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I used to believe while I was growing up in Elementary school that "make up" exams were where we had to put on make up I was starting to fear that grade....
I used to think that we wore school uniforms so if we were ever lost in the streets people would know which school to return us to.
When I was going from Preschool to Kindergarten I thought hat it was pronounced Kid-in-a-Garden. I thought that it was a place where little kids grow plants and such. Either that, or children were buried and had to wait for plants to grow out of them. I soon found out the first day that this was not true.
At school we have this fountain and the water in it is brown (it was built as some sort of water recycling project years ago) and my teacher in year 7 told our class it was coca cola. The other day I go to my friend "if i gave you ten bucks would you drink the coke from the fountain?" And she goes "You know its not actually coke right?" And I'm like "yeah...." I can't believe it took me that long to realise, I'm in year 12!!!! I'm 17 years old and for the past five years I'v e beleived that there was coke in the fountain!.....
This is not about me. This kid who used to sit next to me was very stupid. Sorry haha. One day the teacher was explaining how the earth spun so slow we couldnt see it moving. This kid jumps up and screams "YOUR WRONG THE EARTH SPINS SO FAST THAT WE CANT SEE IT MOVING!!!" he started to shake his head rabidly.... Then he cut my pants with a scissor... My oh my. Kids are freaky.
I used to believe that at an After School Detention the teachers would lock you into a closet and make you do your work.
I used to think everyone just kind of stayed inside and did house work until I got out of school. When I had doctor's appointments and saw people out and about, I assumed they had various emergencies to tend to.
top belief!
At my school, the office lady would get on the intercom at the end of school and say "Prepare for dismissal now. Bus riders go first."
My ENTIRE year of kindergarten I thought she was saying "Prepare for this missile." and I remember thinking, "Oh no! What missile??" And BEGGING my mom to let me take the bus so I could escape first. I thought the school just favored the people who took the bus and let them get out first in case of a missile attack.
I used to believe that college was mandatory and was what you went to after high school. My mom and dad always said "After you finish college..." and stuff like that so I assumed you had to go. When I got to middle school and they asked us if we were college bound, I thought it was a test to see if you were going to be a future criminal and ditch school. Then when adults said they didn't go to college I thought that meant they were on a run from the law because skipping school was illegal (or something to that affect)
When I was in grammar school, the fourth and fifth grade had school band. I remember watching the flutes in kindergarten pick up in the middle of some songs. I thought that in band, u could take breaks and just join in when u wanted to in a song
I used to believe teacher's had eyes on the back of their head's!
When I was in elementary school and looking ahead to junior high, I was nervous because I knew there would be gym class and I thought the boys and girls showered together afterwards.
I used to believe that there was at least one person in every school who could read minds. I always had to censor my thoughts at school because I never knew who could have been "listening." I couldn't even think things like "So-and-so's hair looks weird today" because I was afraid that the mind reader at my school would tell them what I thought and they would get mad at me.
When I was absent from school during a test, I had to do a "make-up test" and I always thought of this as a test where they see how well you can put on makeup. This was until I had my first "make-up test" in third grade!!!!!
Right when I started school, I believed that you could get kicked out of school for chewing gum.
I use to beleive...
-when i was in elementary school, i heard this thing that once you were sick and you came back to school you had to take this thing called a "makeup-test" I was so scared that the teachers would sit me in a room and make me put on makeup, so i would stay at school even though i really needed to be home
top belief!
i used to think that an eraser was full of all the letters that it had erased and i made up scenarios where they were all talking about me and saying i was mean for erasing them.
When I was 7 yrs old at my school, the timetable of the day would always be written on the board for everyone to know what was going to happen. One day I saw "Drama" written on the board. I literally freaked out, I thought that I meant that there was going to be a lot of "drama" happening and I believed that maybe we would all have to go to the hospital and there would be alot of "drama" there.
That a satchel was a skeleton, and I would have to wear a skeleton on my back for school!
Until I was 9 I believed high school was hice school.Even now I sometimes say hice school when I mean high school
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