always thought that each day of the week had a color(and i still think about that sometimes). Monday=red tuesday=blue wednesday=orange
thursday=pink friday= black
An not until recently did i realize why i thought that! In kindergarden, we always had playtime. There were 5 things you could do, but only 1 each day. My teacher made a chart with colors representing weeks that told us what we could do taht day.
when i was a child i used to believe dat if a person failed in 12th standard, he will come down to 1st standard n will have to again clear all d standards in order to pass class 12th
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