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My 7th grade teacher...he looked like Santa. he had a button nose, and a white beard, but he was thin. we called him the "anorexic santa claus" and he danced around when people got good grades and said words that seemed friendly to children, not so friendly to older people like us...he once made a mistake and when pointed out, said "Oh, I'm a naughty boy!" and always asked for our phone numbers (to call our parents...i think he was at&t obsessed)

from then on we decided that he was a sexual predator santa and we all tried to steer clear.

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This how I imagine substitute teaching working:
The sick teacher would be lying in his/her bed like they were dying. The principle would be at their bedside. The teacher would say, "Please, have (insert name of substitute here) teach my class today" and then die or go to sleep or something

MaryKate,12, Connecticut
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When I was a kid, I thought that teachers all went to the same school to learn how to be teachers. I also thought they knew everything in the entire world but they didn't have time to teach everything before you finished high school, which is why there were colleges. You could go there to learn more if you wanted to.

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In kindergarten our teacher would select one student every day to take the attendance sheet to the principal's office. For the first two months of kindergarten I refused to do it, because I was afraid the principal would come out of his office and fire me from school.

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There were a bunch of boys in my second grade class who figured out that you could touch their eyeballs with their fingers. My teacher didn't like it because of germs so she told them if you accidently hit the black middle part of your eye it would pop out. I believed it until I was about 14.

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when i was in elementry school, me and my friends would go to the main hall for assembly.
but all the time the principal was talking we was looking at the air vent above him. now, im the air vent must have been two slits in the brick behind letting in sunlight, but as the rest of the vent was dark, it looked just like a pair of eyes.
we were petrified for years that one day we would go to school and the "eyes" would come out and get us. we spend every day trying to think of what terrible monster the eyes could have belonged to, but noone dared to have a look on their own.

as you can imagine, no teacher believed us.
they probably knew and was hiding the secret from us. well, they didnt want our advice, so let 'em be eaten! ]:) teehee :)

rennie-woo (the-monster-eye-spotter-!)
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I had this really awful kindergarten teacher. I mean, she was just dreadful, so to most people, it came as no surprise when she was fired the next year. My peers and I, however, thought that she had died and was now a ghost that lived in the attic of our school (it used to be a house), and looked down at us through the ceiling lights. It made sense at the time, seeing as no one was allowed into the attic, and until forth grade, my classmates and I were terribly scared of the ceiling lights.

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whenever i was mad at one of my teachers i'd draw pictures of them puking and shitting all over the place because that was the most humiliating thing i could imagine, and for some reason i believed that my drawing this would make it happen for real.

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When I first started secondary school, our form teacher introduced us to our Head of Year, and told us that as long as you kept on the right side of him he was fine, but he could get rather awkward if you got on the wrong side of him. I was 11 then, and even at that age I thought that meant he preferred you to walk on his right-hand or left-hand side!

Alan, Sheffield
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I used to think teachers really did have eyes at the back of their heads.

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i used to and kind of still fear that teachers can read minds. i cursed at teachers in my head all the time, and sometimes they gave me this look like i actually said it to them, but they were trying to hide their mind reading powers so they couldn't yell at me or i would find out.

that'd suck.
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I'm visually impaired, so when I was in second grade, and I moved from the school for the blind to a regular public school, I had a teacher called a vision teacher that worked with me on braille. One day when I was in class and one of the kids heard her called my "vision teacher," she asked her, "Are you teaching Jessie how to see?"

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I used to think the nuns at school were Daleks. You could never see their legs when they walked along the corridors so they seemed to drift like real Daleks. I used to attack them on sight. Eventually (when I was 6) I got hauled off to see an educational psychiatrist because during art classes I just used to draw rows and rows of dozens of short vertical lines with a black crayon. When the teacher asked what it was I kept drawing I said "It's an army of nuns coming to get me.".

Ian Steele
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I thought when we had quiet time in class, the teachers all went to the teachers' lounge and played naked pattycake.

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Ok, so, I seriously thought that teachers never went to the bathroom, or ever left the classroom, and that when they led you down the hall to the lunchroom, (or wherever) it wasn't really them, but a clone that never spoke except to yell at you to be quiet.

I believed the clone belief until 2nd grade, and with the bathroom one until about halfway through 6th grade, when my math teacher asked me to tell the rest of the kids that she was going to the bathroom... I was seriously shocked.
I looked at her and said "You go to the bathroom, Ms. Shelstad?!"

She's really nice, so she just laughed and said, "Yes, all teachers are just as human as you are, and all humans have to "go" sometimes."

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Also, I used to think (in 1st-5th grade) that teachers never had to swallow their spittle, and that their voices were always sharp and clear. Boy, was I wrong! One day, my 5th grade reading teacher, Mrs. Ryshen, came in with her voice completely lost. I was staring at her the whole day.

And then in 3rd grade, my teacher Mr. Bolard was typing at his computer and starting - no joke - drooling! I thought this was just preposterous!

An Enlightened 8th Grader
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when i was younger i used to believe that when i was in assembly and i thought bad things the teachers would see it in a speech bubble above my head !

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During St. Patrick's Day one year, my teacher stapled a leprechaun that she cut out of paper to the wall and told everyone that she was finally able to catch one. Every once in a while, our teacher or a student would exclaim that it moved, and we'd all get excited. This got to the point where all of us were actually convinced that it was constantly moving. I didn't realize until a few years later that the leprechaun couldn't possibly have been able to move. Its arms and legs were stapled down! (Who knows when I figured out it wasn't even a leprechaun....)

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When I was three I used to believe that teachers were desk...? I thought they were talking desk that would move around and know everything.

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until i was in 5th grade, i used to believe that teachers could read minds. When I was mad at a teacher I would wait until i was home t think mean things about them.

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I used to believe that the principal was the mother/father of the teachers and staff of the school and they were all brothers and sisters. I started this belief in first grade. It stopped around fifth grade.

Tiffany Jean Greer
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