i used to believe

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When I was about eight, I thought that all teachers had bad breath. My mom said, "What's teacher's breath?" Turns out that every teacher I had had up until then was a smoker. I just thought it was part of being a teacher.

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When i was in infant school we all used to eat our lunch in the classroom. One day my mum had given me iced gems to eat. on the back there was always a compatition. I would read the question on the back and shout out the answer as loud as i could. The teacher would ask me what i was doing. I told her that if i shout the answer loud enough the invisible camberas that secretly watched us all the time would hear me and i would win the prize.

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I thought all teachers in school were married to each other

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I had a teacher whose name was Miss Lee. But as a little kid only hearing the words I didn't realize that they were two words or where to separate them. When I went to spell her name I wrote Miss Sleep. At first I wrote Miss Slee, but slee wasn't a word, I thought, so I added a 'p'. Then I always called her Miss Sleep.

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I used to believe that all teachers were little old ladies with white hair and glasses and had English accents. I was really disappointed when I realized my teacher Mrs. Harrington (the name seemed English and old ladyish enough) was a young japanese woman.

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I used to believe that my teacher,Mrs. Fite, because of her name would fight kids and other teachers. Of course this is when I was in 1st grade. I liked to aviod my teacher because of that belief

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When I first entered kindergarten, in December our principal left and a new one came. I used to think every year we switched principals and it was called changing principals day. I told everyone that, when in reality, the principal just quit, and we had the same principal all those years, except in the middle of fifth grade when the principal left in the middle of the year. It's a good thing I learned the truth by then, otherwise I would've thought it was a tradition every five years.

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When I was little my mom told me that if you shew gum at school, the teacher would put it on your nose and make you wear it the whole day. Because my mom told me that, I believed it. I believed it for the LOGNEST time. Later, when kids began to bring gum into school, I would wonder why the teachers never said anything. I actualyl thought it was in a rule book that if a student is caught chewing gum they'd have to wear it on their nose. I must've been nuts to believe that for so long.

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My little brother, when he was in 1st Grade, used to believe that his Principal had a bed of nails and he would make the bad kids lie on it. I think his idea might have come from the fact that the principal's name was Mr. Screws. He came home one day because he got into trouble at school and was terrified that the principal would come get him and make him use the bed. (We lived across the street from the main entrance which didn't help matters)

seth thomas
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I used to belive that teachers were evil.....that why they made us do homework.

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When I was 4 I thought that teachers were like Mr.Ratburn on Arther.

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I used to think that the teachers storage room was actually their bedroom and when all the pupils left they would sleep in there. I thought that was why the teachers were always at school so early and we were never allowed in their storage rooms.

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In my schol the teachers parked their cars in a row in a car park which the kids could also run about in. One day I decided that every different car colour had a different flavour. My friends and I ran around licking the yellow car for a lemon taste, the red for strawberry and so on...

Sarah M
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When I was in elementary school I believed that the teachers had buckets down at their underwear to go pee...Cause they never did! All us kids used to pee like every hour or so, and the teachers never did...So, I came to the conclusion in the 2nd grade that they peed in buckets under their dress'

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I was told that children of different ages were in different "grades" in school -- first grade was when you were six, fifth grade was when you were ten, etc.

However, my birthday is in February, which is in the middle of the school year. When I was in Kindergarten, I started getting increasingly worried right before my sixth birthday because I thought that after my kindergarten class held the usual in-class party for me, my teacher would pick me up, physically drop-kick me out the door to the classroom, and leave me to find my way to the first grade classroom by myself.

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in the first grades I used to believe that my teacher didn't sleep, go to the bathroom, eat, have family or kids, have home. It was a sensation when I discovered that she was a human being like me. I couldn't come out of the shock for several weeks.

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my aunt said, if you want to impress your first grade teacher, this is what you must do.

say, 'hi mrs. dobieski. how is mr. dobieski, the lazy lout, and all the little dobieskis.

i did and my parent's were surprised i made it to the second grade

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When I was in elementary school in kindergarten till first, the vice principal was named Mr. Ebneth. I couldn't pronounce it right, so I called him Mr.EggBreath! Since I was just 5, I didn't get in trouble, he just laughed. ^-^

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I used to believe that one of my schools supply teachers was actually a dog-person, because of her jowls. I used to think she would go into the supply closets and morph into a dog once everyone had left school.

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i used to think that at night all of my teachers turned into my soft toys so they could keep and eye on me.

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