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When I had just finished kindergarden, I used to think that mine was the only school in the world that had a building. I believed that the others went inside a huge mud pot, after shrinking to fit in!!!

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Back in the 11th grade, I used to think that the athletic teams of two certain universities were the "Yale Yuppies" and the "Princeton Preppies". I still think it fits them better than Bulldogs and Tigers ever will!

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I used to believe that if you were 1yr-old you'd go to gr.1, and when you turn 2 you'd go to gr.2, and so on.

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i think dat ders some sort of calculatour in my friends head or somthing she knows all the awnsers to the test and i get none ryt hmmmmm

Honour knowalittle
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I used to think that my class would instantly turn into a party/ nightclub as soon as I left, and when I was out sick that they threw parties

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When I went to first grade of elementary school (and earliear) I believed that we went to school for one year, and then summer lasted for one year...

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My best friend used to believe there were leprachuns to dig up in the playground at recess

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When was little I used to think that the "F's" on my report card stood for FANTASTIC!!!...(I used to get a lot too)

Hanna Pillow
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i used to think that you had to have every teacher in your school, so like if u had 3 teachers in first grade you'd have to do it three times. i thought i was going to be in school forever!!

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at my elementary school there was a sign built into the wall with the man's face who made the school on it. so i believed that the guy was actually burried behind the wall, so i was always afraid to walk past it.

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This happened when I was in kindergarten, and my classmates and I were in gym class. We were learning to throw a ball correctly or something like that. My partner and I were across from each other, and the teacher kept saying to throw with whatever hand you write with. I was right handed, and the other girl was right handed, but it would look like she was throwing with her left. I would be like, "No, you're supposed to throw with your right hand!" and she'd be like "I AM throwing with my right hand!" I also had this problem figuring out with side of my chest to put my hand on during the pledge of alligence.

Still learning left and right
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when I was in pre-shcool I thought that when I went to kindergarden my classmates and my teachers would all be giant bunny rabbites and that we would be outside all day growing carrots (I took the garden part a little too seriously) and i was sooo scared because all the bunnies already knew how to grow carrots and i didn't ( my grandma was very confused when i begged her to "teach me carrots" in a panic, just before the shcool year started

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top belief!

When I learned that I was going to have to go to school, I was overjoyed to find out that it was called 'Candygarden'.

I imagined a wonderful place with candy growing everywhere and free for the taking.

That turned out to be my first lesson in real disappointment.

bob dobbs
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I went to a private school that went fron K-8th grade, When I was in Kindergarden, I used to think that the once you finished eighth grade you went on to college. I also thought that the 8th graders were all about 20 years old.

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In Kindergarten the school nurse was doing hearing tests for our class one day. We were called down to her office one by one. The teacher tried her best to explain what the test was to us but of course I was the only one that took it way out of proportion. I understood that they were going to put headphones on us and we were going to hear these high pitched sounds. I thought the sounds were going to be really really loud. So loud that it would make me deaf. So when the teacher said it was my turn to go down there I just burst into tears and didn't want to go. I kicked and screamed so much I had to be carried down the nurses office and they sent another student down too so I could watch and see that it wasn't going to hurt or make you deaf.
Yeah I was that kid in your class that cried over everything.....

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When i started going to school, i thought that you finish a grade in a day instead of a year, so in like 18 days(according to educational system of my country), you would be done with school forever. But, it turned out to be different...xD

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When I was little I thought the next grade after Kindergarten was second grade.

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When I was like four I thought that you only had to go to your grade for one day then move on,and if you didn't learn it all in one day that you were held back.Well when I went to kindergarden the first day and the teacher said"I'll see you all tomorrow" I thought that I was stupid and I cried that night until I found out that I had to go all year.=]

too stupid
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While in the seventh grade, our english teacher gave us a list of saying to write a paper about.I chose "Necessity is the Mother of invention".Imagine my surprise when I couldn't find her in the World Book Encylopedia!

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wheni was 2 i used to believe adding was just saying some random number or somthin

rayray math
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