i used to believe

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I remember when I was about six or seven that I had my first day off from school as I was sick. Lying on the couch all day and watching nothing but cartoons seemed like a great life to me! So after that I always wanted to have more sick days. One day I came up with the brilliant idea while having a little bit of my older sisters Pot Noodle (a noodle like snack for those not in the know, that I was never allowed to have at the time) that I could pass it off as vomit. I had a mouthful one day and kept it in my mouth without swallowing and walked up to my mom who was watching TV and promptly spat out my mouthful and then groaned that I felt sick. Of course she didn't believe me and was furious with me for spitting food on the carpet for no reason at all.

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I used to believe that the school was fun

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When I was five or six, I drew on a globe and a teacher snapped, "You must not draw on school property!!".
So I thought that drawing wasn't allowed on school premises.

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In elementary school, the teacher referred to a meeting with the "school board". I pictured people sitting around talking with a plank of wood.

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when I was little I thought that Day care was a place with big drawers all around the walls and that they would store each kid in a drawer until their mom would pick them up.. ^_^ duhh!!

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Before i started school, i thought that "English Class" was a class where you learned how to speak english. I always thought that i would not have to take english class since i already spoke english. I thought that until I started school.

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My dad used to think there was a spanking machine at school. You had to sit in a chair with 2 hand shaped paddles that continued at light speed until the red light turned on indicating you were sore. lol

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Right when I started school, I believed that you could get kicked out of school for chewing gum.

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While in the seventh grade, our english teacher gave us a list of saying to write a paper about.I chose "Necessity is the Mother of invention".Imagine my surprise when I couldn't find her in the World Book Encylopedia!

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In Kindergarten the school nurse was doing hearing tests for our class one day. We were called down to her office one by one. The teacher tried her best to explain what the test was to us but of course I was the only one that took it way out of proportion. I understood that they were going to put headphones on us and we were going to hear these high pitched sounds. I thought the sounds were going to be really really loud. So loud that it would make me deaf. So when the teacher said it was my turn to go down there I just burst into tears and didn't want to go. I kicked and screamed so much I had to be carried down the nurses office and they sent another student down too so I could watch and see that it wasn't going to hurt or make you deaf.
Yeah I was that kid in your class that cried over everything.....

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I used to believe that if I hid under my desk with one hand covering my face and the other covering the back of my neck I would be safe from nuclear attack at school.

little b
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When I was in elementary school our family knew another family by the last name of Reese. When at school they talked of going out to the playground for "recess", I thought the Reese kids would be there. I kept looking for them at recess, but since the Reeses went to a private school, I was always mystified why I never saw them.

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My youngest daughter used to believe, that if she was late for school and they put you in the book, she would be locked in the bookcase.

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In kindergartern we were told by the "big kids" that if we got sent to the office, we'd get spanked with an electric paddle

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I used to think in kindergarten and first grade that if you got 'kicked out of school' for failing, misbehaving, or whatever, that the principal would come and take you to the door of the school and literally kick you out.

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I used to believe that the letter grades in school stood for-A-Excellent(I wasn't a good speller),
B-Bad, C-Cool, D-Dumb, and F-Failing.

Chester Finnigan SnapDragon McFisticuffs
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When my first grade teacher assigned us a report (of some kind; I don't remember what a first grader was supposed to write a report on) to be placed in a manila folder, I insisted to my mother that I had to have a "vanilla folder" to put my report in. She had to call the teacher to clear up the misunderstanding. (She didn't know what a manila folder was, either.)

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At school we have this fountain and the water in it is brown (it was built as some sort of water recycling project years ago) and my teacher in year 7 told our class it was coca cola. The other day I go to my friend "if i gave you ten bucks would you drink the coke from the fountain?" And she goes "You know its not actually coke right?" And I'm like "yeah...." I can't believe it took me that long to realise, I'm in year 12!!!! I'm 17 years old and for the past five years I'v e beleived that there was coke in the fountain!.....

coke joke
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i used to think jauar was pronounced jag-you-war thanks to a winnie the pooh episode. It made for an embarassing moment when reading in class

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i used to think that techers were actuakky these computer-androids and thats why they knew a lot of things because it was programmed into them and stuff... lol

Alison Wolfsbane
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